
"Nothing yet?"

"Is my guess wrong?"

Unlike too many Earth people who are crazy, Shu Yishan, who has been paying attention to the starry vortex, gave a wry smile, so many people have come out, why don't they have her husband Ning Tianlin?

Is my feeling wrong, because I think too much?

The involuntarily throbbing in my heart is the result of my too longing.

At the end, I even sighed. Yeah, maybe I really thought about it. My husband, although excellent, but how can he come in this way? This terrible way is absolutely great character.

How can ordinary Martial Artists have this ability.


"Is he?"

But when the next silhouette appeared, she suddenly narrowed her eyes, even more An incredible color broke out.

Why did he come out!

How could it be him!

Isn't Husband strictly forbidden him to return to Earth?

Why did he come!


"Who is this person, how familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

A middle aged slightly older When the age person looked at the silhouette coming out of the space vortex next, he was a little confused. This silhouette is really familiar. It seems to have been seen somewhere, but I really can't remember it for a while.

Moreover, there are not a few Chinese people who have this idea with him.


"No way, Bai Qi!"

"It's him, Bai Qi!"

Have a memory The bad ones, of course, have good memories, and even more unforgettable ones. Soon, someone was shocked to recognize the silhouette that appeared, it was white!

I blocked Xu Fu back then, and even killed Xu Fu in vain!

How did he appear!

Where did he go after being absent for such a long time?

Since not many people know about the festival between him and Ning Tianlin, let alone what happened that day, many people don’t know where Bai Qi has gone, let alone he has gone to the universe!

Not many people know about Ning Tianlin's ban on him.

Even over the years, the media have kept reporting where Bai Qi went, how he disappeared, he was the hero who killed Xu Fu and blocked the Black Dragon.

But at this moment, countless people are boiling.

Bai Qi appeared!

Bai Qi is an authentic Earth person! And a few years ago, he was the hero who killed Xu Fu and resisted the Black Dragon. Although he is not the opponent of Black Dragon, he did his best!


Even countless people let out a long relaxed breath at this moment.

It's fine if it comes out in vain.

It is very possible that these people will not be disadvantageous to Earth.

Bai Qi has appeared. If someone takes a shot against Huaxia, he will definitely stop it. These people may be friends from nothing.

Moreover, many Chinese people soon discovered a phenomenon.

"Bai Qi’s identity is extraordinary!"

Because Bai Qi appeared, he began to talk with the first man who appeared noble, who looked like the ancient Chinese people, and did not bow. , No flattery, just equal conversation!

Even the people on the side bowed and greeted him!

Only this is the same, you can see that Bai Qi is the same as this person. At the very least they are all equal conversations!

"It's over."

"There will never be a forest!"

Unlike the crazy excitement of Huaxia people, Shu Yishan's face at the moment is even more Disappointed, even desperate!

When Bai Qi appeared, there must be no Tianlin.

Because she knew about the festival between Bai Qi and her husband, it was Tianlin who forced Bai Qi away back then! Although he didn't kill him, the hatred was forged. How many people are willing to leave their homes and go to other places.

Especially, he was forced to leave his hometown!

How could his Husband come out of the space vortex with him!

If Tianlin is here, maybe he has already taken action to kill Baiqi! How can he show up!

Unlike Shu Yishan’s desperation, Ning Tianlin’s parents, Ning Rong and his wife, knew that Ning Tianlin and Bai Qi had a holiday, and the League of Legends Vice Alliance Lord Shi Xiaojun, Hua Lao in the Forbidden City, There are some people who know Ning Tianlin and Bai Qi for the festival, but they all feel bad and think more!

Bai Qi is here, he will not come for revenge, will he?

Especially Ning Rong and his wife are complexion changed. This is white. They will never let go of them and the entire Ning Family. They will definitely hate them to death. Who makes them the parents of Ning Tianlin!

Maybe, even more will start on them!

For a nobleman to take revenge, ten years are not too late.

In this case, dare to risk the original agreement with Ning Tianlin to return to Earth, he will definitely rely on it, he must have the means to deal with Tianlin!

This is troublesome,

Ning Rong and his wife, even at this limited moment, are ready to order the means to back up and hide.

In these years, Ning Mansion is not in vain, doing nothing.

Some wealthy people have dug the cave nearly 10,000 meters underground. How can he Ning Family have no emergency means, all to deal with unstoppable things. After all, maybe sometime, there will be a group of extremely powerful aliens.

For Ning Family bloodline, Ning Rong, as The head of the family, must make some follow-up arrangements.

When my son comes back, he might be able to make a comeback at all.

Stay in the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood!

It’s just that, he really hesitated to order, because the Chiyan Golden Dragon entrenched in his head might be able to stop all these people. Bai Qi was not its opponent back then. This Maybe it still isn't!

After all, it was his son who left them to see the nursing home.

Maybe he can deal with all disasters!

For a while, Ning Rong, who has always been somewhat decisive, couldn't make up his mind.

However, when his face changed and he didn't know what to do, countless Chinese people came cry out in surprise! Even the entire Ning Mansion, there were countless extremely excited shouts.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It is Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin is back!"

Countless people Screaming, excited, cheering excitedly.

Because everyone didn't expect, their Guardian God, Earth’s greatest hero, Ning Tianlin, is back!

He is back from the outer galaxy!

Back to Earth!

Even some children who have never seen Ning Tianlin face are cheering excitedly, because they can feel the joy of the adults around them, and the more they look at the screen, the more familiar they are.

Because their textbooks and classroom stickers all look like this person!



Ning Rong couple and Shu Yishan were also directly surprised by the sudden joy and change , The most impossible son appeared!

He is back!

Unfortunately, the eyes of the three of them were sour with excitement, and they were a little fuzzy.

Five years.

My son and husband are finally back!

"Alliance Leader!"

League of Legends There are too many heroes, and they are excited from ear to ear.

In this space vortex, even out of the Alliance Leader!

"You are back!"

The old man in the Forbidden City let out a long sigh.

Just come back!

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