most important. At the critical moment, his nine eyes have a way to get out of here. There are three Teleportation Talisman in his space ring.

This thing was given to him by Ning Tianlin to guard against Palace Master Nanzhan. After all, he didn’t know what Ning Tianlin knew. From the moment he saw Palace Master Nanzhan, Palace Master Nanzhan Can you find out his identity controlled by Puppet Insect!

If by then, he has nine eyes, he will immediately crush the Teleportation Talisman and escape!

After all, he is the number one expert currently controlled by Ning Tianlin. The battle strength exceeds one million. It is a shame to die rashly. When the time comes, returning to Earth can also protect the Earth side.

"Look for him to judge?"

Uncle Lan stared at the eyes of Nine Eyes, and did not call Palace Master Nanzhan an adult, but used "him"!

He is not afraid of Palace Lord Nanzhan, he really fights, and if he doesn't fight for a few days, nights, or even weeks, it is impossible to lose! Besides, there was Hao Family standing behind him. He looked south and never dared to embarrass himself.

But when it comes to this, he did not kill him, not to mention the students here, especially this Ning Tianlin, but Palace Lord Nanzhan is very important, and now he makes such a big disturbance, what is alive is Hit him in the face.

He is not willing to do things to death.


With a wave of his hand, he threw the student who was pinched in his palm to the ground.

At the end, staring at the eyes of the Nine Eyes Princess, coldly asked, "You really don't know where this Ning Tianlin is?"

He still has some problems. Reconciled, after all, this matter has too much impact, he must figure out that he might be able to go back and have an explanation.

"I don't know."

Nine eyes shook the head, "Don't mention them, it's me, and I don't have Ning Tianlin's information number. I asked him for it, but he didn't give it. Me." Nine Eyes did the best he could do. If it really fails, he can only crush the Teleportation Talisman and flee here.


"I will believe you once!"

After a long time, just when Jiumu and the others felt that Uncle Lan had to do it, Uncle Lan suddenly relaxed, and the killing intent disappeared. He could kill these nine eyes, but the consequences might really offend Palace Master Nanzhan!

After all, this is also a princess!

The most important thing, he also felt a huge breath rushing here from a distance. Even higher than him.

Needless to say, Palace Lord Nanzhan is here!

"I can't think of you actually voluntarily!"

Uncle Lan was also shocked, because from this aspect, it can be shown that Palace Lord Nanzhan values ​​this Ning Tianlin. Come out to investigate in person!


Without any hesitation, he just rolled Hao Young Master beside him and flew away from here.

It's not the time to meet at all. He killed so many people on his territory, and he even had to question the genius he valued very much. It's strange that the other party can give him a good face!

Not seeing is net!

"Uncle Lan, what are you looking for Ning Tianlin for?"

"Is the youngster named Ning Tianlin just now called Ning Tianlin?"

"This People from Jiumu County?" From the beginning to the end, although Master Hao Young was puzzled, he didn't ask questions. Uncle Lan was able to take him directly to Jiumu County, surely he had his own ideas. Now, the two have stood in the outer space of the Nanzhan planet, and they are several tens of thousands of kilometers away.

He just asked.


Uncle Lan shook the head, "I suspect that the two of them are from the same family."

"After I go back, send someone to go immediately Explore a clue named'Earth'!"

After finishing speaking, before Hao Young Master answered, he continued to lift his body and flew away from here.

. . . . . .

At the same time.

800,000 light-years away from the Nanzhan planet, in a dark outer space.

"It's one to live."

"To survive, it is your good fortune!"

Hang up and contact the head of Jiumu County , Ning Tianlin said to himself.

No way. He didn't want this disaster to bring these students. He didn't expect at all. This Uncle Lan would actually contact himself in Jiumu County with a surname alone.

And as soon as I go, I will kill you!

Don't even give people a chance to speak!

"Being very ruthless, not worse than myself!"

"Even compared with me, I am even worse!"

This is Ning Tianlin walked the Milky Way and was the first person to almost kill himself. If it were not for the bloodline of zombie Bowen in his body, Bowen was the Sovereign of zombie and possessed the Immortal Body.

You can live even if the fleshy body collapses.

Otherwise, just after the blow, he was definitely dead.

There is no room for maneuver!

Just when the opponent slapped him with a palm, he didn't even have a chance to react, and even his mind didn't think about crushing the Teleportation Talisman in the space ring!

Also, if it were not for the last one to give up his life, the Promise Ring on his finger would really be taken away by this Uncle Lan. If you want to come back, I don’t know if there is such a possibility!

"However, if I am still alive, there is hope."

Ning Tianlin is not the kind of discouraged person, let alone the kind of person who has no revenge!

This Liangzi is finished!

He will take revenge!

The opponent’s battle strength is high, but his Ning Tianlin is not afraid at all. As long as he is given time, let alone this Uncle Lan, he is the family behind him, even the lord of the galaxy, he can Conquer!

The battle strength system is the biggest plug-in he has developed!

"It's just, where are you now?"

"I don't know how far it is from the Nanzhan planet?"

The reason why I know he is still In Nanzhan Mansion, it was because the random transmission talisman he crushed was a low-level Teleportation Talisman with a maximum transmission distance of one million light years!

One million light-years, it is far from reaching the border of Namzhanfu.

If you want to teleport further, you have to consume more essence points to exchange for intermediate Teleportation Talisman, high level Teleportation Talisman, Saint Level Teleportation Talisman, etc.

The higher the level, the farther the teleport distance will be!

Saint Level Teleportation Talisman can already teleport across galaxies.

"Unfortunately, the battle strength system still has no response."

It has been a long time. Except for the most basic exchange functions and some calculation functions, the battle strength system has been I haven't taken the initiative to talk to Ning Tianlin for a long time, and Ning Tianlin can't figure out what's wrong with it.

Without its existence, he really couldn't figure out where he was now.

Nanzhan Mansion is too big, and now, he does not know where he was teleported to East, West, North, and South i.

"Forget it, first go and see if there is a life planet around."

The best way to be sure is to find a life planet first and ask clearly. And he is not in a hurry, and he has nothing to do. Although the battle of geniuses in Nanzhan Mansion will be held soon, he has been determined to be the number one, so he doesn't need to worry.

Three years later, he will naturally go back, as the first representative of Namzhan Mansion, to participate in the galaxy's genius Martial Dao competition.

Compete for glory with the ten thousand clan!

At that time, it was the real battle of geniuses! It is also the final chapter to complete the super serial task arranged by the battle strength system!

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