"I have not seen you for nearly three years. You have grown up to this point."

Palace Lord Nanzhan was shocked when he watched the video in front of him. He was true. Unexpectedly, in three years, Ning Tianlin had grown to such a point. Even the eighth powerhouse of the galaxy can be killed.

Does this mean that he himself was killed in front of the opponent?

"Fortunately, I took the initiative to show my favor that day, instead of using power to suppress others."

Thinking of this, the Nanzhan Palace Lord in the heart let out a long sigh. On that day, he saw Ning Tianlin's outstanding talents, and his future achievements would never be limited. It came from his own Nanzhan Mansion, and he took good care of everything.

I even hosted a banquet for him in his own house.

Now it seems that all this is worthwhile.

"And this time, I guess it's most likely to be for the Galactic Genius Martial Dao competition a month later."

Palace Nanzhan already has an estimate in his mind.

If not, I won’t show up early, and I won’t show up late, just to reveal whereabouts at this time.

"Then when the time comes, our Nanzhan Mansion will definitely shine!"

When the Lord Gongshan was killed that day, the Nanzhan Mansion and He did not punish Ning Tianlin, but directly canonized him as the number one among the players, that is, he has the right of immunity directly, and there is no need to compete with the genius of Nanzhan Mansion.

Now when I return, I will definitely still use this identity.

If he guessed right, Ning Tianlin will come to find himself in a short time.

The excitement of Ning Tianlin is different from the speculation of Ning Tianlin.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin is between green hills and clear water, in front of it is a jade green lake, basking in the warm sun, half-squinted, holding a book in his hand, looking very seriously NS.

The quasi-disciple Su Luoman just received, like a maid, half-kneeled on the ground, giving Ning Tianlin tea seriously.

One pot and one water, quiet and serene.

It’s just that Su Luoman doesn’t understand why the master doesn’t like so many sweet wines, but loves this tea.

She once tasted this thing, it was a bit bitter.

Not her favorite drink.

Even before he met the master, he didn't know that there was such a drink in the world.

"The general way to improve battle strength, needless to say, you also know."

Ning Tianlin spoke while reading.

And what he said is exactly the same as in the book. Not a word bad.

The black material of this book is very thick, with textures printed on the surface, giving people a sense of quaint mulberry. It was three days ago that Ning Tianlin spent a hundred points of energy from the battle strength. Redeemed from the system.

It is called "Battle Strength Foundation".

Ning Tianlin has never been a master, let alone how to teach dísciple. What he did was just exchange a book and read it according to the rules.

Speaking of teaching, it is better to say that it is learning together.

Because he found that these battle strength foundations are also very useful to him. He is not very clear about many ways to improve battle strength.

After all, he was only halfway through his debut, and he didn't understand many basics.

In the past few years, he has been committed to improving battle strength by his essence points. He hasn't learned much about the general Martial Artist's battle strength improvement method.

Take this opportunity to learn more.

And the redeemed "Battle Strength Detailed Explanation", although the name sounds ordinary, it comes from the universe. It collects the various changes and foundations of battle strength in the universe, and all kinds of battle strength. How to raise the battle strength, how to maximize the battle strength in the battle strength, and various basic knowledge.

A lot of things, let alone heard in the galaxy, have never appeared.

Even Baiqi who sits cross-legged on the lake in the cultivation has his ears erected and listened secretly. Because he was also a monk halfway through, he simply didn't have any systematic training.

He doesn't know many things.

"Equipment, martial skills, these are just the most common and the most common."

Ning Tianlin spoke slowly in Su Luoman’s attention, "But there are some, Although it is not common, it is a real existence."

"For example, Formation, badge, rune, inner core, etc."

"Sometimes an inner core is right The bonus effect of battle strength is stronger than the attribute of Fleshy body!"

Ning Tianlin read it and thought, it is true.

inner core.

He hasn't really touched this thing yet.

What the book says is something that can only be possessed by animal spirits. With it, the battle strength will increase by a geometric multiple. Compared with this, the fleshy body is completely a heaven and an underground.

Many powerful cosmic races are born with this thing.

However, Ning Tianlin feels that the dantian inside of his body is now almost the size of an egg, I am afraid that the formidable power is really compared, not worse than any inner core, or even more high.

"Martial skills are divided into fleshy body martial skills, Heaven and Earth spells, and Spiritual Qi controls. The universe is so big that there are no fewer than ten thousand kinds."

"So in the future, when fighting in the future, it is very likely that you will encounter a level that you have never touched. At that time, all you have to do is to be flustered, don't be afraid, and strive to find out its mystery within the maximum time."

"If the result is only ninety-five percent, whoever will have the battle strength and the strong will win!"

"Battle strength is the root."

Ning Tianlin Following her own thinking, reading and speaking, it doesn't matter whether Su Luoman can understand or not. Anyway, when the book is finished, he will give it to her.

It's your own quasi-disciple anyway, and it shouldn't be too mean.

"Battle strength Martial Artist, although he has a long life, he wants to have the highest battle strength in the shortest time. The limited time must be spent on serious things."

At this time, Ning Tianlin put down the book in his hand and finished making tea, standing by his side, quietly listening to Su Luoman explained by her, and said seriously, "Therefore, there are some things you can do in the future, but there are some things. , Don’t waste your time on it. That will only slow you down the speed of improving your battle strength."

"Then...Master, what should I do, and what should I do? Can't do it, please tell me, I must obey your instructions." Su Luoman also said seriously at this time.

She was excited, because this must be the master's heartfelt words, he can have such a high battle strength at a young age, he must have his own way of improvement.

He must teach himself experience!

If you do what the master requires, maybe your battle strength can also increase rapidly in a short time.

Even the white person sitting in the void above the lake surface raised his ears, and he was about to be stolen from the experience of Ning Tianlin. He can raise the battle strength to such a crazy level in such a short time, and he must have his own experience.

"What you have to do is to practice assiduously. As for how to practice, I will tell you after you officially become my discipline."

Famous, Ning Tianlin But only one sentence of assiduous practice was mentioned.

The eavesdropper's Baiqi is almost depressed and vomits blood.

Hard, work hard, earnestly, come on, who doesn’t know? Still use you to teach?

It is better not to say it.

It's just that Ning Tianlin quickly continued, "But what I said now is not for you to do, you will definitely not waste time on this in the future."

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