"Clothes in the late Qin period!"


"Can't be wrong!"

Some of the big cows who study history are extremely affirmed. Although they have not personally seen what the clothes looked like more than 2,000 years ago, they can still completely restore it based on the records in the literature.

Although history is written by the victors, it is difficult for people to understand the real history, but those in power are not naive enough to let historians change the description of clothes.

This extremely beautiful woman wears the clothes of the last years of the Qin Dynasty!

But their remarks were soon drowned in online comments, and almost no one noticed. However, everyone also reacted again, this beauty is from Huaxia, this beauty belongs to Huaxia!

This feeling can't be wrong!

And Yu Ji, after walking out of the space vortex, did not land, but stood pretty next to Xiang Yu, cuddling him. This scene made countless male compatriots scold their mother in anger!


Beauty has a man!

How does this work!

Although they know that this has nothing to do with them for eight lifetimes, many people still say, "beauties are let the pigs go."

Depressed, jealous, this man , Why not himself!

"It's coming out!"

"Another one is coming out!"

But soon, too many people exclaimed again. Because of an indifferent silhouette in armor, came out of this space vortex. The height of several feet, although it is a human form, no matter whether it is the eyes or the head, it has nothing to do with Earth human beings.

With a wide mouth and a big forehead, it looks like an orc!


"It's really aliens here!"

Countless people were horrified.

The first two, they still don’t feel any horror, and they are even speculating whether the ancient Chinese people have returned. After all, there are countless fairy legends in China, and whether those immortal have already walked out of Earth and flew To the universe?

Here back, maybe it is these far Ancient Immortal!

Some people even have just dreamed of excitement.

But the appearance of aliens directly poured cold water on their heads.


They don’t have a good impression of aliens who rushed in. After all, the experience of the past few years is so vivid that they almost ruined the entire Earth. Especially his ferocious appearance, just like a beast.

There is still a big knife on his shoulder, which is two zhang!

Many people doubt that if this blade goes down, the solid city wall will be split in half, and countless people will die miserably!

It’s just that after the alien appeared, he didn’t land, but moved towards Xiang Yu who appeared first and bowed deeply, and then stood firmly beside him, what Nothing was said.

And soon, the second, third, and fourth aliens walked out of the space selection one after another, all respectfully moved towards Xiang Yu and Yu Ji bowed and stood By their side.

Vaguely centered on two people.

They are all guards brought by Xiang Yu from outside, temperament tenacious, and they can die for one of his orders without the slightest hesitation! This time, Xiang Yu will also keep them in Earth and take charge of Earth’s guard.

"This man is the head?"

Countless Chinese people have guessed that it is possible. They have already seen that the first two who came out the second, seem to be these outsiders. The head of the star is very big. But Xiang Yu didn't reveal his identity, so everyone could only stare at him.

"little loli!"

"What a beautiful loli!"

Just from the space vortex one after another, one after another After forty aliens, a little girl about 1.67 meters tall and about fourteen or five years old came out of this space vortex.

Suddenly, countless Chinese people boiled. Especially the Chinese men, staring at the girl's face one by one, and then looking at the bulge on the other's chest, some couldn't believe his eyes.

Tong Yan**!

The real childish look**!

The face is obviously only thirteen-fourteen years old, but how can that place be so magnificent!

How many cups?

36D? 36E?

Even countless girls looked at each other's figure, then looked at themselves, they were all embarrassed.

And this girl, not someone else, is Ning Tianlin's quasi-disciple Su Luoman.

She normally wears Martial Artist, even in order to prevent the grandeur of her chest from hindering her movement, she normally restrains them with a corset. But when she came to Earth this time, she dressed up specially.

Because this is my master’s home planet, I heard that I want to meet the master’s parents and wives. How can she appear as a Martial Artist? How to dress up.

So, she changed her previous dress, not to mention the dress, but she was definitely dressed up as a girl next door. Because she felt that the appearance of a little girl was more flattering.

At the very least, it’s hard to get bored.

But it doesn't matter what her dress is, she directly made Ning Tianlin's heart jump. He really didn't expect that this is not an official discipline of himself, and his figure is so predictable!

A big accident!

Especially the two magnificent pairs on the chest, compared with adults, they are not weak at all!

I really haven't found it before!

In the eyes of countless Chinese people, little loli Su Luoman respectfully stood beside Yu Ji and greeted Xiang Yu and the two. The guards who had just walked out were not qualified to stand side by side with the two, all standing behind Xiang Yu.

"No, another beauty!"

"And this beauty..."

"sexy bearing and charming temperament, good It's tempting!"

But soon, the eyes of countless Chinese people were once again shocked by the appearance of the space vortex.

It's so beautiful.

Too tempting.

That skin.

That lips.

That eye.

sexy bearing and charming temperament, with a smile!

Countless men are involuntarily gu lu gu lu swallowing.

This beauty is more stylish than the first two! More attractive to men!

Because the first beauty is graceful, noble and generous, the second is Tong Yan**, the loli among loli, but the third is a woman among women! Coquettish allure!

Although it is not a show, it is in the bones!

That frown, that smile, I don't know how many will be defeated by her pomegranate skirt.

And this time, the woman who came out was no one else, but the very popular star Huai Fairy of the galaxy, representing the Peak star of the galaxy! Although she is very self-respecting, she is charming and natural.

One look can make too many men feel itchy in the bones!

When he came out, he stood beside Su Luoman very well.

But the eyes are looking at the city below from time to time.

There is the city where Master Ning lives. Was he where he lived before?

"There is such a beautiful woman!"

Countless men are itching to in the bones, and even immediately swear that if it is not an alien invasion of Earth this time, they can be safe If he gets through, he must work hard to cultivation, improve battle strength, and get out of Earth!

Because of the starry sky outside Earth, there will be not only adventures, but also opportunities! More beautiful women!

If you can get this level of beauty, it's worth it!

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