

Ning Tianlin's silhouette travels through the dark galaxy sky at an extremely fast speed. This is already the 3rd day when he leaves the Skeleton Sea. The starry sky is vast, and he has no direction until now.

He still doesn't know where he is now, whether he is in the other 36 counties of Namzhan Mansion, or in several other manures.

However, he is not worried that he will miss the Galactic Genius Martial Dao in five months. Although the travel between the stars will take months and years at every turn.

Because he was sure, he rushed directly to the position of Palace Lord of Nanzhan Mansion at the last minute! Then teleport from there to the center of the galaxy.

Fixed Teleportation Talisman!

A Teleportation Talisman that can send users to a specified location! However, this designated location requires you to walk through, and you have some understanding of that space. In unfamiliar places, fixed-point transmission is not possible.

Furthermore, the fixed-point Teleportation Talisman is expensive. Compared with the random transmission symbol, it is completely above and below ground.

The price of the random transmission symbol is 100 million essence points, and this fixed-point Teleportation Talisman has a minimum of 1 billion Galaxy coins! In the end, the pricing in the battle strength system determines the length of the distance!

He just consulted the exchange platform of the battle strength system. From here to the home of the palace lord of Nanzhan Mansion, 1.3 billion essence points are needed!

His existing essence points just meet this.

If it doesn't work, it will eventually consume this huge sum of money!

After all, this galactic genius Martial Dao tournament is also extremely important to him. After so much effort, it was only after the last shiver.


The figure flashes, continue moving towards the starry sky ahead.

. . . . . .

The Milky Way is said to be big and big, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as vast, but it is also very small to say that it is small. It is enough to use the overview of East, South, West, North and Centre. It is known as the four houses and one hall.

The eastern part is under the jurisdiction of the Tanglin Palace.

The western part is under the jurisdiction of the Xiqi Palace.

The southern part is under the jurisdiction of the Nanzhan Palace.

North, under the jurisdiction of the North Heavenly King Mansion.

The most dazzling part is the central part of the Milky Way, where the Lord of the Milky Way directly controls. Among the other dazzling family branches, the most famous is the temple in the central part of the Milky Way.

The Palace Lord is the Lord of the Galaxy!

The members under the jurisdiction are also extremely tyrannical existences, just pulling one out is not much worse than the palace masters of the Four Houses, or even higher.

5 days later.

A deep red spaceship sailing in a Dark Starry Sky under the jurisdiction of Tanglin Palace. And not far behind it, followed by three larger cosmic spaceships. In terms of level, it seems to be more advanced than this deep red spaceship.

These three spaceships blocked all the retreats of the deep red spaceship in front from three directions.

"Boss, you can't go anymore. If you go ahead, you will be Death Forbidden Land."

In the deep red spaceship at the forefront, a thin and tall middle age person is facing Standing in place, looking directly at a youngster road in the void ahead through the screen.

This youngster is holding a big knife, the tip of the knife stands on the ground, the waist is straight, and his face looks young, but his body is full of muscles and a scar, which penetrates down his forehead and reaches directly The bridge of his nose is turned outwards.

Although the scars have grown tightly, they can still feel the sturdy aura of this youngster from the looks of it. Especially his eyes, vicious and vicious, inverted triangular eyes, one glance can definitely stop the child from crying.

Too fierce!


"Go in a little bit more."

"I said change the course and then change the course."

youngster A trace of very ruthless flashed in his eyes. Although he is also terrified of Death Forbidden Land in front of him, he has no choice but to do this. The enemy behind is about to chase him, and he must die!


The thin middle age person wears a black top hat, and sighs in response. There is no other way, but I can only do this. The chasers behind are chasing them too tightly, and they won't stop without giving them a sense of panic.

Death Forbidden Land in front of me is terrifying, but it is all legends and rumors, and if they really stop, they will definitely be torn to pieces by the people in the three spaceships behind them.

"It's getting closer!"

"It's on the edge!"

"You have come into contact with Death Aura in the forbidden area!"

As time progresses, the eyes of the tall and thin middle age person are already full of fright, because the forefront of the spaceship is already infinitely close to the Death Forbidden Land ahead.

Death Forbidden Land!

For more than two thousand years, no one has ever been able to leave here alive!

Any creature will lose the message if it enters!

Furthermore, the territory of Death Forbidden Land has been spreading over the years. The original gray Death Aura only occupies the size of a planet, but now, nearly tens of thousands of planets can't stop it!


The fierce youngster yelled decisively, and then, the cosmic spaceship he controlled stopped at the edge of Death Forbidden Land. At the same time, the light curtain rose, and his illusory shadow appeared in the center of the huge spaceship.

"Poison Mamba, you are endless, just chase me?" The fierce youngster shouted to the three spaceships that also stopped, "After chasing me for so long, I’m not afraid that I’m really desperate!"



"You’ve been fighting for it, why wait till now "

At this time, the one in the center of the three cosmic spaceships also suspended a huge illusory shadow, which is also a youngster, but it was refined in manner, facing the vicious youngster said with a sneer. , "You stole the Divine Sea Dan from our house and it is reasonable?"

"If it weren't for worrying that you would ruin the medicine pill, we would have explodes you into waste."

This youngster who is refined in manner has a cyan look on his face, and no one has such a good attitude towards the thief who steals his own treasure.

"Well, it’s all right now? I don’t believe you have the guts to enter this Death Forbidden Land! You and I know that as long as you get involved with this Death Aura, you will become an unconscious skeleton. Yes!"

"If you are acquainted, please return Divine Sea Dan to us, and we will let you go!"

The youngster persuaded who is refined in manner.

Compared with the life of this thief, Divine Sea medicine pill is more valuable. That one is extremely important Heaven and Earth spiritual medicine, must be taken back!


"Give it to you?"

"Even if I throw it in Death Forbidden Land, I will not return it to you!"

The fierce youngster sneered, "Why should I return the things I stole by my ability?"

"Isn't it just a death."

"This medicine pill, die with us!"

The fierce youngster launched a ruthlessness. Although he is powerful, the people in the three spaceships in front of him must not be trifled with. He knew that they were not at all. opponent. Now, all he can do is rush into this Death Forbidden Land!

Even if you die in Death Forbidden Land, you will not return the medicine pill to them!

They have a big grudge, even if they die, they can't be like each other's will!


At this moment, a black silhouette rushed out of the gray Death Aura in their eyes. Then the void was suspended and caught in the middle of the opposing team.

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