
"Who is this person?"

"So bold!"

In the Nine Eyes Station, there are not only the Protector members, but also the nine students who came with Ning Tianlin. Seeing this scene at this moment, they were all heartbroken. This person is too bold, he dare to kill people here!

It's just that none of them dared to rush to stop them. As a result, their battle strength was inferior to these Protector members. They only rushed to death! Secondly, this person is looking for Ning Tianlin.

It must be Ning Tianlin's enemy or caused trouble again, it has nothing to do with them.

Although they respect Ning Tianlin, they are far from being so noble to die for him.

I couldn't help but set his eyes on the house where Ning Tianlin lived.

"Ning Tianlin, come out!"

It's just that after nearly thirty seconds, Ning Tianlin still hasn't walked out of his room, and there is no sound. Frozen, isn't he here? Uncle Lan in the air called out again.

But again, there is still no result.


After thirty seconds, there was still no response, Uncle Lan suddenly leaned out his spirit Divine Consciousness Sea, not only wrapping the room where Ning Tianlin lived, Even more, the entire Jiumu Station was wrapped!



But anyway, there is no silhouette of Ning Tianlin.


At the end, the figure flickered, and the house moved towards Ning Tianlin rushed. He's not a fool, just now everyone's eyes fell on the house in the middle, and he still didn't understand what it meant.


"Not here at all!"

When there is still no result, his brows are frowning deeper, is this Ning Tianlin After receiving the news from the same family, he withdrew early?


"Where is he!"

There was no result. Uncle Lan was a little angry. Is it really the same as my guess? Two Ning is a group? Involuntarily beckoned, forcibly casually, sucked a student to his side.

Grabbing his neck with his hands, his face was fierce.

"I...No...I know..."

How can this student know Ning Tianlin's whereabouts, and at the same time, the other party's neck He was out of breath and said that he was uncomfortable, but when he just said "I don't know", he didn't even come to say the word "Dao", so he just said "ka-cha" and was directly twisted off. Up the neck.

It's dead.


Everyone on the side is held breath cold air, his body is numb, this person is too ruthless, right? Killing people, besides, they really don't know where Ning Tianlin is,

How can they know the whereabouts of such a person.


Uncle Lan did not stop at all after finishing all this, he stretched out his hand, sucked a student’s neck vigorously, and grabbed it in his hand. "Say, where is Ning Tianlin?"



"I ..... ."

The student said three words "I". It was not that he stuttered, but that he really didn't dare to say the word "No" at the back. To be twisted by the opponent's neck. But he didn't say it, and he also snapped his neck with a "ka-cha".

"It's not easy to say anything."

"It's time to kill!"

Uncle Lan said coldly again.


Without hesitation or staying in the slightest, he continued to beckoned, and another person was caught in his hands by him. He did not believe that he could not tell what Ning Tianlin was doing. Don't know, kill!

Someone will know!

No one will say even after the killing, he won't have the slightest softness!

His life has been spent in killings, and he is simply agile, never sluggish. If not, he would not smash Ning Tianlin's fleshy body with a single palm.

Not even giving Ning Tianlin a chance to resist.

A thing that can be solved with one move, he never uses a 2nd move!

The personality is somewhat similar to Ning Tianlin.


"Where did Ning Tianlin go!"

Coldly asked the student in his hand again.

"I...I don't know."

Although he wanted to tell a lie, he still didn't know because there was no difference between the two. If you find that you lie to him, when the time comes, I am afraid that it is not yourself who will kill you, or it will be possible to slaughter your whole family in Jiumu County!

It’s just that he finished speaking, what is waiting for him is not the imaginary pain and awkwardness of the neck, but listening to the other person, "Contact him with the message device!"

"Question Where is he!"

Killing this is the third one. This is not his purpose. He came to find Ning Tianlin, not to kill! Then the student in the opponent said.

"I...I don't have his messenger number!"

The student said again with fear.


Just after saying this, there was a sharp pain in his neck, and there was no more sound. The people around only listened to Uncle Lan’s coldly snorted, "Trash!"

"I don’t cherish the opportunity given!"

And the few remaining students’ heads were all in an instant. It's numb, it's over, they don't know Ning Tianlin's information number. The other party and them are simply not on the same level.

No contact!


Uncle Lan finished coldly shouting, with one move, another student was caught in his palm. However, just when he was about to ask where Ning Tianlin was again, a middle-aged voice sounded.

"Are you going to kill all my students?"

"They are all the participating students in our county at this time. Kill them all, should we let our county abstain?"

"Palace Master Nanzhan has already seen us, when the time comes, do you give Palace Master Nanzhan an explanation?"

The one who spoke was the Nine Eyes who opened the door county.

He has just contacted Ning Tianlin and figured out what happened. And he walked out of the room and said this remark was Ning Tianlin's account. If you really continue to kill like this, no one can survive.

For these students, Ning Tianlin does not want them to die.

After all, the disaster they suffered this time was completely caused by themselves, which is no different from I didn't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me. So if possible, Ning Tianlin is still willing to live with these studies.

And to make this Uncle Lan scrupulous, Jiumu is not good, only take out Palace Master Nanzhan is possible.

"Give an explanation to Palace Lord Nanzhan?"

After hearing this, Uncle Lan suddenly cast his gaze on Prince Jiumu. His eyes are sharp, it seems that he will run away in the next second!

"Not bad!"

Jiumu County lord nodded and said, "These students are all going to participate in the battle of geniuses. If you kill them, you are talking to the lord Nanzhan. Can’t make it.”

After finishing speaking, he looked straight into Uncle Lan’s eyes and said, “Should we go to Sir Mansion Lord now and let him judge?”

As another princess, perhaps he didn't have the courage to look straight at Uncle Lan, but his eyes were different. He was just a puppet, and everything was controlled by Puppet Insect. Others are afraid of him, but he doesn't feel it!

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