"I also know shyness. It seems that I am not open-minded in matters of men and women."

"Can’t let go!"

Ning How could Tianlin's performance be concealed from Palace Master Nanzhan, the conclusion could not be reached in the heart. For him, let alone being watched by tens of thousands of people for a few minutes, he will not be any strange in one or two years.

At worst, with a big hand, all the women stayed and slept with him.

This is the power of his Nanzhan Palace Lord, no one dares to violate it!

However, just think about it. Of course, his focus will not be on these trivial matters, seeing Ning Tianlin recovering, and having looked up at him, he took the lead in speaking, "Yes, you still I’m very pleased to be alive!"

"I lost this gambling fight!"

He Nanzhan is not so stingy. If he loses, he loses. He will admit it, and He is not wronged by a genius who has not been able to make a single loss for thousands of years. Even he would not let Ning Tianlin know that he actually wanted to release the water at the end.

Not really trying to kill Ning Tianlin.

It's just that he finally saw the rising energy and didn't let it go.

If you lose, you lose. There is not so much hypocrisy, and there is no need for Ning Tianlin to be grateful.


"Acknowledge it?

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, but didn't expect Nan Zhan to admit it? Even in her expression, she didn't have the slightest twist Twitching.

Is it so neat?

He thought that he would have to spend a lot of talking, and even Nan Zhan would not admit it to the death.

Can’t help but, yes. This person Nan Zhan has a lot of affection.

Although the other party just wanted to kill himself, it is also a normal maintenance principle. After all, he killed his subordinates and stabbed such a big basket. Always give an explanation.

Moreover, he even vaguely feels that he Nanzhan is not really trying to kill himself. If not, he would not say that "I lost," "I want to stay with him for a thousand years." This kind of ambiguous words.

The prerequisite for losing is that I have died in the fight, and if I die, how can I stay with him for a thousand years?

It is very possible that he was really not going to kill himself just now.

But Ning Tianlin knows that this is just a guess of himself, and this kind of thing has to get results. Unless the battle strength system is now able to speak and get results from his omniscient mouth.

Or, it’s invading Nanzhan’s brain and forcibly reading his spirit. But this, he’s probably very It's hard to do.

"Admit it! "

"Palace Master Nanzhan actually admitted that he lost"!

Many onlookers were also shocked. They did not expect that Palace Master Nanzhan would admit it himself. . Even the many princess generals who have some understanding of the character of Palace Lord Nanzhan are also surprised.

They know that Dao Mansion’s character is graceful, easy to approach, and not stingy, but in front of so many People confessed their failures, but still surprised them.

"So, these three space rings are mine? "

And Ning Tianlin just glanced at Palace Master Nanzhan, then looked around Kongming around him, Zeng Huang, Bu Xiaoduo, three people, stretched out their hands, three spaces The ring appeared in his palm.

It was not something else, it was the space ring snatched from the three of Kongming.

And taking advantage of the Ning Tianlin fight. Time, the three of Kongming, and I don’t know where to ask for medicine pill, the arm that was cut off by Ning Tianlin will grow back.

"Not bad. "

"They are yours. "

Palace Lord Nanzhan is nodded and doesn't care.

This thing is not so precious to him. It's just that the three of Kongming are the corners of the mouth. Straight smoke, because of this thing, but most of their wealth, wealth and resources accumulated over thousands of years, are all in it.

I originally thought that the property could be returned to the original owner, but now it seems that it is It's completely out of play, even Palace Lord Nanzhan spoke.




I didn’t hesitate anymore. Although I was drooping, I was still very conscious, and reluctantly broke the spiritual connection between myself and it. After I was done, I just said okay to Ning Tianlin, and I continued to stand in Nanzhan. The palace owner said nothing.

I really don’t want to pay attention to this Ning Tianlin.

Too annoying!




At the same time.

Ning Tianlin divided his mind into three parts and was immersed in the space ring It didn’t take long. He was eyes shined, because he also found five drops of blood essence in different colors in these three space rings.

It’s not something else, it’s five drops of ancestral witches. blood essence!

And it is the blood essence of the ancestor of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth!

"Sure enough, they also have it! "

Ning Tianlin smiled in his heart, because with these five drops of blood essence, he can make the fusion that he has obtained more pure, even he couldn't help but hit Nan in front of him. Palace Lord Zhan.

After all, the blood essence of these ancestral witches is all in him!

The blood essence of these princesses and generals is all issued by him. He is likely to have more on him.

"All the rest are exchanged for essence points. "

I made a decision soon in the heart.

Although there are still many hidden treasures I don’t know what they are doing, but it’s not important anymore. As long as the spirit is enough, He Ning Tianlin can get everything he wants. Especially standing in front of this Palace Master Nanzhan, he feels so pale and weak.

I just want to improve his battle strength as soon as possible.

And only with sufficient energy, can it increase its battle strength madly immediately!


"Congratulations to the host, for successfully gaining 3.28 billion Six million four hundred and twenty thousand points of energy! "

Soon, Ning Tianlin's ears rang the voice of the battle strength system, which shocked him with 3.2 billion!

3.28 billion Ten thousand points of energy!

In addition to the ninety thousand or so energy that he has just left, that is to say, his current total energy has exceeded 3.3 billion!

"His! "

Directly in the heart held breath cold air, because it was his biggest income for so many years, and he would get 3.2 billion points of energy in one go! If it were his one by one Accumulate, I don’t know how many creatures to kill!

Even slaughtering a few planets, you may not be able to earn.

"Sure enough, these county chiefs and generals are all big Rich man level! "

Ning Tianlin thought of the other thirty-odd princesses and some generals. If all of their space rings are obtained, his energy points will probably be soaring!


When the time comes, his battle strength will probably surpass Nanzhan!

After all, these people almost monopolize over 80% of the resources of Nanzhan Mansion!


No matter where it is, the real resources are in the hands of the people of Peak.

Even involuntarily, Ning Tianlin put his gaze into the hands of Palace Master Nanzhan. On the space ring he is carrying, his subordinates can have so many resources and can exchange so much essence, what about him?

Snatch him, I am afraid that there will be no one in the entire Nanzhan Mansion. I can beat him.

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