There is no turning back at the start of work. Hao Third Young Master looked at Uncle Lan, nodded.

Indeed, the most direct way today is to attack!


As soon as his words came out, a light cannon spewed out from below the spaceship, directly aimed at Earth's position and blasted over. And everyone's eyes followed the light cannon and began to move.

He even held his breath even breathing.

Because if the planet Earth really exists, after the attack, it will either be a Great Desolate beast, an invincible powerhouse, or the planet will appear without any counter-attack, or a group of natives.

It's life or death, it depends on this shot!


"There is a play!"

It's just that the beam of this gun does not penetrate the void and shoots into the distance, but in the front The position caused a layer of ripples, and after the wave-like waves disappeared, everyone looked happy.


This Earth may really be here!

There is only a protective cover outside!

"Uncle Lan, Earth must be here!"

Hao Third Young Master is very pleased. This shows that they have not gone for nothing, and what they have done is not useless. The original appearance of Earth, but since the beam of light did not penetrate the void, it means there must be an abnormality ahead!

This Earth is definitely there!

It's life or death, bet it!


Uncle Lan nodded, "Try again."

Speaking, dozens of beams of light were shot out again on the spaceship, but just now In the same way, after all the beams of light have caused half a ripple in the front, they disappeared without a trace.

"Robot No. 3 is going to explore!"

Seeing that there is not much reaction, Uncle Lan said to a middle age person around him. Then, I saw a bald man, drilling out of the big hole opened under the spaceship without any hesitation.

Fly straight ahead to the Earth position.

He has no emotions and does not know fear. He is a genuine robot.


After a while, the robot had already appeared in Earth's position. In the eyes of everyone, he was blocked by an invisible mask several kilometers ahead. After getting down, I can't move any further.


Uncle Lan, frowned, gave the order.


This big man pulled out the warblade behind him, and then fiercely moved towards the front and slashed away, the blade light shone, and the power was extremely powerful, as if it would be able to kill the unknown with a single blow Planet is cut off. But the next second, his silhouette was swallowed by a flash of lightning.

I didn't even have a reaction to struggling, just disappeared.

"What's going on?"

Hao Third Young Master was extremely shocked, because he almost didn't see anything, just a piece of while light flashed by, and the robot under his disappeared.

Together with Uncle Lan next to him, his face is also solemn. Even he didn't feel the huge might of that white light.


Too fast!

Almost no time for him to react!

"Come again!"

Uncle Lan gritted his teeth and continued to let a robot attack.

But again, he didn’t respond, just a white light flashed by, and the robot disappeared without a trace. I don’t know if Tamar is dead or alive, or even the robot he sent this time to battle. The strength is obviously quite high than the previous one.

But as a result, the same is true.

"Come again!"

Followingly, the second, third, fourth, or even more than a dozen robots on the same thing, not even a layer of ripples It was swallowed and disappeared without a trace.

"I can't see anything at all."

"I can't fully play the formidable power of the 36 Heavenly Stars earthquake!"

On Earth.

Only Ning Tianlin noticed all this, but to his disappointment, this could not detect the true formidable power of this large array. It was fully activated, but the super powerhouse of 30 million battle strength could Fall.

But now, it is completely like a small shrimp.

It is no different from hitting mosquitoes with high shots.

I can't see the true formidable power of this Formation at all, and I can't even break through the edges, let alone the center of the Formation.

"It seems that I am not in the mood to finish with you."

Ning Tianlin said in his heart.

He originally wanted to try Formation, you just wander around the edges, then try a fart.

However, he was really satisfied with Formation. A single edge would probably block these people.

"Uncle Lan, what's the matter?"

"Can you see anything?"

Hao Third Young Master asked solemnly. Because this white light was so fast, he simply swallowed the robot without knowing what it was, and judging from the battle strength, it was a bit scary.

"Can't see it."

Uncle Blue shook the head, "This shield should be self-defense and will not actively attack."

"We Do not move it, it should be fine for the time being."

"And Third Young Master, don't be discouraged. Although Formation keeps us out, it may be a good thing!"

" How do you say?" Hao Third Young Master was taken aback, and the two asked hurriedly.

"Now ten minutes have passed. Although it is very short, it is already very long for True Martial Artist." Uncle Lan said, "But even so, it's just a Formation shield. Start, instead of coming out from the powerhouse in Earth."

"It stands to reason that the Formation host in Earth must have known that foreign enemies have broken in, but it is still the case, just to explain one point, that is the powerhouse in Earth. Super Martial Artist simply does not exist!"

"They are not sure that they are our opponents!"

"If not, they would have rushed out and killed us long ago. How can we wait? We use robots to try them one by one."

"No matter what, we should issue a warning and send a guard to drive us away, but now, Earth has done nothing, only that they simply don’t have much Martial. Artist!"

"They are afraid of us!"

"If I guess wrong, this Formation should be arranged by Ning Tianlin! Just to prevent anyone from spying on Earth! If Earth really has any power or super powerhouse, it should be facing the Milky Way with an open attitude, not hiding!"

Hearing this, Hao Third Young Master’s eyes are already brightly released. Guang, nodded, "Indeed, Uncle Lan's analysis is reasonable!"

"If this is the case, we are actually looking for an opportunity to break the shield or Formation!"

"En." Uncle Lan frowned, and finally smiled at this moment. For a Formation who would not take the initiative to attack, they had nothing to fear. Especially now that they have been attacking for so long, no one has appeared yet, which only means that Earth is really not good, and they dare not come out to face them.

And this Ning Tianlin, certainly not in Earth!

If not, I would have come out and plucked them out long ago!


"Let’s take a look at what this Formation is!"

"As long as we break it open, we will kill Earth Let him Ning Tianlin, regret for life!"

Hao Third Young Master's eyes showed hatred, even some gnashing teeth.

He and Ning Tianlin are irreconcilable now, there is no room for relaxation at all. Although he can't be killed, but he will be very happy if it can make him unhappy!

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