"The gambling game is on!"

"A total of three games!"

"In the first game, can Ning Tianlin see the Lord of the Galaxy !"

"In the second round, is Ning Tianlin coming to challenge the Lord of the Galaxy this time!"

"In the third round, can Ning Tianlin defeat the Lord of the Galaxy!"

Soon, three gambling games appeared on the Internet, and based on the first one, there were a total of three games.

It spreads at a very fast speed.

In the galaxy, gambling is not the same as gambling. It is permitted by law.

A mysterious person who is good at betting, immediately announced three betting games, and allowed others to place bets.

The first game is the foundation. If it can't happen, then it can't continue in the future!

Soon, the amount of this gambling game increased rapidly. In just one minute, the displayed amount reached more than 500 million Galaxy coins, and it is still rising.

Moreover, in the first game, there are many people betting on "can"!

They all think that the Lord of the Galaxy will definitely meet Ning Tianlin this time, and even kill him!

Dare to be so impudent in front of his door, how to explain to people without severe punishment.

But some people think that the Lord of the Galaxy is impossible to come out. He must know what happened here, and if he doesn't come out now, he definitely doesn't plan to come out. Even afraid of Ning Tianlin!

Don't dare to come out!

So, it is very likely that Ning Tianlin will not see the Lord of the Galaxy this time.

Unfortunately, the galaxy people watching the video were shocked and waited anxiously.

The mood at the moment is similar to Ning Tianlin.

Since it’s been several minutes, why doesn’t Hoth still come out?

Does the Lord of the Galaxy really not see himself?

Or something else?

After more than ten minutes, Hoth’s silhouette reappeared, and as soon as he came, he shook the head to Ning Tianlin, "Sorry, I can’t see you now."


No see!

The lord of the galaxy does not see Ning Tianlin.

These words of Hoth also let countless people who started watching the live broadcast know the result.

Especially those who participated in the gambling game, some are happy, some are lost, but the overwhelming majority are all guessing why the lord of the galaxy did not see Ning Tianlin.

Don’t dare?

Or is it because of something else?

You need to know, this Ning Tianlin is already at your gate, the most heavily guarded place in the whole galaxy. You have not appeared yet?

This shouldn't be.

"Not seen!"

"Not seen!"

On the side, I almost eagerly looked forward to the past. When I saw that only Hoth came out, he Somewhat disappointed, now I heard Hoth say no, I was stunned for a while.

See you?

This is missing, how can he tell if the opponent is Lord Shi Huang!

"Don't see?"

"Don't see me?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, how didn't expect this result.

He thought about various possibilities, but he really didn't expect that the Lord of the Galaxy didn't even see himself!

He made such a big noise, is it in vain?


"Yes. "

"My lord wants me to tell you that he has something to do now, and he can't get out of him. "

Hose added.

Only he can see how the Lord of the Galaxy values ​​Ning Tianlin.

If you change to someone else, the Galaxy’s The Lord simply won't say the last sentence, and won't give any explanation at all. If you don't see it, you don't see it, but the youngster in front of you makes an exception!

Give a reason!


Although he is a bit vague for this reason, it is a real reason!

"When can you see me then? "

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin is also eyes shined, and I feel that there is still some drama.

Something is going on.

I can’t get out of it.

It's not that I just rejected myself!

"I don't know. "

Hose shook the head.

How can he ask about this kind of thing.

He is just a servant, how dare he ask about the matter and time of the Lord of the Galaxy !

"Brother Ning, please leave. "

Speaking, signaled that Ning Tianlin can leave.

This is also a place that shocked him extremely.

Because he had already told the Lord of the Galaxy to happen. What happened, but the other party not only didn't get angry, but just said a little bit to know, and signaled that Ning Tianlin can leave.

What's the matter?

You shouldn't Do it, or let another person go and kill this Ning Tianlin!

Why let him leave so easily?

"Leave? "

"Just let it go? "

Countless people watching this result are incredible. Isn’t it too easy?

Just leave?

I shouldn’t catch it Should he be punished?

His Ning Tianlin made a lot of noise at the door!

Injured so many people, just let him leave so easily?

Is this still the most strict forbidden area in the Milky Way!

Involuntarily, some flexible-minded people wonder if the Lord of the Galaxy is scared and afraid to face Ning Tianlin and worry about him. Challenge!

Even some people, looking at Ning Tianlin’s expressions are full of energy.

They are all wondering if Ning Tianlin is the Galaxy number one expert!

In the future, will the position of Yinhe contentment be done by him!

My God!

He looks so young!

And many people have noticed How Hoth called Ning Tianlin just now, using Brother Ning!

The word for closeness!

Obviously, this Hoth suddenly valued Ning Tianlin extremely!

"I can't leave. "

What Ning Tianlin said, it shocked everyone's spirits.

Don't leave!

It directly expressed the attitude!



It’s time to do it!

Many people are excited, staring at the screen, wondering if Ning Tianlin is going to rush like just now!

Here is a good show to watch!

And it’s still an absolute show!

"Master Hoth, I’m really in a hurry. I need to see the lord. . "

"Please inform me. "

Ning Tianlin said, bowing to Hoth.

The only one I can rely on right now is this person.

He wants to be loud. Shouting and barking in forcefully, but at that time, I’m afraid it’s not the greeting from the fellow of the galaxy lord, but the galaxy lord hunting wildly!



Many onlookers were stunned when they heard these two words.

Obviously, it is not a challenge!

This Ning Tianlin may have to tell the Lord of the Galaxy about something urgent, or need his help.

And the probability of helping is greater!

If not, impossible to a defeated. Attitude.

"My lord has something to do. I really can’t get out of it. Only later. "

Hose can only use this sentence to veto it again.

He really has no guts to report it a second time.

Although the Lord of the Galaxy is not grumpy , But it is definitely not something that can make him daring to disobey.

"Master Hoth, please send another message and tell the lord of the galaxy that the villager is visiting. Ask him to see you last time. "

No way, Ning Tianlin thought for a while, and finally used what he believes is the most lethal.

Family love!

Maybe it depends on For this reason, he will come out to meet himself.

"Yes! "

"Master Hoth, just tell the lord of the galaxy, saying that the old man wants to see you in vain! "

At this time, Bai Qi on the side also took a step forward and interrupted.

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