"This is for you."

Ning Tianlin said, "These nine pills are different, and there are nine kinds."

"The green one is a two-star pill. After swallowing it, you can make your battle strength reach 200,000!"

"The blue one is a three-star pill. After swallowing, you can make your battle strength The battle strength reaches 300,000!"

"The red one is a four-star pill. After swallowing it, your battle strength can reach 400,000!"

. . . . . .

Ning Tianlin said eight pills in a row, all of which are star medicine pill, and the effect is clearly explained by Alpha. "As for this golden medicine pill, it is a one-month pill. After swallowing , Your battle strength can rise to one million!"

Said here, in Alpha’s excited eyes, his words were stunned, and he emphasized, "But remember, these medicine pills must be every Swallow it in January. And from weak to strong, there must be no mistake!"

"If not, you don't know how you died when the time comes."

Ning Tianlin didn't speak big words. He didn't directly give a one-month pill to make Alpha's battle strength soar to one million. Instead, he step by step and slowly improve his battle strength because Ning Tianlin knew it. , What kind of terrifying energy is contained in these medicine pills.

If you swallow it rashly, you will definitely burst into death!

Especially the energy contained in the medicine pill in January, as soon as you enter it, you can kill him Alpha!

Furthermore, it is the swallowing of step by step, and the pain of physical tearing in it is also extremely difficult. If it is not for perseverance, it is very likely to die alive.

After all, I want to ascending to the skies with a single leap, how can I not endure some wind and rain.

"I know your lord!"

Alpha kowtows again and promises Ning Tianlin. Then, in the extreme heartbeat, I collected these medicine pills one after another.

He knows that this will be the foundation of his future rise!

And with these medicine pills, as long as I do things for Master Ning well in the future, I am afraid I will be indispensable for this kind of thing in the future.


Ning Tianlin nodded, and then his body flickered, carrying Alpha's body, and flew directly out of this spaceship. Then with a big wave, he directly exchanged it into essence points.

More than 500 million points.

At the same time, "I will send you away now and go back to Cuttlefish Star."

Stay here, for Alpha, it doesn't make much sense. And to Cuttlefish Star, he still has something for Alpha to do.

“bang! ”

Without waiting for Alpha’s answer, I punched towards the void ahead. For a moment, lightning and thunder, whirlwind surging, only a diameter of about The space vortex of tens of meters or so appeared in front of the two of them.

Black holes are like ominous beasts that swallow people.

Moreover, the diameter of this Space Crack is much larger than the size of the space vortex that was sent to Earth on that day, because this time the transmission distance was much shorter than that of the day.

It is the number of times, once, enough!


I don't know anything. I've never seen this kind of power, Alpha that can tear even space, but I am short of breath and excited.


It's amazing!

Own master, even the space can be torn apart!

How much battle strength does this have.

"Go in."

Soon, Ning Tianlin's voice rang in his ears, "Alpha, when you return to Cuttlefish Star, the first thing you do is to put Earth Open the Internet."

When he was captured on Cuttlefish Star, the first thing Alpha did was to cut off Earth’s network signal. There was only one purpose, which was to let Hao Third Young. Master They can't figure out the position of Earth.

So as long as he doesn't say anything, the specific coordinates of Earth are absolutely impossible to leak out.

It's a pity that the other party came with confidence. He had already figured out the coordinates of Earth before he came to the door and caught him, just hoping to be more confident.

So, Earth had already entered the Galaxy network at that time, but from that moment on, it lost contact with the network.

From beginning to end, it lasted less than half a year.

"Yes, master!"

Alpha is heavily nodded. Although the master didn't say anything, he knew that the master was very satisfied with what he did in the past, if not He was impossible with no punishment at all, and he also won a grand prize.

"Master, then I'm going back!"

As he said, without hesitation, he jumped into the black vortex ahead and disappeared here.

Although he doesn't know the vortex at all, he believes in his master. He says what he says. Besides, if the master wants to embarrass himself, it would be so troublesome.

One look can kill yourself.

half a day later.

The entire China, the entire Earth is boiling.

Because they joined the Galaxy network again!

You can go online!

You can learn about the Milky Way, other galaxies, and the universe through the Internet!

This window to the universe has been opened again!

"Brother, it turns out that you are so powerful, and your battle strength exceeds ten million!"

"Still the most powerful genius in the galaxy in thousands of years!"

Huh !

Soon, his younger sister, Ning Tianxin, ran up to him and said excitedly to Ning Tianlin.

The first thing she does when she enters the Internet is to browse the news. Recently, half a month, one month, six months, and even previous news have been browsed. I was very excited when I saw my big brother, who had shined at the Martial Dao meeting of geniuses and became the most powerful genius!

My big brother is so powerful, he was able to kill the purple-eyed star with a battle strength of more than ten million in the end!

Be the number one in the Martial Dao Club!

Although this incident has been more than half a month in the past, there are still reports on hiding the sky and covering the earth on the Galaxy network. He also shaped his big brother into the Number One Person below the Lord of the Galaxy!

"What's wrong with this."

"No matter how great, it's not your brother."

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't care.

When he is someone else, he may still be complacent, but for him, it is not necessary at all. Because his vision is no longer Earth, but the entire universe!

It's great in the Milky Way, but in the universe, it's really nothing!

It's the Cangming Star Domain outside. There are many people who can beat him now. He is far from reaching the state of Lao Tzu's first under the heavens.

"Brother, do you think you are good or the Lord of the Galaxy is good?"

"Is he really our Earth person?"

"You Why do you say that you are a fellow at his door?"

Ning Tianxin opened her eyes and asked very curiously.

From the beginning to the end, there are very few reports about the Lord of the Galaxy on the Galaxy Network, and no one knows his specific battle strength. As for Ning Tianlin's marriage of three people, almost no one knows except for the parties involved.

Ning Tianxin is also very curious, the Lord of the Milky Way will also be an Earth person?

Especially this video of Ning Tianlin at the gate of the Lord of the Galaxy has been seen by countless people, and it is easy to see on the Internet. Not only Ning Tianxin, but many Earth people have seen it.

I'm all speculating about the identity of the lord of the galaxy, is it really an Earth person?

Who will it be?

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