At the same time.

In the depths of the distant starry sky.

The sight is endless, full of darkness, depression, densely packed creatures, running around in the starry sky, tossing and turning.

Some have fat bodies, crawling slowly on the ground, some have sharp long feet, running wildly on the ground, some have wings, and those with scarlet eyes are flying in the sky.

Some are in the mud and the sea constantly shuttles.

Different shapes.

But these creatures all have one thing in common, that is, gloomy.

Indifferent and bloodthirsty.

I can't feel the human side at all.

And if you have some common sense about the creatures of the universe, you will know that these creatures are one of the major races in the universe, the insect race!

This piece of Star Domain is just the foot of the iceberg of the insect race.

Strictly speaking, insect race occupies the territory of the universe, which is even broader than Human Race. In number, it is also larger than human beings.


At this moment, a black four-legged creature with blue eyes suddenly opened in one of these creatures' large nests. The eyes and its body are somewhat different from insect race.

Because its lower body is insect race, but its upper body is human.

And she is an extremely beautiful beauty.

He has wavy curly hair, blue eyes, magnificent chest, and nothing else. Wearing nothing, exposed to the air, with a full grip on the waist. If a human male is here, he will definitely see it. Rage nosebleeds.


The moment I opened my eyes, the beauty of the upper body of the human body was a mouthful of blood, with two majestic seats on her chest, They were all stained red by the blood of dark green.

Although the eyes are open, but the spirit is very weak.

"Ning Tianlin."



"I actually fell into your hands! "

"I fell into the hands of someone who I didn't take seriously."

Although the spirit of this beautiful insect is languid, the sneer at the corner of her mouth has not diminished in the slightest.


She really hates Ning Tianlin!

Not only did he hurt himself, it would take a long time to recover, but it also disrupted all his plans, or even shattered them completely!

How did she explain to the above?

She has always been quite conceited.

This time, I am afraid that I will lag behind too many insects with the same task as myself, and I will even be mocked.

All this is caused by Ning Tianlin!

If she was born without him, maybe she wouldn’t do anything extra, nor would she want to control Ning Tianlin and do more. Instead, she set her goal directly on the lord of the galaxy. Body.

Finally, when she became the number one and the Lord of the Galaxy personally presented her with an award, she suddenly had trouble, and the success rate was still very high. When the time comes to control the Lord of the Galaxy, she is not an order to insult this insect race.

But now, everything is gone.

Not only did she fail to complete the mission, she didn't even see the Lord of the Galaxy, and she didn't even try to detect his reality. How did she explain it to the top.

As far as she knows, the picture above is huge this time, but it is not only sent him a master of the enslaving galaxy, but in other galaxies, there are many other levels like her, all thinking Ways to enslave the master of the galaxy!

But this kind of thing is messed up in my own hands!


Took a deep breath, she began to think about how to deal with it, considering whether to give out things like Ning Tianlin, especially his eyes Here, but there is Medusa!

Is it better to report it or keep it for yourself?

For a while, there are many thoughts.

. . . . . .


"Gissa is dead!"

"It turned out to be self-destructed!"

At the same time .

Below the ring, the galactic humans and other races who watched the video are all unbelievable. Looking at this result, Giza turned out to be self-destructed in the end!

But what does it mean to meet again in the end?

They are all self-destructed, and they still see a fart face.


"Ning Tianlin won!"

"Ning Tianlin won!"

And more , But didn't even consider what Jisha's last words meant, as long as Ning Tianlin wins! In other words, the winner of this game has already been out!

Ning Tianlin is at the end!

This time the champion!

The most outstanding galactic genius!

"Now I declare, Ning Tianlin, win!"

At this time, referee Ge Songge's voice also sounded in the ring, and the final winner of the game was determined to be Ning Tianlin ! He won the first place in the Martial Dao Club!


"Master is number one!"

"Master is number one in Martial Dao!"

Quasi-disciple Although Su Luoman did not behave exaggeratedly, he still clenched his right palm and clenched his fist heavily.

This is glory!

Absolutely eternal glory!

She is proud of the master! I am sincerely happy for the master.

It’s just that, in vain, facing this result is just laughed, my Third Brother, but peerless genius with a battle strength value of over 8 million, won is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain ?

The storm just now may be just a way for Third Brother to increase the excitement.

He has great confidence in his Third Brother.

But speaking of it, he was really frightened just now, a little worried, if not, he would not rush to the residence of the Lord of the Galaxy to find his Second Brother.


At the same time.

In Ning Tianlin's mind, I remembered a voice, "Congratulations to the host, the super large serial mission'Martial Dao Galactic Genius' is over, you successfully completed the mission."

"Here is the issue of 100 billion Essence Points!"

"Already issued, please check!"



There are still tasks!

Some Ning Tianlin who are still thinking about who Jisha is, after hearing that he is the champion, they heard the battle strength system saying that the mission is complete, and he remembered that it was over!

This large-scale serial mission that began when it entered Jiumu County, after more than three years, finally came to an end!

He was also considered lucky, bumpy, and finally he was completely won!


"Not bad."

Ning Tianlin now faintly feels that assigning tasks to oneself is secondary, let yourself go this way Academy said that rapid growth is the ultimate goal of the battle strength system.

"Just know."

Only at this time, a faint voice sounded in Ning Tianlin's ears.

Indifferent, domineering, but listening carefully, mixed with a trace of concern.

The words did not contain a few words, but Ning Tianlin was taken aback for a moment, followed by a thick shock and surprise, "System, is that you?"

"You Awake?"

The tone just now was like the real battle strength system that began to hide after the assignment was completed three years ago. Although these days, there are still system voices to solve some problems for him, but they are also some of the simplest questions.

It is like checking information and issuing rewards.

But that tone and level of intelligence are far from the original battle strength system!

A lot of things are even separated from the battle strength system. He Ning Tianlin always feels that he is extremely passive. Although I knew that this was my most appropriate state, I still inadvertently sounded the real battle strength system.

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