"Pack all?"

The beautiful tour guide can't believe her ears, pack, pack all, you think it’s for dinner, you buy things like this Is it? Besides, you just glanced at it, and you didn't even know the function of these things.

Are you sure you are not joking?

Not to mention the beautiful tour guide around Ning Tianlin, even the salesperson beside her, she couldn't believe her ears at all. Not to mention her, even in the entire Abra Mall, I have never seen such a purchase.

Just pack it all!

But no matter how she doesn't believe it, she still feels refreshed when she meets such a buyer. Everyone is willing to take this kind of thing seriously. It represents a lot of money and income.

I couldn't help but, with some ambivalence, asked Ning Tianlin, "You mean, you want to pack it?"

"Want to buy all my goods? "

"Isn't I talking the Galaxy Common Language?" Ning Tianlin was a bit funny, but he knew what was going on, and asked with a smile, at the same time, "After all, quote me the total price." "

"I want a discount."

A lot of money means more money, but it can save some. What's wrong. However, he was too lazy to spend the price reduction with this person, as much as it could be.

"Of course."

"Of course."

"No problem."

The beauty salesperson stammers a bit, if true If you pack all of her, it’s a huge income for her, almost more than she earns from selling things for a year, she quickly promised, "Twenty percent off!"

"I will use my highest authority eight Discount for you!"

She is just a salesperson, not a boss. 20% discount is really her greatest authority.


Ning Tianlin nodded, I didn't say much, but this reaction surprised the beautiful tour guide nearby. Really, he really wanted to buy it all ,not kidding.

Did you be so lucky today that you brought a super big money?

Although this is only the first merchant, if you want to buy all of it, you will need a lot of money. She will also get a lot of rake. Although she is only a tour guide, not a seller, she also earns a small amount for every customer to shop in a shop.

It is no exaggeration. She has worked here for two years and already knows 98% of the stall owners in this mall.

The most important thing, this is the first merchant, and I bought it without seeing the goods. She faintly feels that this is just the beginning. Maybe this youngster will go shopping spree later. , Bring her a big surprise!

"Hello, sir, after the discount, a total of 5,082,320 galaxy coins, I am the master, I will charge you five million yuan."

After five or six minutes, the beautiful salesperson made statistics on the goods she had here, quoted the price, looked at Ning Tianlin eagerly, a little cautiously, and a little expectant.

Whether you really buy it depends on whether you can pay for it.

The same is true for the beautiful tour guide on the side.


Ning Tianlin is faintly nodded. There is not much reaction. Five million Galaxy coins are just five hundred points of energy. For today, how can it be care. Moreover, the purchased resources and the number of essence points exchanged are far more than five hundred points.

After that, through the transfer system, the money was transferred directly.

"The transfer was successful!"

But seeing the sound of the receipt on the light curtain, the beautiful salesperson and the tour guide had their eyes brightened and succeeded. The youngster did not joking, he it is true!

"Now, can I load these goods away?"

After doing everything, Ning Tianlin smiled and asked the salesperson in front of him. I got the crazy nodded from the other party. When I saw the protective cover in the counter in front of me opened, I waved my hand and put everything in with the space ring.

Ignoring the attentive gaze of the salesperson, without talking too much, he turned around and signaled the tour guide on the side to go to the next shop.

3 minutes later, in the shocked gaze of the tour guide, he did not ask again, and he swept the other upper bunk directly, and the transaction price reached more than 7 million Galaxy coins.

"Local tyrant!"

"Still crazy local tyrant!"

This is the final evaluation of the salesperson when she came to the third shop. At this time, she It can also be seen that the other party simply does not bad money, and it is really not bad money, completely using Galaxy coins as paper flowers!

Even she is wondering if there is a problem with the youngster's head. If not, how could you be madly sweeping, even without asking about the performance of the product you purchased.

But she still couldn't help but, she pulled her already exposed clothes, and exposed her already exposed breasts a little more, and even the walking posture became more charming.

Falling over a beetle-in-law and marrying into a wealthy family is the ultimate dream of her life.

Maybe it can be done on this youngster.

It’s just this youngster surnamed Ning. He’s so incomprehensible. I’m all like this. Don’t you want to wipe your oil and hug your waist? Is it cheap on me? Rest assured, I am absolutely willing and will not refuse.

It's just that, after more than a dozen upper bunks, Ning Tianlin did not overstep her, and even completely ignored her frequent winks. How could he not know the other side's thoughts.

But in his mind, this is just a pair of stinky skin.

Moreover, I don’t know how many people have gotten the stinky skin.

If he really cares about the appearance and the person, with his methods, and the status of today, nothing can be achieved.

"Ruo Meng'er."

Thinking of this, a girl suddenly appeared in her mind, one with her hair in a bun and a little bit of pink, full of youthful breath. , Ruo Meng'er, who is still studying at the Jiumu Academy, is still studying.

He also walked out of Earth, the only girl who branded his heart. But also very quickly, he was shook the head and waved in his mind. Because of the attitude towards Ruo Meng'er, he didn't know what to do.

Although the battle strength system has told him countless times, in the universe, in the galaxy, a woman next to a powerhouse is completely countless. They have time, energy, and more capital to enjoy countless beauties. surround.

There are infatuated men, but there is not one in ten thousand people.

Furthermore, even in Earth, monogamy only lasts less than a hundred years, and for the remaining thousands of years, three wives and six concubines are allowed, and the harem is beautiful. Even in modern Earth, there are many countries that allow multiple periods.

Before the catastrophe, countries such as Indonesia and Abala were the most powerful American emperors. They also had a continent that allowed polygamy.

He Ning Tianlin does not have to pass the hurdle in his heart at all.

Besides, he is now in Jiumu County, in Nanzhan Mansion, and not in Earth. If he likes it, he doesn't have any scruples.

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