"What's going on!"

"Who is this Ning Tianlin!"

The red-clothed man crushed the communication symbol in his hand , Asked the other party who sent the message.

Communication symbol, a communication tool for thousands of miles, was relatively common before the birth of the information device, but since the network and communicator, few people use it. But in this Yun Ling Pagoda, only this kind of talisman can be used.

In front of the powerful Spiritual Qi, the signal transmitted by the information device has been completely distorted and cannot be used at all.

"It’s impossible to tell the truth. You'd better come out and watch the video."

"He was very powerful. Not only did he kill the Lord Panlan, but The three generals of Kongming were defeated by him!"

Soon, a message came from the communication symbol again, which greatly changed the complexion of the red-clothed man. killed!

This. . . . . . .

This is the lord of a county!

The existence of battle strength over a million!

He was killed by a young student!

Who is he and where did he come from!

“weng! ”

“weng! ”

As his mind vibrates, the surrounding Spiritual Qi has also become extremely unstable, as if There was a depth bomb inside, and after a long time, it was like an explosion, booming.

Exudes endless power.


So far, this red-clothed youngster has stood up, flew out, flew out of the Eighth Layer tower, and went outside. Compared with this important news, cultivation is not important anymore.

Because he is the number one in Nanzhan Mansion!

If there are no surprises, he will represent the chief genius of Namzhan Mansion in the Martial Dao Galactic Genius Competition three years later!

Other counties are concerned about winning the rankings in the Battle of Geniuses held in Namzhanfu, and he has passed this level a long time ago, looking towards the Martial Dao Galactic Genius in three years!

This is his goal!

Furthermore, if he can participate as the chief genius, he will be appointed as the chief, when the time comes, he will receive the greatest training from the Nanzhan Palace Master, with all kinds of resources, and even let the Nanzhan Palace Master use the secret. It is possible to help him enter the Ninth Layer of Yunling Pagoda using technique!

The position of the chief, I don’t know how many people are staring at it! In a few days, it will be the battle of geniuses in Nanzhan Mansion, and he is most hopeful of winning the first place! Get the chief!

But now, this chief is actually booked in advance by this Ning Tianlin, how can he be reconciled!

Getting the chief will be cultivated vigorously in the past three years, and it will even become the future of Namzhan Mansion!

What kind of glory this is!

How could he be willing to be taken away.

At the same time.

The news about yesterday has already started to spread widely. Except for some dangerous places that can't receive the information, almost all the young generations who have done it have learned about this news.

In particular, some geniuses who want to participate in the battle of geniuses in Nanzhan Mansion.

. . . . . .

Abra Mall.

Located in the north right corner of Nanzhanfu, it is the largest shopping mall on the right. It was also opened by a general. There are jewels, equipment, martial skills, everything, except for the Nanzhan shopping mall in the center, none of them can match.

At this moment, a young black clothed silhouette slowly appeared at the door. No one else, but Ning Tianlin who is going to sweep the mall.

It’s just that the physical appearance has been changed, because from now on, in the next three years, what he does will surely shock many people, and if he is noticed by someone with a heart, he will be in constant trouble .

So, it's better to keep a low profile.

Here, Ning Tianlin, there may be nothing else, but Galaxy Coins, it is completely said that there are as many as there are. Although a little energy is 10,000 Galaxy Coins, but with other things, it can be exchanged for essence, and the conversion back and forth is completely endless.

The purpose of his coming here today is to use Galaxy Coins to purchase precious resources, and then exchange for essence to improve his battle strength!

He did the same on Cuttlefish and other planets.

It’s just that, compared to here, the resources there are probably one heaven and the other underground.

This is also the fastest way he can think of to improve battle strength.

In the past three years, if there is no accident, he will sweep the major shopping malls of every planet, and he will also go around in other counties except Nanzhan Star. And every time, he will face with a different identity.


When Ning Tianlin's silhouette appeared from the door, a beautiful lady bowed to welcome the guests. And after a few more steps, there was a beautiful woman who walked up to him automatically and asked him, "Hello, sir, do you need a tour guide?"

Yes, tour guide!

Because this Abra Mall is extremely large and covers an area. Although it is not as big as Earth, it is not much different. After all, this is Namzhanfu, the center of hundreds of billions of planets.

The number of people who are active here all the year round is trillions!

It is far from what Earth can compare!

If there is no guide introduction, it is really not easy to find what you need here. Although there is an automatic intelligent life introduction, there is still a big difference compared with a tour guide.

This Abra shopping mall even has lakes, mountain range and grassland.

Like a small world.


Ning Tianlin glanced at this somewhat revealing tour guide, nodded. Although the other party can't help much, he guides him around and walks a little bit. Shortcuts can still be done.

Moreover, he also noticed that anyone who looks rich and has the ability to buy is accompanied by a tour guide.

"Sir, what do you need to buy?"

"Should I take you there?"

The beauty guide asked with a smile. The youngster in front of him, although dressed in ordinary clothes, was far from her ordinary people in terms of imposing manner and power.

Especially the other person's body, there is still a touch of killing intent.

This killing intent may be difficult to entangle on the outside, but here, it only shows an identity. After all, people with killing intents are generally rich owners.

There is also this killing intent, which is not available here, and she is not afraid of being a tour guide.

Because this is General Abra’s shopping mall, no one has dared to impudent here for so many years.

"Walk around."

"But every place must be brought to you!"

Ning Tianlin said casually, but let the tour guide For a moment, I was even more slanderous, "Isn't it, you have to bring it everywhere?"

"Don't you need to buy special things?"

She does it here. It has been two years and I have never seen this kind of request, because all the people who come here have a chance to look at it, but none of the requests must be seen all.

However, she did not ask it face-to-face, nor did she show any fullness.

Here, the customer is God!

The true God!

There must be no negligence!

Especially when she was taking this youngster to the first shopping place, and the other party only said casually "pack all", her mouth and eyes were opened the largest in her life!

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