
At this moment, a black silhouette rushed out of the gray Death Aura in their eyes. Then the void was suspended and caught in the middle of the opponents.


And everyone who saw this scene, whether it is the fierce youngster or the poisonous mamba refined in manner, was extremely shocked, because this person, It came out of Death Forbidden Land!

It's coming alive!

How is this possible!

For more than two thousand years, no one has ever been able to come out alive under the erosion of Death Aura!

If not, this place cannot be called Death Forbidden Land!

"Hi, hello everyone."

This is not someone else but Ning Tianlin who came out of Death Forbidden Land. The Skeleton Sea in his eyes, in the eyes of others, is Death Forbidden Land not just in name only, but also in reality, especially in the area of ​​Tanglin Palace.

Furthermore, Ning Tianlin didn't hit the killer, let alone read the memories of these people forcibly, but moved towards everyone with a smile and said hello. Not for anything else, because I am happy!

Happy to walk out of that area and see people!

As long as there are people, they can definitely know where they are now.

"Who are you?"

"Why did you get out of the death base?"

And the answer to him was not "you too" this It was a reply, but a very serious question, which made Ning Tianlin frown, squinted, and looked at the poisoned mamba in refined in manner.

The thing he dislikes the most is being questioned.

Besides, I didn’t even show my face. I just used technology to create a virtual image in the starry sky, really hiding in the spaceship.

"Why did I come out and need to report to you?"

Ning Tianlin stretched his palm forward, with a sound of "hong", without seeing how he moved, he directly moved the ship in front of him The cosmic spaceship broke through a big hole, and then, with a serious face just now, the poisonous mamba who asked Ning Tianlin's words has been pinched by Ning Tianlin's neck and lifted in the air.

The whole face is full of horror.

Not only him, but also the guard companion on the side, as well as the fierce youngster of the other side.

"Too...Too powerful!"

The involuntarily "gu lu" of the fierce youngster swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It was too powerful. As a battle strength, there are four He was more than 100,000, and he simply didn't see how the other party moved.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the poison mamba, whose battle strength exceeded him, even more than one hundred thousand higher than him, was firmly held in his hand!

Too. . . . . . so amazing!

It seems that as long as he is willing, he can twist the neck of the poison mamba directly with a twist.

"Let go...Let go of me."

"You...Who are you?"

"I But the direct descendant of the Poison King, you let me go!"

The Poison Mamba was holding back a little uncomfortably, and it was difficult to open the mouth and said.

It's just these words, not begging for mercy, but threatening Ning Tianlin. Although he is not a fool, he has always been calm, especially through childhood, no one dared to disobey him.

He is a direct line and a genius in the direct line. He has always been arrogant and confident, and never begs for mercy!


"Quickly let go of our Young Master!"

"If not, our Poison King will not let you go !"

The guard friend beside him also yelled.

"Poison King?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, and he was sure that he had never heard the name. Just when he was about to ask a few words, a thick black gas had quietly poured in from his nostrils and entered his lungs.

Even the whole body, there was a burning sensation in an instant.

But it was just a burning sensation. After this black gas entered the body, it was directly sucked by the Wanzu centipede's mouth.

Any toxin, here in Wanzu centipede, is just food.


"All right?"

Seeing the black gas, the poison mamba had entered Ning Tianlin's nostrils. He was very happy. This is a life-saving thing passed to him by the clan, extremely poisonous!

It’s one million battle strength. Under this fast toxin, they will explode and die. Even those with a higher battle strength will be extremely weak, and they will not be able to recover for a long time. right.

And this youngster, how come it's all right after a pause?

How is this possible!

This is what Old Ancestor passed to him to save his life!

"courting death!"

Ning Tianlin complexion changed, knowing that he was the author of the Tao, if it weren't for the centipede, I'm afraid there will be a brief loss of consciousness just now.


Without thinking too much, he squeezed the opponent's neck to a smash.

Originally, I was just preparing to educate you on how to talk, and then let it go, but since you dare to punish you, you must have the consciousness of being killed!


What makes everyone in the spaceship even more terrifying is that Ning Tianlin's right hand has directly turned into a centipede shape, opening his mouth, instantly, He swallowed the poisonous mamba's body.


After a while, a space ring was spit out by the Wanzu centipede and put it into Ning Tianlin's hands.


"Young Master Du is dead."

Whether it is the surrounding guards or his friends That is, the fierce youngsters who haven't said a word on the spaceship of Ling are involuntarily swallowing and spitting in the throat of "gu lu".


The Young Master Du, who was known as a generation of geniuses, died like this!

This is a genius who can rank in the top ten in Tanglin!

Especially a Major Perfection of poison, maybe he will follow his way any time. Some people whose battle strength is slightly higher than him are hard to get in his hands.

And this young Legendary character in Tanglin Palace, just died like this?

Dead in the hands of a youngster they didn't even understand.



Seeing this scene, this Young Master Du party immediately made a decision and prepared to flee wildly , The other party dared to kill even Young Master Du, maybe they stay here, they don't know how to die!

"If One Doesn't Cut The Grass At Its Roots, spring breeze and spring are born again."

Ning Tianlin sneered, waved his hand, and the huge body of the centipede appeared in In the Star River, and then directly moved towards the escaped group of people rushed over. In an instant, wailing was everywhere, and there were screams everywhere.

"Tell me."

"Where is this?"

Ignoring everything happening around me, Ning Tianlin looked directly at the huge illusory shadow ahead, Said to this fierce youngster.

"gu lu."

The fierce youngster who was looked directly at by Ning Tianlin swallowed again involuntarily. He knew that if his answer was not satisfactory to the other party, he might be afraid It is also the fate of those who poison Mamba.

He believed that he was very ruthless to do things, but compared with the youngster in front of him, he was far behind.

If you say kill, kill, without hesitation.


The spaceship door opened, and he quickly flew out of the spaceship. Using the illusory shadow transformed by technology to talk to the other party, he suddenly felt a little impolite. If the other party finds fault, don't cry to death!

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