
He said Ning Tianlin is attractive?

Could it be that this Zitong clan's Jisha has fallen in love with Ning Tianlin?

There is such a possibility.

Well, women’s worship powerhouse, this applies everywhere. Especially strong women like Jisha, I don't know how many people have been defeated in her hands, and they have been killed clean. Who dares to chase her.

Such people are definitely very lonely.

It is very possible that she said the word "attractive" because she fell in love with Ning Tianlin.

It's just "looking forward to meeting", and only people like you can say it. Martial Dao has been held for so long, but no one has ever dared to say such a thing. Ning Tianlin is completely like a plague, no one is looking forward to meeting him.

They all want to hide far away.

After all, everyone wants to go further and make a name for themselves in Martial Dao. But Ning Tianlin is a complete stumbling block, whoever encounters him has to stop.

"Am I Fire Insect?"

"This analogy is really interesting."

"The first time I heard someone say that."

Ning Tianlin hehe smiled, his expression relaxed, but the spirit in the secret was highly concentrated, all aimed at Jisha, because the pressure he felt was increasing. There is even a kind of impulse to do it in advance, breakthrough pressure.


"First time?"

Gissa chuckled, "Then wait will let the elder sister turn you into How about Fire Insect? I like Fire Insect."

"elder sister?"

"She asked Ning Tianlin to call her elder sister?"

"elder sister?"

" p>

"True Sao!"

The women who watched the live broadcast were all yelling. This Jisha is so shameless that Ning Tianlin called her an elder sister? Can this name be called casually?

Besides, you are old and ball-like, your skin is green, and you can call it old woman.

Also elder sister!

True show!

Kill her!

Hurry up and kill her!

Our idol Ning Tianlin, kick her down quickly, don't be embarrassed here, and don't say a word to her. You belong to us, not hers.

To be an elder sister, it is also us!

It's just that Ning Tianlin, who is directly opposite, has a tight expression, Fire Insect?

His attention was focused on the tone of the other person's expression just now. Even from the eyes of the other party, he really read a willingness to turn himself into a Fire Insect.

Can she really turn people into Fire Insect?

What is this method?

"You like it, but I don't like it." Ning Tianlin shook the head, "I really want to know, how did you turn me into Fire Insect."


At this moment, Ning Tianlin had just finished speaking. His right hand, flicks with the finger, an invisible astral qi moved towards the front rushing forward, in the eyes of everyone, it was like an unconscious movement.

Neither did it attract the attention of many people.

But some people are nervous, because they see that Ning Tianlin's up ahead has a layer of ripples, like water waves, the eyes are sharper, and they found this water wave. , But shattered like glass.

"Did you do it?"

"Did the two of you do it silently?"

Many people were taken aback.

In this conversation, the two have engaged in an invisible confrontation?

Otherwise, why would there be air bursts?

But isn’t it?

Why Ning Tianlin can't bear the pressure and do it first?

It should be Gisha from the purple pupil tribe.

What's the matter?

Oh, it should be the opponent's silent sneak attack, Ning Tianlin shot it and blocked it.


It must be like this.

It must be the opponent's sneak attack, which was silently resolved by Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin is still great.

Gissa, this sneak attack ghost!


No one knows, Ning Tianlin, who has done all this, is in the heart and breathes a sigh of relief, feeling the pressure relieved just now. I really couldn't help but let go, shattering the pressure that seemed to be real.

If not, he is really worried about being pressed down.


"super expert!"

Ning Tianlin has already defined it, relying on the other party to force himself into this silently, The battle strength is definitely very high. If there is no secret technique for using the battle strength bonus, I am afraid that the battle strength is higher than oneself.

Unfortunately, his mind was tense, and his whole body's attention was raised to Peak again.


"What's wrong with the younger brother, can't help it?"

Gissa smiled charmingly, not to the city or the country, but But it made Ning Tianlin's scalp numb, he only felt the endless pressure moved towards himself, even involuntarily, his whole body swelled.

Layers of astral qi shoots in all directions, sending the surrounding pressure to Bengfei.

"Don’t you want to know how I turned you into a Fire Insect?"

"The elder sister is here."

"You have to be careful Oh."


At this moment, Jisha's body also flew towards Ning Tianlin. Gently, like catkins floating in the sky. The speed is not fast, but Ning Tianlin knows that he simply can't avoid it!

All the spaces and corners around are blocked by the opponent, and he can only fight.

Be careful?

She told Ning Tianlin to be careful?

Are there any mistakes?

Countless people were shocked by what Giza said. Do you have the brains, are you afraid of death, are you mentally ill, and let Ning Tianlin be careful?

He launched it cruelly, and he could poke you to death with a single finger!

This is the Milky Way Young Number One Person with a battle strength of over 8 million!

You actually made him be careful!

Not funny!

You even flew over and delivered it to the door. Is it because you are full and you really think of yourself as Ning Tianlin's elder sister?

Watch him kick you up!


It's just that everyone is shocked and surprised that in their eyes, Ning Tianlin, who will definitely kick Jisha flying with one foot, did not rise up. , But a Dualbladed Halberd appeared in his hand.

Stand up straight and hold it in his right palm.

"Isn't it?"

"What's the matter?"

"He actually took out a weapon!"

"Ning Tianlin actually took out his battle strength weapon!"

Countless people exclaimed.

This is a phenomenon that has never happened before!

In previous battles, Ning Tianlin never used his own battle strength weapon! In the past, it was just a kick or punch that knocked the opponent down. But what's the matter early now?

He even took out his own battle strength weapon!

Does he feel danger?

Is it necessary to rely on weapons to increase battle strength?


In the eyes of everyone, Ning Tianlin waved the battle strength weapon in his hand, raised high, and then loudly shouted, before Jisha reached him When you approached, it was already cut high!


The huge blade astral qi directly cut a few meters deep mark on the ground of the ring, and moved straight towards Jisha and flew away.

The air is all chopped up pieces!

"It's dead!"

"This Ning Tianlin is fierce, and he is going to kill!"

Many people with a bad head think that Ning Tianlin is angry I was irritated by the elder sister called elder sister, and now I have a murderous heart and a killer!

He is going to kill Gisha!

If not, why not!

He has never done this before!

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