"pu! ”

blood splashed.

When Gazier's hand was taken out of Ning Tianlin's abdomen, Ning Tianlin's stomach was only left with a big hole, and even the intestines and internal organs were lost. However, Ning Tianlin just endured the pain and used Dualbladed Halberd to chop the opponent's body.


A crisp sound.

But in addition to the crisp sound, it just made the opponent's body sway and took a half step back.

Gazil also wears battle strength equipment.

The huge battle strength gap made Ning Tianlin's strike just useless, especially when Ning Tianlin was penetrated through the abdomen, his strength had already been released.


When Gazier pulled out his palm, he slammed Ning Tianlin's body heavily and slammed into the distance, sliding on the ground After many meters, he smashed heavily into the cage beside him.


The strength is so great that the entire cage is swaying for a while.


Ning Tianlin opened his mouth even more and couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.


"Not an opponent at all."

Almost all onlookers, seeing this, at this moment only have such a thought, this youngster He was a fool, he was a fool who was courting death!

How can I fight this?

The two are not at the same level.

Even the two escorts beside Gazil sneered in their hearts. at first knew that this youngster was not an opponent, but didn't expect him to be so stupid, to die in vain.

If you tell your grown-up, this may not be the result.

Only, only one person thinks that Ning Tianlin is not a stupid man, and he won't be so crazy that he knew that it was not his opponent who would go forward and die like this. This person is Bai Qi who was blocked behind him. He knows Ning Tianlin's methods, and doing things is very ruthless.

It can even be said to be courageous and strategic.

How can you do such a useless risky thing?

Furthermore, this abdomen is broken when it is broken, and there is nothing at worst. At that time, he only had his soul to be reborn. He didn't believe that Ning Tianlin would kill himself in vain.

But no one noticed. His long-lost cold heart also loosened a little.

No matter what, what Ning Tianlin is doing at this moment is to take him out of here!

Leave this cage!

No matter what kind of grievances the two had before, but now, his Ning Tianlin is helping himself!


"It's nothing like a clown."

Looking at Ning Tianlin's body retreating violently, hitting the cage and falling to the ground Lying on his back, Gazier did not chase, but an endless sneer on his face and even more contempt in his eyes.

Although he also felt that there seemed to be something limiting his battle strength in the dark, but he could guarantee that even with one hand, he could beat the opponent to the ground!

He and this youngster are simply not at the same level!

There is a big hole in my stomach, let's see how you come!


What makes him frowned is that Ning Tianlin, lying on the ground, just shook his lower body, regardless of whether there is a big hole in his stomach, moved towards again Gazier's body flew up.

Beckoned, the Dualbladed Halberd that fell on the ground, was called back to his hands.


Ning Tianlin stared sharply at Gazil, entwined with energy and blood surging, it didn't seem like his stomach was broken, and his intestines were drooping. Lord in midair.

"This youngster is really vigorous!"

The onlookers who saw this scene opened their eyes in excitement, with infinite emotion.

The stomach is like this and it looks like a okay person. How much patience is needed!

But this one, they like it!

They care about winning or losing, but this time they don’t gamble, so they care about the process!

The process is so hot and passionate, of course they like it!


"I really came to courting death!"

Gazier sneered in his heart, and this time he gave Ning Tianlin a sentence The death penalty, because this time, he is going to attack the opponent's head!

With a breach in the abdomen, a powerful powerhouse is hard to die. But since you are so fierce, I want to see if your head is broken, can you stand up!

I give you opportunities again and again, if you don't cherish, then this time, you are welcome!


Seeing Ning Tianlin approaching, seeing Tao Heavenly Halberd light moved towards his body cut down, he doesn't hide, just waits so quietly , Waiting to give Ning Tianlin a fatal blow!

He wants to end the battle!


At the last moment, he moved, his body flickered, gently moved towards the left and moved three meters to the left, avoiding Ning with no difficulty Tianlin's attack, followed by a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his claws directly grabbed Ning Tianlin's head.


Ning Tianlin wanted to hide, but the opponent's speed was too fast. Just when he avoided the small half of his head, the entire forehead was pierced by the opponent's claws. It's like breaking open tofu, just pass it through.


This head burst like a watermelon, bursting into one place. But his final clenched fist also banged on the opponent. Similarly, the strength is too small, and the battle strength gap is quite large, which does not play a big role.


Most of the remaining body of Ning Tianlin fell to the ground at this time.


"Haha, this idiot is dead!"

"Don’t look at where this is, who is the other party, the galaxy The expert of Ranked Eighth, dare to challenge such impudent!"

Some people laughed crazy, some people despised it crazy, and some people were silent. Various expressions reflected all kinds of people's feelings.

"I can't blame anyone for courting death!"

Gazier looked at the corpse not far from his feet and sneered in his heart. Is this the result you want?

I gave you a chance, but you don’t cherish it.

If you ask your family background, don't you tell me, now it's all you asked for!

Besides, do you really think I am afraid of the family background behind you? I just don't want to cause trouble for the Colosseum. If you don't tell me, you know nothing for nothing, no, Baiqi must know it too.

He didn't know how he could find out with the strength of the Colosseum! If it was really strong, it would be useless at that time! Because behind him, standing is the Colosseum!


"Just like this?"

The woman Su Luoman next to Bai Qi is a little bit unsure, why is this person so stupid? , There is a chance to survive, don’t know to cherish it? Just now the other party asked you about your family background, you just didn't, maybe it would not be this kind of result.

It's a pity. . . . . .

"He would never hang up so easily!"

The only person who still has this idea in the huge Colosseum is Bai Qi.

He understands Ning Tianlin's methods, unpredictable, how can a person who can reshape his body die because his body is broken?


And when he looked at Ning Tianlin's body, that is, less than a second before Ning Tianlin lay down, Ning Tianlin was broken The body suddenly stood up from the ground.

No head, no stomach, bloody, just stand up, beckoned, Dualbladed Halberd next to him, once again returned to his hands.

To kill, moved towards the extremely shocked Gazier and fly away!

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