Dan Ling.

If Ning Tianlin is right, the reward mentioned by the battle strength system should be related to the tri-color cell!

Three-color cells are divided into three colors. Gold, gray and purple.

Golden is the energy contained in the original elixir when it was formed.

Gray is the ancient chaos in the body of Centipede.

Both contain extremely rich energy.

Ning Tianlin has never understood what this purple is. But the surging energy contained in it was only felt when he swept away. Is this purple energy the gift of the battle strength system?

"Is it related to Purple Qi?"

Ning Tianlin couldn't help asking.


"You guessed it well."

The battle strength system gave a positive answer.

"What is it?" Ning Tianlin's eyes gleamed, and he asked quickly.

"You know that I am a battle strength system, and that I contain everything. Everything you can think of, see, and even all the geniuses of the universe can be seen with me. As long as you can pay Get the essence points."

The battle strength system said, "But there is one thing in the universe that I cannot contain."


"What is it?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback. He really didn't know that there were things that the battle strength system could not get. The exchange platform contained everything, and everything he could think of was inside. Yes, even what he could not think of!

He even saw chaotic ancient blood in it!

A very scary thing.

The value of a drop and the densely packed zero at the back made him dazzled.

But no matter how expensive it is, there is a price, and it is also available on the exchange platform. But now, the battle strength system actually told him that there is one thing in this world that he doesn't have!

What would it be!

"Primordial Chaos Purple Energy."

The battle strength system gives the answer directly.

"Primordial Chaos Purple Energy?!!!" Ning Tianlin was taken aback, because the word "Hongmeng" had been heard!

Hongmeng is a legend in the ancient China of Earth!

Even better than Three Purities, it is the teacher of Three Purities!

But there are also some legends that the universe is Hongmeng, and Hongmeng is a name for the universe. But Ning Tianlin has never touched this level, and he doesn't know that this kind of title is not accurate.

The legend is nothing, it is not necessarily accurate.


"Primordial Chaos Purple Energy!"

battle strength system said, "Do you still remember, I did it for you An analogy."

"The inside of the human body is actually a self-contained universe, all cells are planets, and humans, insect race, Stone Golem Race, and Treant Race races all live on cells Bacteria."

"These bacteria live on cell planets. Some can only live on one planet all year round, while some powerful bacteria can mess up on each cell planet. Channeling."

"Like humans today, they can walk back and forth in various planets a long time ago."

Heard this, Ning Tianlin nodded, this kind of metaphor, battle strength used to be It has been described for him, and even now his cultivation secret technique is cultivation according to this principle.

It is to transform the inside of his body into the universe, and countless cells are countless stars.

It's just that every time Ning Tianlin thinks of this, he feels chills all over the body.

If he is really just a bacteria living in someone else's body, how old is this person! It is like the bacteria under the Microscope. How small it is. If it had a mind, how would it recognize this huge monster inside the human body!

Just what does this have to do with Hongmeng?

He has some doubts.

"Human bacteria, living inside the body, can be called the universe." The battle strength system said at this time, "Then outside of the universe, it can be called Hongmeng!"

The battle strength system directly gave Ning Tianlin a strong feed, making Ning Tianlin jump directly.

"What, you said that the outside of the universe is Hongmeng!"

Ning Tianlin once considered what is outside the universe, but never thought it was Hongmeng!

It turns out that Hongmeng does not refer to the inside of the universe, nor is it the term of a certain period in the universe, but the outside of the universe!

Outside the real universe!

Doesn’t this mean that Primordial Chaos Purple Energy came from outside the universe?

"You can say so."

The battle strength system is nodded.

"No wonder..."

"No wonder you said that it can't be conceived. It turns out that Hongmeng is the outer universe. You can't include things in the outer universe."


Ning Tianlin nodded, but shook the head immediately, "No, if you can't give birth to Primordial Chaos Purple Energy, then how did the Primordial Chaos Purple Energy in my body come from?"

"Also ran into my tricolor cell!"

Ning Tianlin was a little puzzled, it seemed a bit contradictory.

"Who said that I can't give birth to something outside the universe, did I say it? The battle strength system directly refutes it.

Ning Tianlin was even more stunned by these words.


You can breed anything outside the universe?

What the hell is this?

Aren’t you from this universe?


For the first time, Ning Tianlin was really curious about the identity of the battle strength system, which can even contain things outside the universe! He realized then that what the battle strength system said to him that day was waiting for him to become Lord of The time of Universe is the time to help him.

"The reason why I can't include pregnancy is related to my identity. "

The battle strength system said, "And my identity is useless to you now. Knowing it is not a good thing. "

"I can only tell you that the Purple Qi that I gave you in three years was not conceived by me, but stripped from me. "

"What! "

"Strip! "

The battle strength system directly shocked Ning Tianlin.

Primordial Chaos Purple Energy was stripped from you!

You actually have Primordial Chaos Purple Energy!

"Not bad. "

The battle strength system is nodded, "This is related to my identity, so you don't have to think about it. There is only one of these in my body, all of them are given to you, and I will never have them again. "

The battle strength system didn’t wait for Ning Tianlin’s answer, and then immediately said, "The ancient chaos, the strongest thing in the universe, is the gray in your three-color cells today. centipede for you. "

"Primordial Chaos Purple Energy, the strongest thing outside the universe, which is the purple in the tricolor cells, is provided by me as a gift. "

"So it can be said that you now have two of the strongest things in the universe and outside of the universe, and they have automatically merged into your body when your secret technique cultivation pill is formed. "

"The one who researched your current cultivation secret technique does not have these two strongest qualities at all! "

"You get more than him! "

"There will be no limits in the future! "

Speaking of the battle strength system, the emotion of hope is revealed in the mouth.

Now my host has gathered the two most powerful auras in and outside the universe, which will be able to develop in the future. I really don’t know how far! Maybe one day, I can help myself to complete the impossible things!

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