"Long knowledge!"

"This is the activated teleportation array!"

"We are so lucky!"

The crowd watching the teleportation array were all very excited. Didn't expect to be able to see the activated teleportation array this time. He was really lucky. You know, sometimes they point their backs. After waiting for seventy-eighty years, you may not be able to see the teleportation array activated.

"These people are all great characters from Jiumu County, right?"

The crowd of onlookers looked at the eleven people flying out, with envy in their eyes. After all, this thing is not something anyone can sit if they want to sit. I heard that not many people are qualified to do it except for the level of the lord of a county.

Once activated, it will consume the legendary Space Stone, which is simply connected to the city. If you sell dozens of planets, it may not be enough to buy a nail-sized Space Stone!

That is the legendary treasure!

. . . . . .

At this moment.

Outside the square.

Many people gathered, about three to five hundred, pointing fingers to the front few things.

"Huh? What is this?"


"This look is really weird!"

"It's really ugly!"

In front of these people, there are a dozen extended Rolls-Royce, but whether it is the materials used to build the car or his power system, it is far from Earth’s work. Slaughter can be compared.

Even under this car, there is a flying power system.

You can start rushing to the sky at any time.

Only at this moment, many Nanzhan star people onlookers do not know what these dozen or so cars are, because the models they use today are all round, and they even have feet that can walk underneath. .

It can fly into the sky, go into the sea, and travel on land.

There are no iconic wheels, and they are replaced by floating power systems.

Compared with the Rolls Royce in front of me, it looks much more advanced and sci-fi.

"What do you know!"

"This is an Ancient One car!"


"Art! "

"You can't understand it at all!"

A youngster who looks quite young, staring at these dozen Rolls-Royce at this moment, directly opened the mouth and said. Because he has recognized it, this is the traffic vehicle that was popular on the underdeveloped planet thousands of years ago, or hundreds of years ago.

However, he didn’t have much excitement, because of this thing, he wanted to build it himself. As long as the materials were enough, he could build his intelligent robot with no difficulty. There was nothing. Difficulty.

After all, compared with today's vehicles, there is almost no technology in it.

Who just used this kind of complex ancient war chariot?

However, although these people are curious, they are all talking in a low voice. They dare not speak too loudly, because they all noticed that there are four burly man standing around the car.

This big man, dressed in black clothed, wears sunglasses, has bulging muscles on his body, and his back and abdomen are all with the tip of a knife. Is it an ordinary person to be able to do this kind of dress here?

Be aware that the Namzhan planet, as the most important planet of Namzhan Mansion, is forbidden to carry weapons!

Unless it is put in a space ring!

But this thing, what an ordinary person can have!

Another possibility is to apply for a license to carry weapons! But this kind of application, just like Earth's firearms application, is very difficult to approve. Now these people are swaggering with weapons without anyone intervening. Obviously, they all have a license to carry weapons!

And those who can have this thing, how can they afford it.

They just watched the excitement and talked about it.


"It's out!"

"It's out!"

"Someone is out!"

When the silhouettes of Nine Eyes and Ning Tianlin appeared at the entrance of the square, many people were startled, because just from the naked eye, you can see the whole body of these two people, full of endless Power.

Behind them, there are nine people who are the other nine players in the Jiumu County. They are all envious of seeing Ning Tianlin being able to go side by side with Jiumu. They are totally disqualified.

It is not possible to stand parallel to Jiumu.

"Nine Eyes!"

"Is the Nine Eyes Lord of Jiu Eye County!"

"He is here!"

"It seems to be preparing for the battle of geniuses after half a month!"

"Then these youngsters are all Jiumu County geniuses participating this time!"

The opposite side of the square is not empty, but there are many shops and the like. At this moment, the figure of Nine Eyes just appeared, and the onlookers were the Palace Lord of those shops, and some people recognized Nine Eyes!

After all, this is the lord of a county!

One of the thirty-six border officials in Nanzhan Mansion!

For thousands of years, he has been here many times, and many people have seen him, and there are also some reports about him on the Internet all day long. Not much strange.

Moreover, these out-and-out Nanzhanfu people also know that after half a month, it will be the Nanzhanfu genius trials once every 100 years.

Calculating time, it should be the time when these geniuses began to show up and gather.

It’s just who this youngster is, so amazing, or how impudent it should be, that he dares to stand on the same line with Jiumu! According to common sense, Jiumu should have killed him long ago!

Supreme is Supreme, no one can sit on an equal footing!

"My lord!"

As soon as the nine-eyed figure came out, a big man rushed up to him and bent over. However, he just glanced at Ning Tianlin and didn't ask much. Master Nine Eyes didn't say anything, he dared to ask, courting death would not be successful!

"The rooms are ready."

"We can go now."

The big man respectfully said. He is the resident Chief-In-Charge of Jiumu County here, just like every company, or every province, or even every county, is located in the central Jingbei city of China, and has a resident representative.

It’s just that no one knows how much he hopes to leave here as soon as possible, because he feels ashamed to be here.

What kind of antique broken car is this? It doesn't have a modern and advanced feel!

There are wheels!

It's like China is full of cars nowadays, but you have to drive a walking tractor out for a stroll! Don't bury the talents! He has been here for more than half an hour, and he just feels that his face is almost red!

He didn't expect anyhow, his adult Jiumu specifically told him to make this kind of car, and even sent him a blueprint to do it. Although he was puzzled in his heart and was a little unwilling, he didn't dare to violate the words of Nine Eyes.

brace oneself, it took a day to make these Ancient Ones.

Yes, one day!

Because of these things, for them, there is no difficulty, no different from pediatrics.

"What kind of car is this!"

"It's broken!"

Even the nine people who followed, but they didn’t dare He said nothing. It must have been carefully prepared by Chief-In-Charge here to be able to appear here.

Master Nine Eyes didn't say anything, they didn't want to survive.

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