"Ask what this is for."

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't care, his younger sister was so curious too.

"There are so many whys."


Ning Tianxin said spoiledly, "You think, this is the lord of the galaxy ! We Earth can get out of such a great character, who is not proud, I guess, all Earth people now want to know who the lord of the galaxy is!"

"Everyone can believe in you, brother. Those few words!"

"You and Bai Qi said that he is a fellow, then he must be!"

Ning Tianlin smiled, "This question, you You can ask the second brother."

He didn't answer this question directly, because if you continue like this, your younger sister will definitely be endless and keep asking.

"second brother?"

Of course, Ning Tianxin knows who the second brother in the mouth of her big brother is, and it is Xiang Yu who came back with him. Now everyone in the entire Ning Mansion knows that he and Xiang Yu, and Bai Qi have become brothers.


"Go and ask him, he knows the answer, and he knows much better than me. He will even tell you how the other party became the lord of the galaxy. "

Ning Tianlin said with a smile.


Ning Tianxin was nodded, turned and left.

At the same time, because the network reconnected to the Galaxy, too many people have begun to know how fierce Ning Tianlin is in the Galaxy! Not only has he become the strongest genius in the Martial Dao Club of Geniuses, but even the total battle strength ranks among the top three in the Milky Way!

Even some people have compared him with the 1st battle strength Ranked Lord of the Galaxy!

It's amazing!


How long has it been since it has grown to this point! Dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lord of the Galaxy!

But more people use the Internet to check what is going on with this Earth mutation. In the galaxy, is there a planet that has the same thing happening in Earth today. After all, the changes in Earth today are too great.

Almost too big!

Moreover, this matter is closely related to all human beings.

But to their disappointment, nothing like this happened to simply other planets! Some have undergone some changes in a short period of time, but they are not as outrageous as Earth. Various creatures have changed crazily, and even Earth itself is getting bigger.

Today's Three Famous Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, rivers, lakes and seas have changed drastically, and even some thousand-year-old trees have spoken.

Too many pessimists think that Earth will be ruled by ominous beasts. These days, it has begun to spread that heroes are constantly dying in the hands of these ominous beasts. Even the hero can't resist it. Is it going to be another nuclear bomb and thermal weapon bombing?

Only, three days later.

League of Legends, the Chinese government, and Ning Mansion jointly issued an announcement explaining the Heaven and Earth mutation. The world is shaking.

"This is a very bad era, but it is also an excellent era."

"It is bad because at this moment, for us Earth, it At the crossroads of its own life, it is also entering the Star River. It will face endless danger and confusion.

"Go right, the sea is wide and the sky is wide, we Earth, we will also join smoothly. The Milky Way, join the torrent of the universe, and start the real step into the Grand Era of the universe. But if it goes wrong, it will also be consigned to eternal damnation and disappear forever in the endless Star River. "

"To say that this era is good is because the pace of opening the universe Grand Era is not only facing crisis, but also endless opportunities! One of the opportunities is the tremendous changes in Earth today! "


After reading this, everyone's faces have changed.

Is this Earth change an opportunity?

This How long has it been, so many people have died, and almost all the suburbs will be occupied by insect beasts. How can this be an opportunity?

This is terror!

It’s just that too many people are quickly shocked by the next sentence.

There is no more shock!

"The great changes in Earth today are man-made. It is our League of Legends, a layout of the Chinese forces! To start the revival of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi! It is for all of us to become heroes through cultivation! Specially prepared to become a Martial Artist with battle strength! ”


The great change in this world is man-made!

You guys arranged it yourself!

My God!


What's the situation!

Your handwriting is too big, how did you do it!

Countless people were shocked by this news, they I have thought about all kinds of possibilities, thought about whether Earth radiation or something caused biological mutations, but I never thought that this great change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down turned out to be man-made!

It's League of Legends and other forces specially arranged in Earth!

"This is an experience! "

"An experience with Martial Artist. "

"Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is resurrected. It turned out that you could not become a Martial Artist or a hero. In the future, you will also have a 99% chance of becoming a Martial Artist, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, able to move unhindered in the whole world! "

"Because under the nourishment of the rich Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, even if it is not very cultivation, it will also be infused with Spiritual Qi and gradually become a Martial Artist! We can guarantee that after March, everyone who is not a Martial Artist can have one hundred battle strength! "

"It is Martial Artist's, your own battle strength will also increase several times! "

This was what Ning Tianlin told them.

Although it was a bit exaggerated, it didn’t have much moisture, because Ning Tianlin didn’t even know about the revival of Earth Spiritual Qi, What level will it reach in a short time.

After all, this is the escape and restoration of the ancient Spiritual Qi!

Formation only played a supporting role, and the real leader is Earth. The Spiritual Qi that comes with the ancient times! You know, the Earth in those days was a holy land in the eyes of the tens of thousands of people!

Can countless powerhouses swallow cultivation here, so what is the richness of Spiritual Qi? Horror!

"Isn't it? "

"Can I become a Martial Artist too?" "

"Do nothing, just soak in the air, the battle strength can reach 300? "

Countless people were shocked by this news.

Then there was crazy joy!

Because for the overwhelming majority, none of them To become a Martial Artist, one is aptitude limited, and the other is that too many people have passed the best period of cultivation and can only watch others have battle strength.

Able to fly through the skies or escaping through the ground, can soar into the clouds and mount the mists, can cross the river and sea!

Especially battle strength Martial Artist, will have a long life!

Don’t envy that It's fake!

But now, everyone can have this battle strength, how can they not get excited?

For a time, the world is boiling!

"Although the insect beast is also getting stronger, the root of this arrangement is our Chinese humans! "

"Any change, there will be sacrifices, but without sacrifices, we will not make progress. We will always be in the Milky Way, at the bottom of the universe! "

"Only this kind of big change, this kind of fierce medicine, will let us Earth, our China, make strides forward, and one day, enter the ranks of the Universe Peak Race! Our Earth will also evolve into a Gaowu planet in a very short time! All Martial Artists will only get stronger and stronger! "

"One day, all of us will also enter the Star River, contend for the hegemony of the universe, and open up a magnificent era of ten thousand races! "

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