Big news!

Big news!

Shocking news!

Soon, the matter of Ning Tianlin's raid in the Colosseum and the killing of Gazil began to spread across the galaxy on the Internet at an extremely fast speed. And every report is the title of the homepage.

"Breaking! The eighth expert of the Galaxy Gazier died at the hands of a mysterious young man!"

"Who is this young man? How old? How can there be an Immortal Body!"


"The real Immortal Body! The real peerless eternity!"

"Mysterious young people are in the Colosseum! Kill the eighth expert Gazier in the galaxy? There are pictures and the truth!"

"What the hell is this mysterious young man for? Two slaves?"

"Why did Gazier die? Why can't I do it well, and I can't fight back in the end?"

. . . . . .

A large number of videos about Ning Tianlin began to explode on the Galaxy network, all with big red headlines and big fonts, all of which are the most conspicuous position on the homepage, and some even come with the time video.

It's just that these news media have received direct announcements from the top level. The announcements are okay and must be mosaic!

For the blurring of the mysterious youth's face, all the paragraphs where Ning Tianlin's name was said were cut off!

And the top-level instruction, of course, is the Lord of the Galaxy!

Beautiful Tree In The Forest, the wind will blow, my fellow villager is still too young and must be protected.

I am afraid that my future achievements are no less than my own.

Earth can be more expert, he hopes to see it in his heart.

"Isn’t there? There are people like this? How can I not kill them?"

When Ning Tianlin's silhouette was broken up again and again, it turned into flesh and blood again and again All those who saw this scene were shocked.

How can there be such a person in this world?

The real Immortal Body!

Ordinary people will die if they turn their heads off!

Is this mysterious young man a human?



"If I had such a powerful body, I would be afraid of a bird! Whoever comes Dare to do it with him!"

Almost everyone cares about Ning Tianlin's Immortal Body, which is almost too fierce, how did he do it?

Broken and restored, restored and broken, so who can kill him?

Where is the secret?

And when they got nothing, they were all thinking, how could this Gazier not move? The big divine might that was good at first, but in the end it moves slowly like a tortoise.

In the end, everything turned into stone, motionless.

What the hell is going on?

The person next to him said he was poisoned, but what kind of poison was he?

How did you get it?

Especially in the video, Gazier swallowed a Detoxification Pill!

Even careful people zoomed in on the video, and through various queries, it was found that this is a Top Grade Detoxification Pill! You can't even call the Galaxy Sacred Pill too much!

But this kind of Detoxification Pill can't solve the poison?

The poison in there is simply too domineering!

Countless people even played the video at that time back thousands of times. The final result was that this mysterious young man only had three contact with each other, once on his shoulders, once on his thighs, and once on his abdomen.

There is no chance for the rest.

If it weren't for these three times, then this kind of poison would really be too overbearing, and Gazier said silently.

"Kneel and beg for the contact information of the mysterious youth! I want to apprentice! I want to learn his Immortal Body!"

"Kneel and beg! I also want to learn his poison, this It is simply a necessary medicine for murder! Dilute it to poison a beauty, and it is nothing difficult!"

"Who is this mysterious young man? How old is he? Will it be this battle of galactic geniuses? Contestants? Come to this Colosseum by accident?"

A variety of public opinions flooded the Galaxy Network.

But no one got a result.

Damn mosaic!

The mosaic of evil!

. . . . . .

"Ning Tianlin! Ninety-nine percent of the possibility is the Ning Tianlin who escaped last time!"

Shendian star.

Great Family Hao Family.

Third Young Master Hao Young Master looked at the video in front of him, his expression tense, his whole body trembling.

Ning Tianlin!

It must be Ning Tianlin!

You Tamar even knows you even after playing Mosaic!

At the Jiumu residence that day, Uncle Lan killed you on the spot and turned you into scum, but you regrouped and even snatched away from Uncle Lan when everyone was at a loss. The space ring.

As Uncle Lan said, he also felt his arm numb at the time, and he didn't feel it for a moment to let you succeed.

This person must be you!

It must be you Ning Tianlin!

Hao Young Master's eyes are red, and his breathing is a little short.

Because he knows that if his guess is correct, it will be a catastrophic disaster for their Hao Family!

An inevitable disaster!

The death in the video is the eighth super expert in the Galaxy Millions and millions of creatures! None of the elders in his family made it into the top ten! Wandering only in thirteen-fourteen!

If it is really him, what should he do if he comes back for revenge?

And revenge is for sure!

Who can not report the feud?

It's just that, how did he cultivation this bastard?

Why is he so powerful now?

After two or three years of absence, his battle strength exceeded 5 million? Even if it is not, it is definitely not too far away!

His own Uncle Lan has only more than three million battle strengths.

At that time, he could be smashed with one punch, but now, I am afraid that he will be smashed by this Ning Tianlin!

"The Colosseum!"

"We Hao Family, can we survive this crisis, I'm afraid it depends on the Colosseum!"

"He killed the second expert of the Colosseum, and the opponent will definitely besiege him! And the owner of the Colosseum, the third super expert in the galaxy, has this ability!"

The frowning Hao Young Master was shocked when he thought of this.


"You can only rely on the Colosseum!"

"Find Ning Tianlin!"

"must Find Ning Tianlin as soon as possible! Then reveal his whereabouts to the Colosseum! In this way, the Colosseum will take action and destroy Ning Tianlin! Then we Hao Family, it is possible to escape this catastrophe!"

Hao Young Master, the more I think about it, the more it is the reason.

A few seconds later, he even shouted at the door, "Come on!"

After instructing the guard what to do, he sat limply on the chair. not knowing what to do.

How come?

How did he offend such a character for Hao Family back then?

And they are in the Ming, this Ning Tianlin is still in the dark!

. . . . . .

At the same time.

The residence of Nanzhan Palace Lord.

"It must be him."

"Ning Tianlin!"

"He is back again!"

And with Hao Young The Master also recognized that this mysterious young man was Ning Tianlin, and that he was Palace Master Nanzhan!

In his hands, he holds the complete video that took place at the Nine Eyes Palace of Nanzhan Mansion that day. Ning Tianlin's body was completely broken that day, and finally reunited. Moreover, when he snatched the space ring from the servant, it was only successful when the opponent was paralyzed for an instant.

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