"So, the two strongest breaths in the universe and outside the universe are on my body?"

Ning Tianlin was a little confused.

These two things are now on his body?

Just the same, they are all extremely scary things. If this kind of news is leaked out, I am afraid that countless experts will provoke him to crush his body into dregs to snatch it! After all, everything is the Supreme Treasure in Supreme Treasure!

Although it is still small and few, I can't see much, but these two strongest qi have penetrated into my body, rooted and sprouted, and one day they will grow into towering trees!

At that time, under the nourishment of these two strongest qi, your body will grow to a very terrifying point!

"Thank you."

Unfortunately, Ning Tianlin deeply thanked the battle strength system.

I haven't seen it for three years, but it turned out to be to prepare such a great gift for myself.

However, there is always a doubt in his mind, that is, I am afraid that his current cultivation cultivation technique "The Wild Ancient Stars Jue" has been changed, and it is no longer the original "The Wild Ancient Stars Jue".

The three colors of the cells are by no means a product of the original "Wild Ancient Stars Jue".

purple, gray, that is unique and unmatched!

After thinking about it, I still asked the battle strength system, "Is the "The Wild Ancient Stars Technique" of my current cultivation changed? Is its original function good?"

"Not bad."

tone barely fell, the battle strength system is nodded.

"The Wild Ancient Stars Jue has changed, not the original."

"The Primordial Chaos Purple Energy, is the foundation of the universe, the original creation of "The Wild Ancient Stars Jue" Although the person is strong, it is not strong enough to possess these two kinds of strong aura."

"Originally, after the original "Wild Ancient Stars Jue" reached your level, the cells would only be changed from the original red Become golden, and only have golden this color! But now, you include three colors."

"So, your later cultivation "The Wild Ancient Stars Jue" is no longer the original version, but stronger An evolutionary version of the game!"

"The more in the future, it will only be stronger!"

"Be stronger than the creator of the ancient star art!"

battle The strength system directly gave Ning Tianlin an unforeseen future, but this future is a Great Dao of Connecting Heaven, exuding endless light of the future.


Hearing this, Ning Tianlin also took a deep breath.




Although he doesn’t know how terrifying the creator of "The Wild Ancient Stars Art" really is, but the purpose of transforming the body into the universe and the cells into the planet can see the erudition and power of this creator. .

In the universe, there are not many people who can have this kind of courage.

Condense yourself!

But now, the battle strength system tells him that he will only be stronger than the creator, not even on the same level, so how can he not get excited!

Powerhouse is his ultimate desire!

He now has an extremely brilliant and infinite future!

"The Wild Ancient Stars Jue" will also send out even more formidable power in his hands.

"The cell is the planet, so the thirty or so cells I have today can also be called the planet?"

This is also a big question for Ning Tianlin now.

The thirty-two cells of three colors are obviously very different from the others, only they are three colors, and the rest are still red.

He probed these thirty-two cells at first, but he could only feel the energy contained in it, and he didn't find much.


Ning Tianlin shook the head, "They are now just Star Core, not planet! They are just the prototype of planet."


Ning Tianlin was taken aback, somewhat disappointed.

He thought it was a real planet.

Now he really wants to see what it is like to form a planet in his body.

"It’s not a planet, but it’s fast too."

The battle strength system continues to explain, "The final Profound Truth of "The Wild Ancient Stars" is actually One gave birth to Two , Two gave birth to Three, Three Births Myriad Things."

One gave birth to Two?

Two gave birth to Three?

Three Births Myriad Things?

Isn't this a famous sentence in "Tao Te Ching"?

Ning Tianlin wondered, why did this come out?

Is it the original Lao Tzu of Earth who created "The Wild Ancient Stars Jue"?


I can't help, he is always held breath cold air.

"What do you think!"

Just when his thoughts came up, he was stopped by the battle strength system, "Don't think about it!"

"Nothing strange!"

explained, "One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three Births Myriad Things, this is the rule of Universe Source, powerhouse to that point , You will know them. These three sentences are just a summary of the Dadao, and anyone who knows them will use them."

"The creator of the Wild Ancient Xingchen Art just used these three sentences on himself. ."


Ning Tianlin nodded.

These three sentences, if it is the Great Avenue of the Universe, the powerhouse that truly reaches the sky must know. It's just that this creator really very ruthless, actually used these three sentences on himself, and practiced his cells as a planet!

In this case of error, it is definitely the existence of consigned to eternal damnation.

"After the cell is transformed from blood red to extremely pure golden, it will slowly change under the impetus of time and energy, and eventually it will develop into two kinds of energy inside, that is One gave birth to Two."

At this time, the battle strength system continued to explain, "After that, two gave birth to Three, Two gave birth to Three!"

"Slowly Yes, under the impetus of these'three's, everything is derived and gradually expanded from Star Core into a real planet."

This way. . . . . .

Hear this, Ning Tianlin nodded.

Also, how can planet be formed so easily.

From my own cultivation to the present, it has only been five or six years, and it has only been three or four years to really come into contact with this "Wild Ancient Stars Art". How can a planet be formed so quickly.

The original creator probably needs hundreds of millions of time!

I am a little too impatient.

I’ve grown up to this day, maybe I haven’t had the other person fart and sleep for a long time.

" But at the bottom, this One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three Births Myriad Things, all of which are changed from the original golden energy, although the types are different, but the same root with different branches ! There is no big change like Heaven and Earth."

"They are all of the same type."

The battle strength system is not over, and I continue to say, "But now, Host, you are very different!"

"Once, your body has three energies. When these three energies have me in you and you in me, when they truly blend together, they will be ready. This "three" will directly cross the long one gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, directly Evolving Myriad Things, greatly shortening the time!"

"This shortened time may even be Billions!"


Hearing this, Ning Tianlin directly held breath cold air, and was even more delighted.

Shortened billions of years.

What kind of scary number is this!

These hours are enough for him to do too many things!

And as he thought, the original cultivation time of "The Wild Ancient Stars Jue" is really an extremely exaggerated number!

Note: It’s really sorry that I didn’t update yesterday, because I was on a business trip in Guizhou, and I was busy reading an activity. I was really too busy, sorry. I really don't want to interrupt the continuous update for more than 400 days. . . . . . I'm really sorry.

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