


Ning Tianlin's silhouette dances, Shuttle between the herd.

This is a factory building, packed with cattle that have been transported over. Ning Tianlin holds a large knife in his hand, made of metal alloy, and he uses a little energy to exchange it in the battle strength system. Yes, although it is not a Magical Artifact, it is much sharper than an ordinary sword!

He didn’t have much skill to kill the cow. He used almost all brute force. With a single cut, the cow’s head flew up, and the corpse was separated. He could even use the back of the knife to smash the huge cow’s body. Give it a fly.

In less than half an hour, more than fifty cows had died in his hands.

Even due to the irritation of the bloody smell, some of these cows have gone mad, ramming in the factory, like mad. Not only rushed towards the instigator Ning Tianlin, but even together with the class, they all hit and flew.

"I just didn't think that these cows also have souls."

Since Ning Tianlin has opened Yin-Yang Eye, the scene before me is a bit gloomy, except for the blood and blood. The corpse, and many transparent souls, stood beside these cows. It's just that his eyes are blank and a little dazed.

"You Earth, any creature has a soul." At this time, the voice of the battle strength system also explained. "Don't talk about people, but an ant, a cockroach, and a bug, all have souls."

"Their souls will also go to the underworld, reincarnate, or continue in their original form. Existence. After reincarnation, it may be a human or other creature."

"So..." what the battle strength system said reminded him of the legendary Six Paths reincarnation. Here, countless souls can be reincarnated, not just human beings. However, he immediately realized a problem, because just now, the battle strength system used "You Earth"!

asked, "You mean, all creatures in our Earth have souls, but other planet creatures in the universe don’t necessarily have them?"

If this is the case, this Things can be big! Is it that alien life has no soul? Die if you die?

"Soul, what a great existence."

It seems to evoke distant memories. The battle strength system is a bit slow, "You think the soul is so easy to get Yes? You Earth, the existence of souls means that these creatures will never die! Even if they are dead, they are still in the Netherworld and live with another life!"

"For good luck, use In a few years, he was reincarnated and reborn as a human again. Although there is no memory, the essence is still the same. It is the same soul!"

"It can be said that you Earth people, having souls, are born Immortality! It’s just that the form of living is different."

Although it is not stated clearly, this remark of the battle strength system still lets Ning Tianlin know that not all life in the universe has a soul, Netherworld This kind of existence. Although I don't know if Earth is the only one, but the lives of other planets die if they die. Without the Netherworld, they are reincarnated.


At this moment, a relatively cold energy appeared abruptly throughout the workshop. If it weren't for him, Ning Tianlin is now very sensitive in spirit, simply feels No, at the same time, a faint ash-gray qi appeared in the air.

He even had a clear comprehension in his heart. If he had not opened the Yin-Yang Eye now, he would not have seen this ash-gray qi!

And very soon, these ash-gray qi will envelop the ghosts of all dead cows. Afterwards, the ghosts of these cows began to become lighter and lighter. In less than half a minute, they disappeared without a trace.

"What is this ash-gray qi?"

"How did the soul of the cow disappear?"

Ning Tianlin has faintly realized something, but Not sure.

"ash-gray qi is a detection method for the underworld. It is easy to detect which part of the Yang Sector has a ghost. Then, these ash-gray qi will bring the ghost to the Yin Sector and go to A specific place. At that time, when you died, wasn't it the one that was taken to the underworld by these ash-gray qi."

The battle strength system explained.

"I just died at the time and was immersed in grief. I simply didn't notice it."

Ning Tianlin thought about it carefully. At that time, he was really not caught in the legend. Ox Head and Horse Face, Black and White Impermanence hooked to Netherworld, but somehow, he got there for no reason.

"Now you Earth, in Dharma End Era, the gate of yin and yang is closed, and you only communicate once a year. At that time, things from the Yin Sector can come to the Yang Sector. Normally, it is simply impossible to appear in Yang. Sector."

"Ecstasy messenger or something, it's only a long time ago."

"At that time, Ecstasy messenger a single thought, can bring the dead souls to life. , Even if thousands of people die absolutely, they can all return in the blink of an eye. But now, few people in the underworld can do this."

"You Earth, bare people everyday all don’t know. There are hundreds of thousands to die, plus fish, insects, birds and beasts, hundreds of millions, how do you let the ecstasy messenger catch? One by one arrest? Exhausted them!"

"So Nowadays, the ghosts return to the underworld in this way, which is quick and rapid, saving a lot of manpower and material resources in the Netherworld."

The battle strength system clearly understands the underworld and explained to Ning Gang. Only afterwards, he added, "It's just the gray gas detection system, and there is also a problem, that is, it is only useful for ordinary ghosts, a little more powerful ghosts, but if this ghost is a natural ghost, it can completely resist this gray. If you don’t want to enter the underworld, you can forcibly resist the erosion of qi!"

"Also, some Land of Extreme Yin who died under the shelter of the earth veins can also be avoided."


"In other words, in your Yang Sector, there are still ghosts and things, but they are rare, and it depends on whether you have the chance to encounter them."

Ning Tianlin nodded, remember What the battle strength system said, too, all monitoring systems must have a fish that escaped the net, and nothing is 100% perfect. Yang Sector must also have ghosts, if not, how can Buddhism, Taoism, warlock and the like be able to rise up properly.


Understanding this, the big knife in Ning Tianlin's hand danced again, and soon, another edible cow fell in a pool of blood. As for the compassion for cows, he is gone now. There are still people who do this kind of thing if he doesn't do it!

If he doesn't kill, the staff in the slaughterhouse will kill too!

As long as humans still eat beef, pork, and mutton, this kind of killing will never stop. You said that you can’t bear to kill a cow, so you can serve it on a plate to make a good dish and put it in front of you. Why do you want to eat it?

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