"Isn't it?"


"This Ning Tianlin is too tricky! It turned out to be rejected twice in a row. The kindness of Palace Master Zhan!"

Listening to Ning Tianlin’s refusal again, too many people were shocked. Ning Tianlin is too courageous. You dare to refuse Palace Master Nan Zhan’s invitation twice in a row. , I take myself too seriously.

You are great, but in front of Palace Master Nanzhan, are you still a scum?

It's just a move, it will make your body broken, almost into scum. You are not dead, but you have completely lost the battle strength! What if Sir Mansion Lord attacked for the second time or the third time?

Are you still not belching completely?

What kind of cow are you?

Be careful that Sir Mansion Lord is angry, he will give you directly to ka-cha!

It’s just that Sir Mansion Lord, who will be angry in their mind, is not only not angry, but also looks very approachable, "Well, I’m not reluctant, just come to my house as a guest. How?"

"My Nanzhan Mansion, in the last ages there appeared a Heaven's Chosen Child like you, I always have a good feast."

After that, look directly at Ning. Tianlin's eyes are waiting for him to answer.

It’s just that he is a real banquet. It’s just that he takes this opportunity to explore Ning Tianlin’s reality and see if he has a great character. He doesn’t believe it, such a young man, The youngster, who is only twenty-three years old, can grow to this point with his own strength.

Even when he was immediately, he asked his subordinates to start investigating the planet "Earth".

Nothing else, because this super genius was born in this planet. He really wants to see what kind of planet it is that can cultivate this kind of character. It stands to reason that he should have heard of such a planet a long time ago, but he didn't have any impression.

"Thank you Palace Lord, then."

Ning Tianlin nodded, it is agreed.

He also knows that he can’t refuse too much. Since the other person’s attitude towards him is so good now, he can’t refuse too much from beyond a thousand li, which would only appear too cold. .

High coldness is not wrong, but if the opponent’s battle strength, strength, etc. are all over you, and you are still cold, then it is like a brain pumping, it is almost like courting death!

"That's good."

"At six o'clock tonight, I will set up a banquet in the mansion to welcome you."

Palace Master Nanzhan laughed With a beating heartily, he didn't say much, his figure flickered, turning into an afterimage, leaving the place.


"Finally gone!"

Looking at the departure of Palace Lord Nanzhan, Ning Tianlin in the heart took a long time. Tone, in front of this kind of character, he only feels like a duckweed in the sea, he will be subverted at any time.

Too much pressure!

Especially he can't figure out what kind of attitude the other party has towards him.

After a while, he didn't think much anymore. Following Jiumu and the others, he left here and went to the Jiumu Hotel not far away.


With the departure of Ning Tianlin and the others, the surrounding area was still a little quiet, immediately discussing spiritedly, the voices were not overpowering, but they shouted and discussed. No matter how powerful, what I want to say, I don’t care who this Ning Tianlin is on earth!

Where do you come from!

Where is the teacher?

Which special Great Family comes from!

Why is it so awesome!

It’s even getting more and more fictitious. It’s said that Ning Tianlin is likely to be descended from the Central Region of the Milky Way. He is the child of the top family there. This time he participated in the battle of geniuses in Nanzhan Mansion through the family. Arranged in advance.

It's just being treated as a trial.

This Ning Tianlin is not afraid of Palace Master Nanzhan, because behind him, there is a stronger Great Family standing! The power of this family, let alone the main fear of Nanzhan Mansion, is the lord of the galaxy, and it must be three-point courtesy to it!

. . . . . .

Ning Tianlin, who was taking a break in the JiuMu Hotel, couldn’t hear these people talking about him, and didn’t care about the videos about him on the entire network of Nanzhan Star. .

He didn't even know that these videos are being spread around the Internet at a very fast speed.

Even the Cuttlefish people, who are tens of thousands of light years away, learned of the news in a day or two. It's just that the owner of Cuttlefish Star has not returned from Earth, and he is on the way, and he doesn't know about this.

After all, things about Palace Lord Nanzhan usually spread extremely quickly.

Even in the network of the Milky Way, there was the spread of this matter, but it was quickly covered by all kinds of things. After all, the Milky Way is too big, and everyday all has too much too Many things happen.

If you want other mansions and other people in the galaxy to remember, unless Ning Tianlin is standing in the center of the galaxy, it is what happened in the center of the galaxy!

5:30 in the afternoon.

Ning Tianlin was already sitting in the special car to the Nanzhan Mansion. It was also a Rolls Royce, but it was not the ones that Jiumu prepared for him when he came, but from the Nanzhan Mansion!

Palace Lord Nanzhan ordered it to be built specifically for him! Because he guessed, Ning Tianlin may have a soft spot for this kind of vehicle, from the hometown of Ning Tianlin!

In Earth, it takes months or even a year to build an extended Rolls Royce, but here, it only takes one or two hours. Even if you are really anxious, It can be done in a few minutes!

Moreover, the quality and technological implications are far beyond what Earth can compare.

At 5:55, Ning Tianlin had already stood at the gate of the Nanzhan Mansion and stepped in.

The building community is even, in various forms.

When I just followed Steward to the residence of Nanzhan Palace Lord, I was taken aback, because the building in front of me felt like a high-rise building with carved beams and pillars. He is not sensitive to Earth architecture and has not done any research. If not, he will find that the low-rise building in front of him is similar to that of the Earth Qin and Han dynasties!

There are even some changes, but the essence is still there!

It is the architecture of the Qin and Han dynasties of Earth!

However, Ning Tianlin didn’t care either. After all, Nanzhan Mansion is too big, and various buildings are endless. Maybe any planet has this kind of architecture. If he likes Nanzhan, he lets people build it. That's it!

"Palace Lord, Ning Tianlin is here!"

As soon as Steward finished this sentence, the door of the house opened automatically, and I saw the Lord Nanzhan sitting there , There was a sumptuous delicacy in front of him, and the huge table was almost full.

"Come on, Tianlin!"

Palace Master Nanzhan stood up personally and made a gesture of please to Ning Tianlin. His attitude was enthusiastic, so he almost stepped forward to hold Ning. Tianlin's arm personally helped him sit down.

Wait for Ning Tianlin to sit down, and continue, "Look at these meals, it doesn’t suit your taste."

It was a banquet, but only Ning Tianlin and Nan Zhan two people. Even Palace Master Nanzhan waved his hand and dispatched all the waiters in the house. The next conversation involved major issues.

The less people know, the better.

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