Looking at the discussions one by one, Uncle Lan’s eyes straightened.

Is it true that I guessed wrong? This Earth is not a mysterious star, but a savage star that has not yet been fully civilized? If not, how does the comment just now make sense?

One thousand points of battle strength, two thousand points of battle strength, several hundred points of battle strength, some even say that he has only a few points of battle strength.

If this is a big star! Amazing planet, pets should have tens of thousands of battle strength points!

"Blue worship, this is 5,327 items selected from more than 180,000 comments. I think this can be used as a proof that Earth is just a newly enlightened, even An uncivilized planet!"

The black clothed person explained, "I think this Ning Tianlin, Ning Family, maybe someone who has inheritance somewhere and suddenly emerged!"

"According to these messages, Ning Tianlin's rise is less than ten years!"

Ten years!

Uncle Lan’s eyes are already bright and penetrating, because this is an explanation, and if that’s the case, how powerful this inheritance is, can actually make a person’s battle strength increase in ten years so much!

You can kill a princess in ten years!

This allows an uncivilized Earth person to be able to do this. What if he does? This thing is more capable of showing formidable power in his hands. Maybe, he has the inheritance, breakthrough, and the bottleneck now, one step closer, and even the existence of the Lord of the Galaxy is possible.

"gu lu!"

Thinking of this, he swallowed involuntarily.

But he was a suspicious person, and it was just a possibility, abrupt, a single thought came up in his mind again, and asked the black clothed person beside him, " You said, is it possible that this is a smoke bomb deliberately released by the Ning Family?"

"It is to expose our position specifically to attract us to attack Earth, and then they will come to Danger Land to fight back in Earth. Kill?"

Thinking of this possibility, Uncle Lan was shocked!

Not bad!

It is very possible!

For a great family, this kind of thing is just a one-sentence thing. This Cuttlefish star is likely to be a smoke bomb released by them. These remarks, what Earth said is so impossible to withstand a single blow, I am afraid it is to relax one's vigilance and attract oneself to the past.

When the time comes, if they really attack the past, they will be caught a turtle in a jar, and they can't die again! I'm afraid I can't even find one to collect them!

"No way?"

"This Earth person, this Ning Family is so vicious?"

The black clothed person was shocked when I heard it, but I always think it won't be so shameful, isn't this blue worship, thinking too much?

"What do you know!"

"On crafty plots and machinations, you don't even deserve to lift shoes!"

"It's me, don't need yourself Do it, there are a hundred ways that you don’t even know how you died!"

Lan Jixiang saw that his speculation was questioned, snered, "Knowing why they want to attract us to the past, go to Earth Is it?"

"That's because we haven't given them a chance in the past three years!"

"We have been staying in the center of the galaxy, never going out!"

"You know, dare to do it in the center of the galaxy, that's courting death! The group of people in the temple, and the Lord of the galaxy, but not to be trifled with! This is the Ning Family patriarch here, probably all lying guns It’s worth it!"

Uncle Lan said, "So, if they don’t have a chance, they have to create an opportunity. They waited for three years, and if they couldn’t wait, they made an opportunity for us to find out, then show weakness, etc. Let's find the door!"

The more Uncle Lan explained, the more he felt that his mind was really genius. It was just now that he really almost stopped talking.


"Blue offerings are really amazing!"

Hearing this explanation, the black clothed person is also nodded, yes, this kind of thing is still It's really possible, especially when I heard that Lan worshipped the other party as scum.

How can the other party not report this kind of grievance!

Maybe it really created such an opportunity to lure them into fools!

"The blue offering, what shall we do?"

the black clothed person asked.

"Then can you detect all the information about this Earth? For example, its history, background, civilization, etc.?"

"Only online news?"

Uncle Lan didn't answer immediately, but thought about it and asked.


"Only online dynamics."

black clothed person shook the head, "They just entered the Galaxy network and did not upload Anything about Earth’s background, history, etc. We can only monitor its messages on the Internet."

This is also where the black clothed person feels a little disappointed.

The time is too short to detect any more information about Earth. Only netizens will know what they say.

"It seems that what I guessed may really be true."

Hearing the answer from the black clothed person, Uncle Lan was even more sure of his guess. This is the Earth Ning Family. To dig a hole to make yourself jump. Fortunately, I recognized it because of my cleverness.

Think for a while, consider it for a moment, instructed, "First, continue to monitor Earth’s network dynamics all the time. If there is any latest useful information on it, you must report it to me immediately."

"Yes!" The black clothed person nodded bent over.

"Secondly, I will tell patriarch to send some dead soldiers. Must be within immediately, rush to the location of Earth you found, and explore the reality of Earth."

"If I guess wrong, order these dead men to destroy Earth!"

In either case, his Uncle Lan will send someone to Earth to take a look. After all, what you see with your own eyes is the most real. If his guess is not accurate, this Earth is not a strategy, but a real thing, then he will not post it!

Find Ning Tianlin, Ning Family, and snatch his shocking inheritance!

"Third, stick to the center of the galaxy. If there is no specific news, Hao Family members of the direct line must stay in the center of the galaxy and cannot get out! Especially Hao Sangongzi!"

"If what I expected is good, there are already many people outside the center of the galaxy who want to take his life!" Uncle Lan affirmed his guess.

"Fourth, look for Ning Tianlin! Must pay attention to the recent galaxy center and the movement of Nanzhan Mansion! His genius will definitely participate in this galaxy genius Martial Dao competition!"

"This is a moment of the world!"

"He will definitely not give up!"

"Yes!" black clothed person nodded, this is what he has recently prepared Yes, the Galactic Genius Martial Dao Tournament is about to start. This is a grand age for the Galactic, self-proclaimed genius teenagers will definitely not miss it!

This Ning Tianlin, presumably will also appear!

"If there is news of his Ning Tianlin, report it immediately!"

Uncle Lan emphasized it again. Maybe from this Ning Tianlin here, we can figure out all the reality of Earth!

"Yes!" black clothed person nodded.

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