Note: The sense Xieshu "お u wa forever ni desu べ te lonely", "Dark World", "AlexMerc", "Tao", "QQ", "scorpion" is a reward, really Bese you!


hear Ning Tianlin say is down to business, a Shu Shan did not ask, after all, her impression, like the rich, should all be very busy. Ning Tianlin her in mind, has been unable to use ordinary person to look at.

"Then you go out be careful, pay attention to safety." At the end, a Shu Shan added the sentence.

"rest assured that I know of." Ning Tianlin nodded with a smile. "That afternoon, until the afternoon, invited me to eat chicken face."

"Well." Shu Shan somewhat a blushing nodded.



a female Division Offices.

"how? Gaoping not contacted them?" High classroom, wearing a starched suit middle age person, frowned, he asked for the Registry below.

"no." The Registry shook the head, and his face is some confusion, "It stands to reason that they have come back early, early hours of July 15, they should be escorted those ghosts return to hell comes to me to close the case. "

" but they not only did not return, but until now, I have all of the methods are used, or can not contact them. "

this kinds of things, which he Registrar Kuaidang three decades, has never encountered before. The annual July 14, in the final shade of difference in their jurisdiction, always escorted home to visit relatives of the dead are returned on time, from no exceptions.

After all, the law of Yin Sector but extremely harsh, far from Yang Sector can match! Here, simply do not speak who. Right, their limbs broken, under the pan, which in Bao Luo Yang Sector on the surface of torture have long disappeared, is often the case!

This Gaoping them here and there is no background, should not be so foolish as to violate the regulations of Yin Sector. In particular, July 14 Gates of Hell switch this kind of thing, is not trivial, specified time will never come back, this year, it may never return to Yin Sector!

once, unless under the Gates of Hell open it again!

"You say, will not, what happened?" Middle age person thought for a moment, then asked, "I was here when the difference in Cao Bang, has been nearly a decade, five years ago began escorting ghosts home visits, come back on time every time. "

" but this time, not only did not return, even the message did not return, that is a bit strange. "

middle age person in charge of this side of the nether world, Yang is responsible for all human spirits of Sector Beijing Taipei thing. This time things are not so big that small is not small, but if let the top know, he did not get away.

At a minimum, are also under a strict law, secretly let Yang Sector of crime under stay!

"It should not be."

Registry shook the head, "and now Yang Sector simply few can do nothing got poor people Yin, a famous Taoist monk, cultivation person, here we are in the record, not add up to ten. "

" Moreover, they are simply afraid to embarrass overcast poor, did not have the guts! "

"Yin embarrassed poor, and it is equivalent to the nether world, and in the whole Netherworld against! courage are afraid to lend them ten!"

this is the Registry directly deny this possibility.

"adults, you do not, you apply for approval, let me take a trip down Yang Sector, are clear. If they Gaoping accident, this team ghosts of their hands, maybe went wrong! One hundred Although we Netherworld two ghosts are not really even a drizzle, but Yang Sector, can certainly lead to a calamity! "

" this thing is not such a drag on. "

Registry eyes emerged solemn color, think of the consequences that may arise is that while scared.


"Gates of Hell hurdle, Yin Ling not even think about any out! I want to go to Yang Sector this approval, too difficult, difficult Pixia ! I'm just a little party nether, layers of approval to a report, the final decision is still up to the King Yama adults. "

" temporarily can not say Pixia is one thing, only just I do, can make all superiors know, I have not Yang Sector men secretly stay back! I see how it makes superiors! "

" this approval of the matter, off to say! "

this middle age person directly rejected the proposal of the Registrar, shook the head.

"how to do that, this matter must be addressed, if not those ghosts, really hell broke loose ......" The Registry is still some concern.

one hundred unmanaged ghosts, definitely make Beijing-Taipei's Yang Sector chaos!

"I think ......" This middle age person then why not aware of this result, if the poor Yin accident, that one hundred unmanaged ghosts, maybe really wantonly rebellion. "You go on, you do not control it."

After a child, waved his hand, indicating that the Registry can go on.

"Shi." This Registry bend bent over, back down.




Dragon Tiger Mountain.

three in the morning.


a red light, sky, lighting up the entire Dragon-Tiger great hall, is the great hall, the cross-legged meditation of an old man, stunned and suddenly opened his eyes! Because he saw himself carrying a red jade pendant, broken up!

"Is it?"

The old man complexion changed, because this jade pendant, he was twenty years ago, in order to help a country important figure healing, soul Shimoji House time to make a female Secretary presented to him, he has been wearing around.

can not think, even today, is broken!

At the same time, he is also remembered for a while, then it was at the time of the Netherworld, the man said, "This jade pendant, a communication Netherworld keepsake, after you have anything, through this jade pendant to find me. "

" If I call the shots, will handle good for you Yin Sector. "

" but jade pendant from the Netherworld, if the Yang Sector use only once lifespan, after use, will shatter. "

While this jade pendant old man get when extremely treasure, had cherished, treasured in their side, because this is communicated opportunity to the government, maybe he really something, you can communicate directly to the government!

Although he was able to use the secret technique, soul-down government, but extremely beverages, came back, who will bring huge chi erosion, if not the country last important figure of the trust, he also not going to take the risk!

Moreover, now in his eighty years old, I do not want to become the next!

His body has been unable to support the use of that secret technique!

So, he was especially cherish this jade pendant, or even wait for him to return days later, to the next generation Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect Master. But to my surprise, even at the moment to broken, hey!

"Heavenly Master Zhang, long time no see."

At this time, this red light aggregation, coagulation chi, a moment, on the formation of a body, the void suspension. None other than the Netherworld that name nether. He was still smiling, sitting cross-legged on the Heavenly Master Zhang Road.

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