"Sir Li!"

"really is you!"

Zhang Daocheng surprised, he vaguely thought of broken jade pendant, very and this may have about people, but did not expect, his silhouette, has indeed appeared in his eyes. Not help, quickly stand up from the futon, moved towards virtual channel Li, "seen Sir Li!"

"Heavenly Master Zhang, without kind." Virtual void Li waved standing, "Let the other, almost twenty years now. "

" nineteen years and eight months. "Zhang Daocheng answered very seriously," Imagine lifetime in Poor Daoist, and she and Sir Li meet with a. thought, this opportunity, I need to report when the Netherworld before they can do. "

" Heavenly Master Zhang said, where words. Take your Essence, Qi, and Spirit, At least live another decade is not a problem. "Li false compliments.

"Sir Li joking, Poor Daoist he knows his own body." Zhangdao Cheng said, "if not next year you Netherworld, perhaps to live for that age. But now Well, they can not hold it long a. "

said this, Zhang Daocheng is laughing, because the government although terrifying, but for him this figure it, there is no good scruples, after all, on that side of Heaven and earth I know. His life, also in accordance with the rules of the government to act.

Once there, let alone mixed with high-ranking officials, ordinary differential Yin is absolutely no problem!

"I do not know the concept of shelter Sir Li come, Why? What orders sent if, despite talk to. Shield in view of over 500 books dísciple, obey your excellency's orders as possible."

Zhang Daocheng certainly know that the other party is not to specifically come to see themselves as simple as that, they put their stance put low. Netherworld energy and officials marked the dealings, a good relationship, on their own after entering the Netherworld, they have great benefits.

"commanded dare say." Lee waved imaginary, "but one thing really needs to Heavenly Master Zhang's help."

"Say." Zhang Daocheng face startled, solemnly asked.


more than one hour later, Lee imaginary dispersed, Zhang Daocheng face changes, thought for a moment, become called the phone three True Disciple . He is the Dragon Tiger Mountain in Sect Master, although dísciple hundreds, but he really gets it completely, Buffy can use surgery method, also the three men.

Future Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect Master, will certainly decide the winner of this trio.

of urgency, he also refused to take at this time is midnight four points more minutes, they put three men to convene over. After

more than one hour, the day a little brighter, three dressed different, there is like a suit, there are casual sportswear, as well as ponytail people, carrying their bags, they go together from the mountain road to the foot of the mountain.

And the foot, has three black cars waiting for them.

trio got together after the most middle of the bike, opt for launch and went to the airport to fly.


Beijing city.


days smoked smell of fish.

Even his nose, but also in addition to several hundred meters, Wen Tao thick stench.

"Do you really want to contract here one week?"

"A total of one hundred million renminbi?"

Taipei to Beijing, a total of six large slaughterhouses, this is one of them, specifically cattle slaughtered for consumption, slaughtering one thousand long day, but very little manpower, most of the processes are completed by machine, directly cattle to the fence, then the machine will naturally fall.

if not, one thousand head of cattle slaughtered, chopped into pieces, three thousand a day are piling up, which bare the human cost will be astronomical.

At the moment, extra baggage of a middle-aged man, sitting in his office chair, in front of some incredible asked the boy.

one thousand head of cattle, a ten thousand is a million, in addition to over-electricity, water, workers' fees, etc., can fall into your own pocket, also one or two million, but now, the young man went so far as to directly give yourself one hundred million, to which the slaughterhouse contracting week!

He is the plant's growth, so doing, he could net tens of millions off!

such a thing, is entirely a dream come true thing!

"Well." Teenager nodded, "one week."

"Within a week, you can not have within this factory who gave me withdraw."

this boy, is none other than coming from the school Ning Tianlin, not the task of the system enacted, he can think quickly earned essence, that the only slaughterhouse, crazy slaughtered.

sea creatures are more than tens of thousands, and a wide variety. But he asked battle strength system, and now the fleshy body, but also simply can not under the sea, in the sea can not stay long. In particular seabed and the like, huge pressure, will make his fleshy body directly into the jifen!

Want freely in the sea, you do not need to breathe, at least, may need to get five Level 10.

Moreover, this mad slaughter, he certainly does not want others to see, especially the bodies of the cattle, and the last will be Wan foot centipede to eat. Wan foot centipede appears, can not let anyone know.

"how to?"

"If agree, this billion in cash, be immediately credited into account."

"You people just need to be responsible the daily cattle feed factory can. "

Ning Tianlin stared at the director's eyes, seriously he said.

"We will evacuate people, but this machine ......"

director surprised a moment, withdraw their people, and that these machines how to do? These devices also have paid for the. They did not stare at people, what you really want less of, in particular, accessories and the like, will spawn big trouble.

"plus one hundred million deposit."

"After one week, if you plant it a little bit less of something, one hundred million deposit will be deducted!"

Ning Tianlin direct channel. As long as the money can solve the problem, not a problem!

The money, though he has not, but it can battle strength loans from the system, interest on the other side needs only one percent, that is 100 points and then also the essence 101.5 , with the give away it seems.


"Now that Mr. Ning say so, I am not a stingy person Chen, this thing I'll do."

"I am now ready to let contracts, signed within half an hour!"

there is also a security deposit one million, which the director on the spot down the heart. Although the total value of his machine more than one hundred thirty million, but has spent seven or eight years, reselling it, Cheng Si also 67 millions, and now one hundred million, totally more than sufficient!

As for the other side to be doing here, off his hair thing!

is debauchery, fun murder he did not care. He was a businessman, as long as the money, not illegal things will do!

"That's good." Ning Tianlin nodded, "I will now turn over the money to you."

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