
"Hose who always sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail!"

battle strength Among the ranking experts, there are a few people who are more mysterious and never show their silhouettes. They only hear the name, but don't see the shadow. This is one of them. Unexpectedly, I saw it here.

It turned out to be the guardian of the mansion of the galaxy!

"I am Hoth."

What Ning Tianlin did not expect is that Hoth actually said his own name, which is considered to be a question to Ning Tianlin just now. Reply.

"Ning Tianlin, do you know that you are guilty?"

Moreover, he didn't act immediately, but asked Ning Tianlin.

In front of them at this level, everything is imaginary.

Only battle strength is eternal.

The youngster in front of me is able to kill the Ranked Eighth's Kaqier, which means that battle strength is also a great expert in the top ten, and I have said so much. According to the news on the Internet in the past few days, this person has replaced Ka Qier and became an expert of Ranked Eighth!

"I am convicted." Ning Tianlin nodded, earnestly said, "But I only want to see the Lord of the Milky Way, when the time comes is punishment or punishment, I Ning Tianlin will never say anything!"


His goal now is to see the Lord of the Galaxy.

When the time comes, the other party may punish himself, but it is impossible to kill himself.

I'm still his fellow at any rate.

This sentiment, the other party should still give it.

"It's good to be guilty."

"But adults are not what you want to see."

Hose shook the head and gave Explain, "If anyone comes here and says to see the Lord of the Galaxy, we will let it go. Then there is no mess in this world?"

"So, you will be punished if you convict!"

Speaking, Hoth shuddered, and an extremely powerful aura burst out instantly, covering Ning Tianlin. Even with the originally peaceful void, there was a grinning wind.

"Ning Tianlin, dare to fight with me!"

The sound is like a bell, resounding through Heaven and Earth!

But only he knows that his hands are itchy, and he hasn't touched anyone for many years!

Especially the top ten expert in battle strength, he hasn't played in a long time!

"why not dare!"

Ning Tianlin really wants to curse your sister!

After talking for a long time, I still have to do it!

The figure rises up to the height of Hoth’s face, replied loudly.




The laughter shook the sky. It is estimated that the entire Galaxy Mansion is I can hear, "Then fight!"

"If you win me, I'll tell you, can I see the adults!"

After speaking, I hold my face The fist with a big basin, moved towards Ning Tianlin blasted.

The battle strength weapon was not used.

He wants to try Ning Tianlin's battle strength first.

He watched the video of the day and knew that Gazil of Ranked Eighth was the opponent's way at the time. The youngster's battle strength is not necessarily higher than that of the opponent!

No battle strength equipment, enough!

What made him couldn't believe his eyes was that the other party just made a fist with one hand and moved towards him.

I actually want to have a meet force with force with him!

"courting death!"

Hose's heart is coldly snorted, this is not to put himself in his eyes at all!

When I started with Ka Qier of Ranked Eighth, I even used the battle strength weapon.

Moreover, with the video of the day as a reference, he will not have any physical contact with the other party. The astral qi on the outside of his fist can kill this Ning Tianlin in an instant!

“bang! ”

The instant contact between the two is an eruption of a thunderous roar.

In the middle of the two, like a mushroom cloud rising, huge energy rushes up, like smoke like mist, more like a mushroom cloud.

"Why...what's going on...maybe!"

It was just after the collision, the clouds and smoke cleared, everyone opened their eyes inconceivably, Because in their eyes, Hoth, the invincible ranked fifth in the galaxy's battle strength, actually retreated violently, and was shaken alive by thousands of meters!


After standing firm, it spurt a large mouthful of blood uncontrollably.


The color is exactly the same as his skin.

With his two arms, all of them were broken at the root, and the gray blood continued to flow down the roots.

Hose's face is full of horror and deep unbelievable.

"How could it be..."

"How could it be like this."

"How could I fail?"

"And defeated so with no difficulty?"

Hose only felt that his whole body was about to shatter. He had no internal organs, he was a stone man, but he had blood, and he could feel the pain at this moment. He just felt like he was going to die.

The whole body is about to break apart.

He can even feel that the other party has withdrawn part of his strength at the last moment. If not, he might break not only his arm, but his whole body at the moment.

Can't help but kneel down.

Because this posture is the most comfortable, it is the most supportive of his body not to fall down!


"Why is his battle strength higher than mine?"

Hose has thousands of fuck your mother in his heart. However, this Ning Tianlin's battle strength was not even beaten by Ranked Eighth's Gazier a few days ago, and the last thing it relied on was toxins.

But now it is obvious that I am simply not the opponent's opponent!

Although he did not use the battle strength weapon, the opponent did not use it either! This has an impact on the situation of the war, but it is not yet such a decisive impact.

"Does this Ning Tianlin retain his strength that day?"

Hose, who was in pain, knew that he was defeated, because the shaking body meant that he simply did not The power to fight again.

This makes him really unable to believe the facts in front of him.

He at first, simply did not expect this to be the case.

In his imagination, he would easily defeat the opponent and make the opponent suffer enough, but now, he was defeated by the opponent with no difficulty!

There is only one possibility, that is, the opponent retained his strength in the battle with Gazil at that time!

If not, it is impossible!

The past few days has increased hundreds of thousands, even millions of battle strength? joke! This is simply impossible!

No one can have such a big improvement in such a short period of time, less than ten days!

"It seems that the battle that day was too simple for me."

Hose was a little frustrated. He only felt that he was blind. How could it be from the video? This kind of judgment, why did not find the key!

It's too late now!

He lost!

It was a complete defeat!

In the eyes of others, he just broke two arms, but he knew that his whole body was shaking and he couldn't use force again. If not, his body will fall apart!


"What's the situation..."

Bai Qi looked at it for a moment. Yes, some can't believe their eyes.

Is Ning Tianlin so good?


The fifth battle strength expert in the Milky Way!

Just like that, I was knocked into the air and broke my arm! Now I am too scared to step forward!

Is this really his Ning Tianlin?

Why is it so powerful!

Is this guy always hiding himself?

It's really shameless!

It's so hidden!

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