"Isn't dead?"

"This person is not dead yet!"

Countless people were stunned, they all looked incredible The violent Ning Tianlin is not dead!

He didn't even die!

Your tamar is not dead even if his head is gone!

This is not scientific!

How to think if you have no head!

It is Gazier, as well as the two escorts beside him, both with eyes wide open, staring at the flying Ning Tianlin in disbelief, why didn't he die!


I couldn't help but breathe a little, because this is the only sight they have ever seen in their lives. A person is not dead even without his head. !

If you are not a human, then other creatures may have this function, but you are obviously a human, a human race person! I can live without my head!

"Will it be?"

Suddenly, they all thought of a possibility. According to legend, when battle strength grows to a limit, humans will live forever with the universe. Even though his whole body is broken, he is still alive!

Some other powerhouses at Universe level will not die because of their broken bodies.

Is this youngster in front of you?

He pretended to himself just now?

Are you acting and joking with yourself?

"No way, no way!"

A few people shook the head abruptly. How could they encounter this kind of thing? That's the cosmic powerhouse! Crushing them is like crushing an ant. It's a matter of blowing your breath!

How can such characters appear in the small galaxy?

Besides, how can this kind of person make jokes with a character like himself?


"This youngster is definitely not such a character."

Giving up what he guessed in his heart, Gazier once again set his sights on On the youngster who is flying, no matter what, you won’t die anymore, the battle strength is also there, and simply is not your opponent.

It's all in vain!

It's just that, at this moment, he believes that Ning Tianlin is likely to come from a galaxy that he doesn't know at all, from the absolute Great Family. If not, there would simply not be such an unimaginable method.

"Sure enough, he didn't die!"

Bai Qi stared at all this in a daze. Although he didn't know why, he knew he was right.

Without a few brushes, he Ning Tianlin is also impossible to take over this work.

“bang! ”

At this moment, Ning Tianlin’s silhouette has reached him again, and the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand was cut off, turned into a halberd, and Jia Qi Your whole body was enveloped.

"This way you won't die, then let me see, without your arms, how do you take your weapons!"

Gazil, who originally thought that the battle would end early, spoke.

You want to fight, then I will fight you can’t fight!

I want to see, your body is completely broken, can you still live!


The figure flickered, and again easily avoided Ning Tianlin's attack, with his right paw stretched forward, directly on the right arm of Ning Tianlin holding Dualbladed Halberd With a stroke, blood splashed, I saw Ning Tianlin's arm, all broken.

The Dualbladed Halberd that he was holding also fell from the air.

“bang! ”

But even so, Ning Tianlin, who has no head, stomach, and right arm, still waved his left arm and moved towards Gazier’s abdomen. Punched.

In the eyes of everyone, this fist is weak.

Like the last struggle.


blood splashed, Gazier hit hard, and directly cut Ning Tianlin's left arm down!


It's endless!

It's all like this, you still punch!

Although this type of punch has no effect, he can't avoid it, because if he wants to cut off the opponent's arm, he has to bear it! Although it doesn't hurt, it hurts his dignity.


And Ning Tianlin was not thrown away, which shocked and surprised countless people, is that he continued to shake his right leg, and moved towards Gachi There was a click in your abdomen.

Gazier didn't even hide, because this trick is so weak.

But his eyes are already scarlet!

It's popular!

You tamar, are you crazy?

There is a ball for kicking me at this time!


Extremely simple, he also used his claws to unload Ning Tianlin's right leg.

He didn't even wait for Ning Tianlin to continue his movements, he started again, preparing to cut his left leg! Because he saw that this youngster seemed to be showing signs of raising his left leg.


Just when he was about to do it, he suddenly complexion changed, because when he was about to lift up his breath, his body suddenly changed. Ma, although it disappeared in an instant, that feeling can't be wrong.

Especially the battle strength has reached his level, and the control of the body is far beyond that of other people.

“bang! ”

After cutting off Ning Tianlin’s left leg, he threw away vigorously, and then I didn’t see if Ning Tianlin was still alive, so I looked it up quickly itself.

It just doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, it’s just a surprise!

Because I don't know when, his legs, abdomen, and shoulders are already a little black. Although every move can't affect anything, it feels very bad!

Because of myself, I was poisoned!

He has a long history of battles, but he has a judgment on his body in an instant!

Quickly check it out, and what makes his heart chill is that the blackened part of his legs, abdomen, and shoulders has no sensation, especially this kind of numbness. No sense!

It's just as numb as I was just now!

All are somewhat out of control.

"How could it?"

"How could I be poisoned?"

What made him a little scared was how could he be poisoned?

His body, although not to say that it has reached the level of Myriad Poisons Immunity, for the galaxy, there are not many toxins in the galaxy that can affect his body.

Especially under his perception, this feeling of paralysis is still expanding.

In just tens of seconds, some of his toes are out of sensation!

"He did it!"

He slammed his gaze away, leaving only a section of Ning Tianlin's body on his waist, because he thought of just now , It was his shoulders, abdomen, and legs that were touched by the opponent.

The origin of these paralysis is the place that has been touched!


Without any hesitation, I took out a bottle of medicine pill from the space ring, twisted the opening, poured out a pill, and filled it into my mouth. Because he saw the broken body, he moved again!

Only the waist, the moved towards Tamar flew over by myself!

Do you want to smash my face with him!

At this time, Gazier no longer has the thought of watching jokes, and a faint panic rises in his heart. Who is this youngster?

What is he going to do!

How could I be poisoned by him!

If the whole body is poisoned, is he still not his opponent?

Fortunately, the medicine pill in his hand can be given to him by the is Master. It can be said that the antidote is extremely rare in the entire galaxy. I thought I wouldn't use it at all, I didn't think I would take it out and eat it now.


He was fierce in his heart, and directly swung his claws, tearing the remnant body of Ning Tianlin that flew again to shreds.

Only this time, he felt the soles of his feet numb.

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