"In fact, this is my fault." King Yama said, "These things, I should expect early fishes."

"Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, after all, is the Universe Supreme Treasure. has long been rumored, if who gets it, they can protect a family of eternal life thought a soul soul, samsara reincarnation is eternal life. "

" and now it seems, we still underestimate it. "

" even now, I feel, is the soul of cohesion, battle strength weapons are not destroyed nor is the real eternal life. "King Yama brow slightly wrinkled some," after all, I am now in the hands of Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, just 9-layer one layer only. "

" it is put together, maybe the real eternal life! "

" sword does not hurt, not methodology invasion. "

This statement changes, so big that small is not small, but King Yama, but it is not a small period of inspiration, so he is more concerned about Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, perhaps more than even more terror they thought.

After all, throughout the universe, never heard anyone get real Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower.

This thing, but in the known Universe Supreme Treasure Supreme.

"So, you Zhefan arrangement, we can say no harm, only benefits."

King Yama laughed, and did not ask the heart to have doubts.

36 Heavenly Stars big fuss, he knows, that in the Ancient Era, although not well-known big fuss, but it is also quite good, the main defense, but also to gather Spiritual Qi. But, to his surprise, Ning Tianlin actually can be arranged out of this Formation.

It does not say how he learned Formation, the only arrangement that Formation needed ability, will be able to explain this Ning Tianlin, Formation a way, have some success.

He was much ah.

Even twenty-five not to!

this age, is to learn Formation from the womb, should not have this achievement ah.

But the facts before us, he had to admit.

"That could not be better."

Ning Tianlin smile, can be considered to go to a knot.

"that King Yama adults, this one another, Goodbye."

"if there be any need, you can contact me."

Ning Tianlin ready to leave.

want than ever before, when he came back much easier, but also a means of King Yama, to find him quite easy.

"Tower heart of things, not think about it?" King Yama asked directly.

"nothing, reap." Ning Tianlin smiled and shook the head, "this thing, I really can not afford, it is too precious a."

This King Yama is the third time for the things he brought heart of the tower, he really do not understand, such a precious thing, King Yama so believe in yourself and are willing to deliver it to yourself.

or even another tower heart whereabouts are willing to tell yourself to pick up.

You know, with the tower heart, to have control of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower. Although only one, but it is also too horrible.

He Ning Tianlin, have what skills and abilities, to have this thing!

Today, for him, which contains the meaning, the pressure get him killed.


King Yama waved, do not care.

Anyway, Japan, longer, he believes, one day, Ning Tianlin will understand the meaning of them.

"That little friends, goodbye."

"hope next time, you can bring me more surprises."

King Yama meaning there referred to. He now can not be calculated in accordance with common sense Ning Tianlin of the battle strength.

The next time will be fifty million?

sixty million?

or one hundred million?

This leap breakthrough, but also really frightened him a little.

"hehe." Ning Tianlin laughed, cupped the hands, "King Yama adults stay behind."

Then, flashing stature, left Netherworld.

Three days later.

Ning Tianlin hand in Earth, arranged four Chuansong Zhen.

one in Ning Mansion, which is now rather Island.

is a League of Legends headquarters.

one is invincible in Group headquarters.

last one, in the Forbidden.

of communication, the temple is star galaxy.

With these few, some real genius, Ning Family children, you can go to the center of the Milky Way, Temple star buy resources. This world, nothing had really fair.

Ning Family children, to go further, he is very willing to see.

"Tian Xin, boyfriend you this question, you do not really consider it?"


Ning Tianlin some helpless watching his younger sister, concerned asked.

He is now twenty-five years, this younger sister, also a twenty-three, though in no hurry to talk of marriage, but also talk about the boyfriend. It is the parents said, the past two years, around her expensive Young Master may indeed not small.

but no one got into his discernment.

let alone get along, that she did not bother to see met.

Also, as the Ning Mansion's daughter Eldest Young Lady, no one would dare cross playing in front of her, otherwise, will be around bodyguards alive beaten half to death, and no one would dare say for them on word.


Ning Tianxin mouth on a stick, coldly snorted, "I was only twenty three in no hurry."

" my life now is this appearance, do not grow old, is eternal life, in this regard, I can not worry a bit. "

see big brother pulled a long face, she quickly a topic turn, eyeball rolled, chuckled Road, "big brother, tell you a thing."

"he said." Ning Tianlin looked at her performance, some bad premonition.

"not allowed to say you can call me." Ning Tianxin did not immediately open, but chuckled Road, in the eyes of some sorry, but some treacherous succeed taste.

"I do not curse." While some bad premonition, but he assured.

"Are you serious?" Ning Tianxin reaffirmed Road.

"Really." Ning Tianlin again nodded. At the same time curious that he had left Earth for so long, I'm sorry she can do their own thing.

"Well, I said." Ning Tianxin such as summon great courage, made a decision.

The Ning Tianlin smiled, although he doubts, but to determine what the other side can not afford to turn big waves come. But, when the biological younger sister to say three words, gave his face instantly changed, even in the heart thump thump of racing.

This is because the words for him, good old, but like only yesterday.

"Lin Jiayi!"

Ning Tianxin finish, blinked, staring very enthusiastic response of their own big brother.

Just make her disappointment, which own big brother, but eyes blinked, you no longer see any facial expressions, but also simply do not know what he was thinking in the end. But he should know that he's this big brother heart at the moment, it is what a stormy sea.

or more, had peace of mind, since I do not know how many ripples.

past scenes, as superficial like a sharp drifting in his mind.

"Help, ah, I was kidnapped in the vicinity of the third floor." This is the year he had just crawled out from the grave, written on the road picked up a renminbi content. Later, his hands, killing the man, rescued a woman.

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