"I don't intend to offend, just see the lord of the galaxy!"

Faced with the other party's question, Ning Tianlin replied patiently.

No way, he dare not really rush here.

Not to mention that the Lord of the Galaxy has the ability to kill him in a flash. His purpose here is to ask the other party for help, not to provoke him.

"Is it the one you want to see, my lord?"

"Hurry up and leave!"

It's just the other people who are basically unmoved, the one headed coldly shouted.

This is his duty. Unless you know someone with Master Yinhe, you are not allowed to let him go. People who are acquainted with each other can only enter after being notified. After all, the lord of the galaxy wants to see or not at the moment, it is still the same thing.

"Please see the Lord of the Milky Way below, there is really an urgent business."

Ning Tianlin did not leave, but said again.

The quasi-disciple Su Luoman who followed him was shaking a little, not agitated, but nervous and frightened. She knows what this place is, the residence of the Lord of the Galaxy!

The place where the real Sovereign of the Milky Way lives!

This is a forbidden place!

A forbidden place for all Galaxy Martial Artists!

It is also the holy place that all Galaxy Martial Artists yearn for!

There is a god living here!

millions and millions of creatures must worship god!

In his words, one sentence determines life and death, one sentence determines wealth! No one dares to violate it!

She never even thought that one day she would stand in front of this kind of character and look forward to it. This is something he never dared to dream of.

But Bai Qi on the side is extremely excited.

Because he might be able to see Lord Shi Huang later. After more than two thousand years of parting, maybe we will meet again today!

"Ten seconds for you!"

"If we don't leave, we will do it!"

The guard at the gate can ignore these.

They have strict rules and regulations, and people who don’t know are resolutely not allowed to enter the adult’s residence. Although they knew that this person was called Ning Tianlin, but apart from these, they had nothing!

He can kill the Galaxy Ranked Eighth's Kaqier, maybe it will be against the Galaxy Lord!

In any case, this person cannot enter!

"Ten seconds?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, he could feel that the other party was not talking and laughing.

Leave here?

Absolutely not!

In that case, he really doesn't know how to return to Earth in a short time!

And he feels that the Lord of the Galaxy is able to break through the space and carry people for Spatial Teleportation, then only short-range Spatial Teleportation can be performed! It is impossible to feel Earth all at once.

Each time, energy and time are consumed.

Time is what he values ​​most!





Seeing Ning Tianlin not leaving, these guards have already counted the numbers. Even Ning Tianlin noticed that a large piece of Martial Artist has descended from the void, overlooking from above. If he doesn't leave again, the other party will definitely be surrounded and beaten!




Seeing Ning Tianlin just standing there, his face changed , Did not leave, the one headed loudly shouted "Start!" and saw dozens of Martial Artists, from all over the void, blasting towards Ning Tianlin.

They know that they are not Ning Tianlin's opponents, but as far as the order comes, they will not hesitate to turn back!

This is their duty!


Before Ning Tianlin was in front of him, astral qi overflowed, shaking the entire space.


But in the blink of an eye, these people flew upside down, fell heavily to one side, wailed, and fell to the ground. Some people The body has been shattered, but it is not fatal.

Ning Tianlin did not kill him.

If not, it will really fall out in the next meeting!

"Ning Tianlin, you are so bold!"

"Dare to defend against it!"

The complexion of the guard who spoke just now has greatly changed, how? Also didn't expect, Ning Tianlin did not obediently surrender, but dared to resist!

Know that this is the gate of the Lord of the Galaxy!

You dare to resist!

You are fighting against the Lord of the Galaxy! Enemy with Martial Artist of the whole galaxy!

As soon as this matter is over today, although the Milky Way is big, there is still a place for you to see wherever you go!

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

And with his resistance, the surrounding guards Even more madly pounced on him, one next to one another, desperately pounced, vowing to capture Ning Tianlin alive!

It's just these people, it's just a guard, it's simply not a Ning Tianlin opponent, and it fell to the ground in a moment!

After doing this, Ning Tianlin flew up, ready to rush!


The guard who made the first speech was also knocked to the ground by Ning Tianlin after insisting on two or three rounds, unable to climb up for a long time.

"Ning Tianlin, you are so bold!"

"Dare to be impudent here!"

At this time, a tall silhouette, floating in the void , Appeared there quietly.

Ning Tianlin is okay, I also noticed this person, and Su Luoman and Bai Qi not far behind him, simply don’t know how this person appeared, as if he had been there just now, talk to space fuse together!

Obviously, this person’s battle strength is probably ridiculously high!

"Who are you?"

Ning Tianlin did not do anything.

Because at this moment, he felt a strong pressure on this person.

Very strong!

Better than the Ranked Eighth Colosseum expert Gazier he killed!

Even the two are simply not the same level!

Especially Ning Tianlin noticed that this person is not yet a real human being. He is about seven or eight meters in size, and is made of gray stones. There is no muscle, but it is a stone stronger than muscle. !

The eyes, the mouth, the whole skin are all!

"Stone Golem Race?"

Ning Tianlin thought of a species he had seen before.

Stone Golem Race.

Another cosmic race that is closer to humans.

Not only in the Milky Way, but also in other galaxies and in the Star Domain chart.

All over the universe, but compared with real humans in number, it is one in the sky and one underground.

"Master Hoth!"

And the other side did not answer, the downed guards on the side, at this moment, have already struggled to stand up, and bowed to the floating Stoneman. Kowtow said.

This is the second guard force of the mansion.

It is also a real expert in Fuchu!

Among the ten great experts published by Yinhe, ranked 5th!

"You are not opponents, go down."

Hose waved his hand and let these people go down.

He is quite satisfied with Ning Tianlin's approach. Fortunately, he didn't kill him!


"Galactic battle strength ranked 5th expert!"

After the guards called out this name, Ning Tianlin, Bai At the beginning, the three of Su Luoman knew who this person was!

Galactic battle strength ranked 5th real expert!

After they left the Colosseum, they found a lot of information on the Internet. Especially the top ten experts in the Milky Way are all printed in their minds. It's just that this person has only a name and no body shape.

Unexpectedly, I saw it at this moment.

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