"It's me."

Not long after Ning Tianlin's words fell, I remembered the voice of the battle strength system in my mind. Although there are only two short words, Ning Tianlin is more excited than any sound.

Compared with the old-fashioned program, he hopes that the battle strength system has personality. In previous years of getting along, he has long regarded the battle strength system as a friend.

Although he still doesn't know what he will eventually cultivate himself into, what his most important request is, and even whether it is good or bad for himself, he has been content over the years.

Without the emergence of the battle strength system, simply did not have its own resurrection, and would not have such a wonderful life of its own. Without himself, Earth humans might have been slaughtered and completely clean.

It can be said that these years, his Ning Tianlin is completely enough!

No matter what the battle strength system is, he will help. Even if he pays his own life, he will not hesitate.

"When did you wake up?"

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath and asked in his heart.

He has some doubts, the battle strength system wakes up when his mission is just completed? Or did you wake up a long time ago and choose to talk to yourself at this time? He doesn't even know if the battle strength system has been asleep for the past three years.

But something must have happened!

If it weren’t, how could he not talk to himself in the real body for three years, just send a smart puppet.

"For a while."

The battle strength system said, "In your battle, not long."

"Sure enough!"

"I really fell asleep!"

Ning Tianlin said, "What's the matter?"

"Are you all right?"

Very Asked with concern.

"It's okay."

"It's okay."

The battle strength system is a bit pleased. Ning Tianlin did not ask what happened first, but first Ask yourself if there is anything else, just this remark, it shows that he really believes, and really considers himself a friend.

I didn't waste three years to do a great thing for him.

"That's good."

"If there is anything you need to do, I will not refuse."

Ning Tianlin State.

Although the purpose of the battle strength system is to help him do one thing after he becomes the Lord of Universe, it is too far away, and if there is normally something trivial, he will not refuse it.


"It's alright."

The battle strength system is nodded, although it is just a few simple sentences, it makes him I feel that my host has chosen the right one, and there is no white choice. It is still somewhat human.


Ning Tianlin nodded, took a deep breath and said, "Now can I tell you, what have you done in the past three years?"

"What happened?"

Ning Tianlin finally asked, this is a major event. If there is no result, he really can't sleep well.

"Do you remember, I once told you that after this Galaxy Super Serial Mission ends, I will give you a mysterious gift, do you remember?" The battle strength system is not directly Answered Ning Tianlin's question, but asked rhetorically.


Ning Tianlin nodded, when the mission was released that day, the battle strength system said so. In addition to over 100 billion points, there will be a mysterious gift.

Could it be that the slumber of the battle strength system is related to this mysterious gift.

Abruptly, Ning Tianlin is a little nervous, and the gift that can be said by the battle strength system should definitely not be simple and extraordinary. Especially if you really slept for three years in order to prepare this for yourself, then this gift, I am afraid it can really make yourself scared!

"Could it be that your three years of deep sleep have something to do with this gift?"

Although Ning Tianlin had guessed the answer, he still asked.


The battle strength system is nodded.

Indeed, his sudden sleep over the past three years is precisely related to this matter. It's just that it is the kind of system that just says it and does it, and it never explains anything to Ning Tianlin. What you want to do is rarely approved by Ning Tianlin.

But what it does is definitely for the good of Ning Tianlin.

Everything is just for him to grow extremely fast!


"You slept for three years, so you could prepare a gift for me!"

Ning Tianlin heard this, really not Knowing what to say, he thought about many possibilities, thought about the battle strength system leaving without saying goodbye, leaving suddenly like it suddenly appeared.

I thought about what bad things it encountered and had to do so, and even thought about whether it could not wake up because of lack of energy.

He has thought about all kinds of bad plans.

But I really didn’t think about it. The battle strength system was designed to prepare gifts for myself and sleep for three years!

"Thank you."

Ning Tianlin in the heart solemnly said, no matter what he thinks about the battle strength system, but now, he really only has gratitude, grateful for this It disappeared in three years, thanks for everything it has done for itself over the years.

"You don't need to ask me what I have prepared for you, thank you?"

The battle strength system asked.

It guessed Ning Tianlin impossible and knew what it had prepared.

"No matter what you do, I will understand your thoughts."

Ning Tianlin said, "I only hope that you can be well in the future and don't fall asleep casually. We are My friend, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Ning Tianlin said with sincerity. Words from the bottom of the heart.


"What you said is true?"

"No matter what gift you will receive?"

The battle strength system hehe smiled, "Then if I tell you, the gift I prepared for you has already been given to you, what would you do?"

"Well?" Ning Tianlin's heart jumped, "Du Did you give it to me?"

I am puzzled, no.

He even checked the space ring again, there is nothing extraordinary, the original existence is still there, and there is no change.

What did the battle strength system say to him?

"Well, it's all for you."

The battle strength system is nodded, no joking.

"Give it to me?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, thinking about it, but never thought of what this gift would be. The battle strength system does not store anything in the space ring.

"You mean,

"Remind you, my awakening this time is actually conditional. After your elixir reaches a certain condition to grow, it needs a certain kind of nutrient. When, will take it away from me. "

"I gave birth to this gift, and the activation condition is that you reach a certain realm! "

"At that time, I will automatically wake up. "

"In other words, if you didn't take such a thing from me, I would still sleep. "

The battle strength system reminded Ning Tianlin.

"Pill? "

"Achieving a certain growth condition to self-activate? "

Ning Tianlin instantly focused his mind on Dan Ling's body. Soon, he was taken aback suddenly, thinking of a certain possibility, "Could it be? "

"Yes! "

"Only in this way can we explain! "

Ning Tianlin is heavily nodded.

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