"Wait for me to go in and report."

Familiar with Hoth's next words, Ning Tianlin was taken aback.


Is that what happened?

Then hurry up!

What are you still scratching!

"If the lord of the galaxy sees you, it is up to the master of galaxy, we have no right to interfere."

Hose finished speaking and looked at Ning Tianlin's eyes.


"That's a good man."

Ning Tianlin nodded, whether you see yourself or not, ultimately depends on the master of the galaxy. After defeating Hoth, Quandang took a ticket to the Galaxy Mansion.

Speaking, with a wave of his hand, a dark green medicine pill appeared in his hand, flicks with the finger, and flew towards Hoth.


Hose took it in doubt, and it turned out to be a medicine pill. Judging from the fragrance of the medicine alone, we can know that this is a Top Grade medicine pill. Without hesitation, he swallowed it directly.

Impossible is a poison. If Ning Tianlin wants to harm him, he can use it like this, just smash it directly.

This medicine pill is definitely to let your body recover as soon as possible, so that you can go in and report it.

Sure enough, when medicine pill entered the body, the cracks inside his body reunited at an extremely fast speed. After five or six seconds, he felt his body was refilled with strength and became stronger. .

Although it is not as good as at the peak period, it is still possible to fly to the mansion.


Hose cupped the hands to Ning Tianlin and turned away.

The grudge between him and Ning Tianlin, after all, is just the division of responsibilities, not much hatred. By doing this, Ning Tianlin probably wanted to befriend him, and didn't want to offend him too much.

At the same time.

The Milky Way, especially the network of Temple Stars, is boiling again.

Not for anything else, but also shocked by Ning Tianlin's appearance and shot!

He appeared!

When everyone thought he was going to hide from the Colosseum, and didn't dare to show up, he appeared so just and honorable!

And where it appeared, it was so high-profile and incredible.

The Mansion of the Lord of the Galaxy!

He unexpectedly appeared at the gate of the mansion of the Lord of the Galaxy!

And there was a fight!

The fifth galaxy!

Expert Hoth, ranked fifth in the galaxy, was defeated!

And it's just a trick! Very easy!

"Am I right?"

"Is this picture real?"

Many people looked at the screen in front of them, almost doubting themselves Eye. They are already shocked when Ning Tianlin reappears, but now this situation can no longer be described as shock, it should be shocked to drop his jaw!

Too overbearing and weird, you can defeat the ranked 5th Hoth with one move!

You know, a few days ago, it took a lot of effort, and even the body was broken many times before I defeated Gazier!

It's so easy this time!

Involuntarily, their first reaction was to shout, wondering if the video was real or if it was composed by someone.


"Absolutely false!"

"Impossible is true!"

"How did he Maybe beat Hoth! And does Hoth really look like this? Wouldn’t it be a random pretend?"

Some people have begun to wonder if this Hoth is true, after all, few people have seen it. The true face of Hoth has always seen the head of the divine dragon but not its tail. They are all wondering if someone deliberately rubbed Ning Tianlin's popularity and specially synthesized such a video.

Even the mysterious Hoth got it out.

"It's over."

"The publisher of this video is over!"

"Dare to arrange Master Hoth and use such crude means to show Ning Tianlin !"

"Master Hoth won't let him go!"

Someone even thought of the ending of this publisher who had already taken pleasure in other people's misfortune.

If the real Lord Hoth knew that he was released as a stepping stone for Ning Tianlin, he would definitely be furious! When the time comes, this publisher will definitely be Dismemberment by Five Horses!

"A bunch of lunatics!"

"Jealous ghosts!"

"The fart is fake!"

"It must have been seen The video posted by Lao Tzu made the headlines, and I will soon be jealous!"

"Lao Tzu is right now, at the gate of the Mansion of the Galaxy Lord. You are a ghost!"

The photographer and publisher of the video sarcastically.

He is a little proud of his masterpiece just now, because the name of the video just now is really attractive!

"Ning Tianlin reappears, and show off again! Defeat the fifth expert Hoth of the Galaxy!"

Nowadays, anyone who has a reputation with Ning Tianlin can spread extremely quickly. After all, In a few days, he defeated the super expert of Ranked Eighth, Gazier!

No one knows where he came from, how much battle strength he has, his background, and even the video that day defeated Gazier in confusion. No one knows the specific reason.

But now, Ning Tianlin has reappeared, and when he shot it, it was heaven shaking, earth shattering, and earth shattering!

How can it not be exciting!

Even the photographer himself felt that he was really lucky and anxious today, and he was fortunate to be able to see such a heaven shaking, earth shattering thing. In order to prove the authenticity of the video, Su Luoman and the other two were also recorded in the video.

Now some people suspect that the video is fake, how can you not be angry!

"It's not fake!"

"It's not a synthesized video!"

Many professional and technical personnel are doing various professional analysis at a very fast speed. They concluded that this thing was true and not false, but their conclusions were soon submerged in a sea of ​​doubt.

None of the waves hit one.

The true hearted person is highly curious about Ning Tianlin’s true battle strength.

How much battle strength does he have?

Did you hide your strength in the battle with Ka Qier that day?

After all, this is Hoth!

The super expert of Galaxy ranked 5th!

It's not a hooligan who doesn't know her name!

Every one of the top ten, as long as there are changes, is a major event of heaven shaking, earth shattering.

And now, this abruptly rising Ning Tianlin actually defeated two great experts within a few days!

He even killed a Gazier!

How much battle strength does he have?

Is his strength already among the top five super experts?

"Eat the leopard, I dared to impudent in the mansion of the lord of the galaxy!"

"He is amazing, but he will definitely offend the lord of the galaxy!"


"He dares to impudent, the Lord of the Galaxy dare to kill!"

Some people, but Ning Tianlin is not so young, but can have such a high battle strength, I hope that because This incident angered the brow of the lord of the galaxy and killed him.

This way they will have less trouble in the future.

"What the hell is he going to do?"

"Why do you want to break into the mansion of the lord of the galaxy!"

The doubters accounted for three out of ten, and There are also seven-tenths of a huge crowd, all speculating about what Ning Tianlin is going to do, and why it appears at the mansion of the Lord of the Galaxy at this moment!

Does he want to overcome other experts and directly challenge the Lord of the Galaxy?

This is too crazy, too bold!

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