

The gravel splashes, the whole ring is forcibly flared by the Dualbladed Halberd The mark of fifty-sixty rice was drawn, spreading, wrapped in a Heavenly Might momentum, and slashed towards Gisha ahead.

Although it is not a full strength attack, it has 80% of the formidable power of Ning Tianlin's previous battle strength!

The pressure on him is too much, Ning Tianlin has to be super cautious!


It just shocked countless people that this almost destroying heaven extinguishing earth's halberd light did not cut Jisha into pieces in the expectation of all people. The two halves were forcibly rushed through by the other party.

Except for the chaos in the bun, there is nothing unusual about it anymore.

"Isn't it?"

"I didn't kill this Gisha? Didn't stop her?"

Countless people are about to be shocked. Lost.

Because Ning Tianlin even took out the battle strength weapon this time, let alone killing Jisha, even the opponent's figure was not much confused. Even after passing through the overwhelming halberd light, he still rushed towards Ning Tianlin.

"What a hard body!"

Ning Tianlin frowned, he knows how much battle strength he uses, but now, he just slows the opponent's speed by a bit. Even himself, under the kind of impact just now, he may not be unscathed.


At this time, the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand has been pierced forward, because in a flash, this Gisha has already reached her . The heavy pressure made his whole body hair stand up.

"hehe, good younger brother."

"You are so cruel."

Jissa's charming voice remembered, "The elder sister runs so far Come to see you, you treat elder sister like this, and stabbed me with a knife."

The voice was soft, but it made Ning Tianlin, all the people who watched the game explode, because I saw Jisha was floating in the void, her right hand stretched forward, and with a single palm, she tightly grasped the halberd tip of the Dualbladed Halberd stabbed by Ning Tianlin!


Countless people stood up from their seats in shock, not believing their eyes.

It's blocked.

She actually blocked Ning Tianlin's halberd with her hands!

How is this possible!

It's still so light!

If there is nothing wrong with just passing through the halberd light, now it is the most intuitive and shocking feeling. This Jisha, unexpectedly so powerful, grabbed Ning Tianlin's weapon with one hand!

Ning Tianlin!

The top five existence of the Milky Way battle strength!

His random blow can pierce the sky through a skeleton, but it is actually blocked by Giza!

This Giza who has never been valued by them!

"It's blocked!"

"Jissa is good, it's blocked!"

The other members of the Zitong clan are excited. He couldn't add up to it, and even jumped up with excitement.

Gisha is so great!

It's so amazing!

Give them a great victory for the Zitong clan!

The most important thing, from this moment on, they suddenly felt that Ning Tianlin is not so terrifying anymore, maybe it can be defeated!


Ning Tianlin's attention is on the blue gloves worn by the opponent's hand. This blue is extremely pure, even purer than the blue of the cleanest sky. The resist oneself attack should be this glove.

This also reminded him of a small dragon woman who was clear as ice and clean as jade in the original martial arts drama of Earth Huaxia. The weapon she used was gloves, the silkworm gloves, which could block all kinds of attack.


However, Ning Tianlin's attention was only a flash, he sipped in his heart, and the huge power of his body exploded, with a "click", the right palm used force, It was retaken directly on the stem of the Dualbladed Halberd.

Seeing Dualbladed Halberd bursting out, rushing forward, Jisha, who was pointed at the halberd, also stepped back involuntarily.

But it's just one step!

"hua! ”

Dualbladed Halberd left his hand, Ning Tianlin did not stop, but changed his hands, constantly stamping all kinds of seals. After a while, only an invisible wave was seen The mysterious power, centered on his body, overflowed rapidly.

Dominant, tyrannical, but also extremely weird.

Because of the energy formed, only his Ning Tianlin can feel it. And quickly disappeared into the surrounding space, disappeared without a trace.

In the audience, including countless people watching the game, they were just curious about what Ning Tianlin had just done, but didn't think much about it, thinking he was just gathering momentum. Even Jisha, who was directly opposite, didn't know what Ning Tianlin was doing just now.

But soon after she stabilized her figure, she was complexion changed, because she only felt that the blood flow rate in her body had slowed down, and even part of her energy could not be mobilized due to the stagnation of blood. .

"Could it be?"

In the blink of an eye, she thought of something.

The pupils shrink even more!

She thought of a record handed down in the family. In this world, there is a kind of Formation that can mobilize the vital energy of the sorcerer and the surrounding space, increase or inhibit the biological blood flow rate in the Formation, and even control the mobilization of its own energy to achieve the purpose of increasing or reducing the battle strength.

This Formation is called battle strength Formation!

Is it the battle strength formation that is arranged in the surrounding space now?

But how is this possible!

How can a youngster in his twenties produce this kind of Formation?

In Human Race, let alone understand, not many people have heard of this kind of Formation! She also happened to see it in a Secret Art handed down from the clan, but she had never touched it!


"Good job."

"Good younger brother, you are so good, you have arranged this kind of Formation, really Surprised elder sister, elder sister was very happy."

Besides a brief astonishment, not only did Jisha not panic, but instead showed surprise on her face.

Because of this Formation, it will soon belong to her.

She can take everything without reservation.


"Ning Tianlin was in the formation just now?"

"What Formation did he set up?"

And the countless spectators on the ring, as well as many people watching the live broadcast, are curious about what Formation Ning Tianlin has arranged, which makes Jisha so curious and excited. But since it is Formation, it must be beneficial to Ning Tianlin, why are you so excited?

"She actually recognized it!"

Ning Tianlin, the arrayer, is frowned, because he could feel that Jisha actually recognized that he had arranged the battle strength formation. ! Although I didn't say the name, I definitely know it!

This is the first time in so many years that anyone has recognized the method he used.

No one knew what he used in the past!

"This person can't stay!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes shined, and the killing intent started.

This Gisha is by no means as simple as it seems. I don’t know the battle strength is so high. I know so much. Is it really just a purple pupil clansman who is less than 100 years old?

For tens of thousands of years, Galaxy, except for itself, has never seen a genius with seven or eight million battle strengths less than a hundred years old.


Ning Tianlin has no nonsense, his eyes are shining, and he stares straight at the other party. If you look closely, you will find that in the pupil of his right eye, a picture of a human head and a snake body appeared.

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