"What kind of look is this."

Looking at Ning Tianlin staring at his space ring, Palace Master Nanzhan felt a bit of cold, but it was just a blink of an eye. I didn’t care much about the matter, and said to Ning Tianlin, “Well, I’m talking arithmetic, you will take over the matter of killing Princess Panlan.”

“If you are willing, you are The new princess, Tianlin princess!"

"Administration of the area under the control of the original Panlan princess."

President Nanzhan threw an olive branch and was even more in the crowd. In, such as dropping a bomb to the sky.


"Isn't it?"

"Sir Mansion Lord actually wants this Ning Tianlin to become the princess? Instead of the dead Panlan County Lord!"

Too many people were shocked by the words. You know, this is the lord of a county, and he is in charge of hundreds of billions, even trillions of living beings, making one less than twenty-three years old. The youngster will do it.

What experience does he have?

I’m afraid I don’t have enough life experience!

Simply can't manage it!

These words were made by the Nanzhan Palace Lord, and no one would listen to them as a joke.

Especially the students who originally came with the host of Panlan County, their faces have changed and cannot be changed anymore. What kind of situation, let this murderer be the host of the county, isn't it killing them!

Just now, they were all horrified at this person, and even shouted!

If he becomes the princess, will they still have good fruit to eat in the future!


Even Ning Tianlin himself was surprised, simply didn't expect that Palace Lord Nanzhan would say such things and let himself become the lord of a county In that case, wouldn't his status be similar to that of Princess Jiumu?

But it was only an instant, he shook the head, "No, I don’t have the ability, and I’m not interested."

Ning Tianlin directly refused. The lord of the county is a great official who controls millions and millions of creatures. Of course, he will act like a happy zi zi, but his Ning Tianlin is different.

Don't talk about the lord of a county, it is his position as the lord of Nanzhan, he doesn't necessarily care! Even the Lord of the Galaxy, he is confident that one day in the future, he will surpass.

Being trapped in the position of the lord of a county has somewhat hindered his own development.


Seeing Ning Tianlin's refusal, the students of Princess Panlan were all long in the heart and relieved. Fortunately, they did not agree. , If not, they would really not be able to eat it and walk around.


"I see."

"I just mentioned it."

See Ning Tianlin refused. Not only was Palace Lord Nanzhan not angry, but as if he had known the result earlier, said with a smile, "Then I declare that you are the first in the battle of geniuses in Nanzhan Palace!"

"No need to participate."


It's just the next words of Palace Master Nanzhan, which surprised Ning Tianlin even more, because he actually called the shots himself. To call yourself the number one in this battle of geniuses, you don't need to try again and again!

This feeling is good.

If this is the case, his Ning Tianlin will save a lot of time and experience.

Furthermore, he would not doubt whether Palace Lord Nanzhan could be the master. In the entire Nanzhan Palace, it is estimated that only he dared to say the word "No" in front of him, and he personally admitted who was First, who is the first!

The crowd of onlookers who heard this, especially the students of Jiumu Academy, the students of Panlan Academy, and the students of other Academy who had noticed this change, were a little unwilling.

But unwilling is just unwilling, not unconvinced.

People like this who can kill the princess, defeat the general, and even survive a trick in the hands of the Nanzhan Palace Lord, are simply not what they can handle!

Now the announcement is just a little bit ahead of the result.

I haven't heard Palace Master Nanzhan just said that the battle strength of Ning Tianlin has exceeded 1.5 million at least!


1.5 million!

Academy students who are currently participating in the competition, the one with the highest battle strength, will not survive more than one million! Nine Eyes Academy, Panlan Academy has the highest ranking, and its battle strength has only reached fifty-sixty or so!

Although it is a bit worse than the top academy students, it is not much worse.


"Your decision, I agree with it."

Ning Tianlin is not dilly-dallying, let alone a few excuses. , And then humbly accept that kind of polite remarks, but directly agree. Because this matter is also very important to him.

The time and energy saved can be done a lot.


Palace Master Nanzhan saw that Ning Tianlin was so rude, just laughed, and then announced loudly in public, "Then I will announce now, you Ning Tianlin, This is the number one genius of this year!"

After that, I looked around all around and said, "If anyone disagrees, just come to me!"

All responsibility, They were all stopped by themselves.

It's just a joke, but who really has an opinion, dare to ask you for a theory.


"Congratulations to the host, for completing the super serial mission "Martial Dao Martial Dao" in advance to enter the Nanzhanfu and get the first place and get the galaxy genius The official qualification for the Martial Dao competition."

"In view of your excellent performance, the original 50 million points of spirit rewards have been doubled, and the special rewards are 100 million points of fineness!"

As soon as Palace Master Nanzhan finished saying these words, Ning Tianlin's ears remembered the sound of the battle strength system, reminding him that the third ring of the super mission was successfully completed ahead of schedule, and the reward was doubled!

Can not help, Ning Tianlin is overjoyed.

I have awarded 50 million more essence points, but I still get it in advance!

This kind of over-reward situation has happened before. It's just rewards for completing hidden tasks. Although it was over-completed this time, there is no difference in essence between the two.

"Thank you Palace Lord."

In any case, Ning Tianlin thanked him. Regardless of the other party's calculations, but now, he still has a lot of advantages on the surface.

"You're welcome."

"This is what you deserve."

Palace Lord Nanzhan laughed, and then went on, "Since you just came , I haven’t stayed in the JiuMu Hotel yet. Or else, from now until you leave, I will live in my Nanzhan Mansion directly, how about?"

Palace Lord Nanzhan once again threw out an olive branch that is not an olive branch. , Although this does not seem to have any direct benefit, it represents the importance of Palace Lord Nanzhan to you!

Let you live in Nanzhan Mansion!

What an honor this is!

I don’t know how many people want to live in that house!

If you really live in, it means you are really ascending to the skies with a single leap! From now on, it will be Palace Master Nanzhan's person! No one dares to mess with it!


Ning Tianlin refused directly, he has too many secrets, how can he live under the nose of such a powerhouse, if he really lives in, no Can you be monitored all the time if you are full?

When the time comes, he might be allocated with no skin left!

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