"Yes, these Rolls Royces are much better than those on Earth."

These cars, of course, Ning Tianlin asked to make them. Yes, it looks weird in the eyes of others, LOW can no longer be LOW, but in his eyes, it is a luxury car and a good car. This is a kind of feeling.

The feelings brought out from Earth!

"Master Ning, please get in the car!"

In the eyes of everyone, the nine eyes parallel to Ning Tianlin, bent over, stepped forward and opened the car door in person. He stretched out his right hand and placed three punches on Ning Tianlin's head to prevent him from hitting the roof of the car.


"What's the matter?"

Seeing this scene, especially many people who recognize the identity of Jiumu, are afraid Believe in your own eyes, what's going on? The lord of a county, the rank of the chief official in Nanzhan Mansion, how can he open the door to a youngster!

The attitude just now is so respectful!

What Lord Ning?

What kind of Lord Ning could be at this young age?

Even the servants on the side who were stationed in Nanzhan Mansion all the year round looked at Ning Tianlin in shock. They couldn't believe that the Sovereign in their hearts, the extremely powerful existence of Nine Eyes, called this youngster grown ups!

What is his background!

However, Ning Tianlin didn't care about the discussions spiritedly of the people on the side, let alone guessing their thoughts, so he bent down and sat in. But when Jiumu was about to bend down to do it, a loud voice broke his movement.

"Isn't this Jiumu?"

"You came so early?"

"Is it not prepared enough to prepare your talented students, Does the stupid bird fly first?"

The voice is rough, the breath is strong, and it sounds like the voice spoken by the middle age person of Earth about 40 years old, but Ning Tianlin knows that he dared to call Jiumu his name in person , This kind of people are definitely over a thousand years old.

I couldn't help but, with a hint of curiosity, looked at the entire group coming from the exit of the teleportation array.

These people are eleven in total. Ten young students look like they are headed by a big guy with all green hair, about two meters two or three in height, and he didn’t look at his appearance. Ning Tianlin At first glance, I was attracted by his hair.

The volume is thick and thick, like a big green hat on the head.

Green hat!

Ning Tianlin chuckled. In Earth, no man dared to walk in the crowd with such a hat.

However, he also recognized at first glance from the memory of the Nine Eyes that he had read before, that this person was named Pan Lan.

Is one of the 36 counties, the princess owner of Panlan County!

Battle strength is not much different from Jiumu, but it is better!

Panlan County is the closest county to Jiumu County. The two have adjacent territories and starry sky. For this reason, there are often competitions between Heaven and Earth Treasure near the intersection. And conflict broke out.

Although it is all about the subordinates, the two of them are originally disagreeable and have some recoil, so they have always been wrong.

Especially, he obviously has a higher battle strength than Jiumu, but in the eyes of Palace Lord Nanzhan Mansion, Jiumu is more important, and every time the county ranks, How could he be willing to be one or two ahead of him.

So, the relationship between the two is not very harmonious.

As long as we meet each other, it's normal to express sarcasm.

Unexpectedly, this time, the front and rear feet came out of the teleportation array. The square in the southwest corner is covered with four teleportation formations, one in Jiumu County and one in Panlan County.

So as soon as Panlan came out, when he saw Jiumu, he habitually expressed sarcasm.

It’s only this time that he was extremely surprised that the nine eyes who heard him were only figure stopped, and then as if he hadn’t heard, without looking back, he would sit in Rollsley. In his car.


Panlan was taken aback, isn't it?

What's the matter?

Jiumu took the wrong medicine, so he didn't fight back?

It shouldn’t be!

In the past, as long as I started, my opponent would play with me. What's wrong now?


The stranger Panlan felt, the more he refused to let go of Jiumu. When he was about to get into the car, he already shot violently, stood in front of Jiumu, and stretched out his hand. Blocking the car door, he said sarcastically, "What?"


"Still being guilty of my conscience?"

"Take it Ten wastes come here?"

He just froze for a moment without waiting for Nine Eyes to counterattack, huh? That's not right! Why are there only nine?




. . . . . .

Not bad!

There are nine!

Excluding nine eyes, there are only nine participating students!

What the hell?

Now Ning Tianlin has been seated in the Rolls-Royce car, and the back is shut, so he simply did not notice that there is still a person sitting in the car. In other words, he simply never thought of investigating with his mind.

After all, Jiumu is still here, who is eligible to sit inside?

Who dares to sit inside first!

Just now Ning Tianlin's silhouette, he didn't see it.


"It seems that I was right! You Jiumu County has a guilty conscience this time!"

"It's too rubbish , Even the ten participating students couldn't get together, and only nine came. Why, the other one was eaten by you?"

Panlan was very ironic.

Secretly, as the head of a county, he should not be so agitated and frivolous, as he is the chief official of the Nanzhan Mansion. It can change the color of the landslide in the front.

But somehow, it's like how some people deal with it when they meet for the first time. He doesn't know why he loses control every time he sees the nine eyes of the same level.

If you don't say a few sarcasm, you feel uncomfortable.

And his series of actions caused the ten participating students behind him to stare hostilely at the other nine students in Jiumu County. They are also aware of the contradiction between the two counties, and there are many related reports on the Internet.

Seeing that my princess had crushed the princess of Jiumu County to death, I didn’t dare to put a fart. These students of Panlan County were all looking high, as if they had won a battle with them. Like a rooster.

Looked towards the nine students of Jiumu County on the side, they are all contemptuous.

And these nine students were staring at them panting with rage, but the princess did not speak, and they did not dare to contradict the slightest language, but they all looked at it like hatred. Looking at the ten students of the other side, I can't wait to start a battle now.

In Nine Eyes Academy, they may not deal with it very much, but now they come out as a family, the same enemy is against each other. This is the most basic rule.

"fuck off!"

Just now it was just a verbal collision. His nine eyes didn’t bother to pay attention. Now seeing the other party stretch out his hand and block the door, he was immediately furious and he spoke coldly. snorted. The speech was slow, but with a deep chill.

The nine-eyes nowadays are no longer the original nine-eyes.

The original nine-eyes are no longer the original nine-eyes. The original him, who is already dead, can’t die anymore. Now he controls this body. Yes, it is a very mysterious Puppet Insect.

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