"It's finally here."

Ning Tianlin sneered, "Counting days, waiting for you to be a while."

Despite the Heaven and Earth mutation, Ning Tianlin still knows what his purpose is for coming back to Earth, and he is here specifically for this Hao Family. Moreover, this Hao Family is indeed ahead of schedule. According to the memory read from the mind of Hao Family patriarch, there should be more than half a month.

But now, they have rushed to Earth.

If it weren’t for the ability to break through the space for teleportation, and rush back in a short time, I’m afraid this time, it will really let this Hao Family succeed. When the time comes, there will be nowhere to cry.

"Don’t move you, first try the formidable power of the 36 Heavenly Stars array."

Ning Tianlin is not going to do it personally. Since the Formation has been set up, it must Let it work. And he really wanted to see what it would be like for these people to break into the formation.

After all, it is the first time to arrange such a Formation. Although he knows the real result, it is still a little hard to say how it is.

. . . . . .


"What's the matter?"

"Why is there no planet?"

"The coordinate position of Earth is Here, why not?"

Earth outer space.

Hao Third Young Master looked at the screen display on spaceship and was very puzzled. Why isn't this?

The coordinate position is obviously here, the difference is less than a hundred meters, but there is no planet. Not to mention the azure Earth with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, not even a meteorite can be seen.

"Uncle Lan, are you sure it is here?"

Hao Third Young Master asked an old man beside him with some uncertainty.

This old man, dressed in blue clothed, with a slightly long beard, and lean, is the Hao Family slave who photographed Ning Tianlin into fleshy flesh with one palm. These people are the only ones left in the Hao Family.

"Go back to Third Young Master, very sure."

Uncle Lan nodded, "The signal at the time came from here."

"This point We have made sure that there is nothing wrong."

Uncle Lan frowned.

Because this impossible is wrong, but don't talk about planet in front of you, there is no one. There are still a few planets a few light years away, but none of them contains life, nor is it the Earth's position in the record.

Involved, it made him feel vaguely uneasy.

Thinking about this more than a month, I have lost contact with the family, and a cold breath rose from behind him, causing countless goose bumps on his back.

You won’t be caught, right?

You have to know that if you can't contact the family, this is something that has never happened before. No matter where it is, where the electromagnetic explosion is very severe, the signal can also be transmitted.

Moreover, there is a signal on their spaceship, which can be seen at a glance. Now, it only shows one situation, that is, there is no signal in the family!

But the family is in the most central temple star in the Milky Way, how can there be no signal there?

There can be no signal anywhere in the galaxy, but there is no impossible, because that is where the lord of the galaxy lives!

But no matter what, the facts are here!

Don't talk about patriarch, just some servants, even everyone he knows, can't be contacted!

The same goes for Hao Third Young Master to contact him with his messenger.

No one in the entire spaceship can be contacted!

This really made them feel the panic of in the bones. Couldn't it be something in the clan?

But how is this possible!

patriarch is the expert of Ranked Tenth IV in the Milky Way!

But with the genius Martial Dao held, they are really scared!

Because they already know that the Ning Tianlin’s battle strength is simply terrifying. The super expert of the battle strength Ranked Eighth was cut by him. Especially in the Peak battle, the battle strength was more than Thousands of geniuses of the Purple Eye tribe were killed!

They don’t care if the opponent is the Purple Eye Clan, but the battle strength is ten million, but too many people are sure!

Even this kind of people can be killed, then this Ning Tianlin's battle strength is really a strong horror!

If he is unfavorable to his Hao Family, it is really easy! Maybe, I can't contact the family, he really did it by Ning Tianlin!

The entire Hao Family. . . . . . Maybe it's already. . . . . .

"Third Young Master, I'm afraid we have started talking..."

Uncle Lan hesitated and came to a conclusion.

The signal they received at the beginning is likely to be the wrong signal deliberately sent by the Earth people.

This kind of probability is very big!

After all, Earth can give birth to a genius like Ning Tianlin. It has everything in cultivation technique treasure, how can it be cultivated by ordinary forces? It's definitely a huge monster in hiding! With this kind of existence, how could the network still be transferred through Cuttlefish Star?

It might be a pit!

This point, they actually thought about it when they came, but they also vaguely held another thought, that is, this Earth, if it is really just an ordinary planet, Ning Tianlin, he just got it from elsewhere A strongman's treasure.

Then this Earth is really the turtle in their urn.

As long as this Earth is used as a bargaining chip, don't worry about whether his Ning Tianlin is obedient!

If there is no powerhouse in town, they don't mind if you slaughter this Earth!

Especially now, this feeling becomes stronger!

Because this is their only way out!

Only this Earth, who is an aboriginal, will have a chance to comeback. Otherwise, even if the Hao Family is really destroyed by Ning Tianlin, they can only watch and there is no chance of revenge.

Even this time, I am afraid it is bode ill rather than well.

But anyway, they bet!

Just bet this Earth is a native!

Only by finding Earth and using it as a bargaining chip can Ning Tianlin regret what he did that day!

It’s just Tamar’s where is Earth now! They have already arrived at the place, why didn't they see this Earth!

Did they lose the bet? go on an errand for nothing?

In other words, has fallen into the trap set by Ning Tianlin or Earth?

"Third Young Master, I think this is not a trap."

After all, Uncle Lan has rich experience. At this time, he still has some own judgments. After thinking about it, he said, " If it is really a trap, what is waiting for us must be inescapable net, and there is a super expert waiting for us."

"But now, there is nothing."

Heard here , Hao Third Young Master’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and he said anxiously, "Yes!"


"If it is a trap, we are now impossible alive! "

"It must be that we haven't discovered it yet, or what method Earth used to hide it."


Hao Third Young Master said, Uncle Lan’s brows were already erected. After a while, he stared at the location of Earth and said, “Since the signal location is correct, it must be hidden!”


"Let’s make a tentative attack!"

"Look at whether it’s hidden, it’s a trap!"

Invisible, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

In the Galaxy Temple Star, there is high technology, which can be distorted space, making it impossible to detect the existence of some things, but if it is attacked, it can still be attacked! Maybe this Earth, it's like this at the moment!

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