The second time we met, the two were at the vegetable market in North Beijing.

At that time, Ning Tianlin still needed to kill fish to earn his energy. He bought a lot of fish in the vegetable market for slaughter. At that time, Lin Jiayi accompanied her babysitter to buy fish stew soup.

She normally didn't come to this place, but because she had no relatives and no reason in Beijing North City, she stayed boring, so she came.

But didn't expect, that time, they met again.

Some are even unhappy because of the babysitter.

But at that time, the two of them had a feeling that the incredible things in the world were really unclear. Jingbei City is a thousand miles away from Jinchuan City, but due to fate, they still let them meet.

Especially three days later, when the freshmen reported to the school, Ning Tianlin felt very incredible. I saw Lin Jiayi again! Although not with me, but also with me in an Academy.

Become a senior junior sister-like classmate!

He still clearly remembered the incredible look the two met that day.

The world is too big, but it is so small at the moment.

Since then, the two have kept meeting each other in the Academy, and even ate a lot of meals together.

I even met Lin Jiayi's father in a casino in Alaska. He killed a lot of people at that time. Although Lin Jiayi's father also ran into him that day, he did not attack him. It's just driving the opponent out.

At that time, he had only one idea, and that was Lin Jiayi's face.

As for how Lin Jiayi has such a big face in his heart, he can't say clearly.

At the Academy party that day, he invited a bunch of stars from the show business circle to the party. At that time, Lin Jiayi was also there, and even through him, he took a photo with Zhou Xingxing.

But it was also at that time that she and her younger sister, Shu Yishan, met.

At that time, it was the first time they met.

Especially at that time, he could see the confusion and hesitation in Lin Jiayi's eyes, even extremely painful and desperate, although he didn't say anything, he smiled and greeted Shu Yishan.

But at that time, Ning Tianlin felt quite painful in his heart.

Finally, the battle strength system issued a mission at the time to allow oneself to conquer Lin Jiayi, marry a wife and take a concubine, and do what the universe powerhouse would do. In the mouth of the battle strength system, a real cosmic powerhouse, not to mention the Sannomiya and the Sixth Courtyard, is three planets, and there are thirty planet women!

But at the time, I refused.

He clearly remembered his rejection at that time.

Some depression, but also some reluctance.

He already has Shu Yishan, so he should be responsible for her to the end. But only he himself knew that he had hesitated and wandered, at that moment, he was really tempted.

In the end, the battle strength system changed the rules and released some hidden missions. He was rewarded with spirit points for letting himself refuse the mission, but he knew that this was a humility of the battle strength system.

It will not really embarrass itself in this kind of thing.

But the original mind that time was really my own mind.

He doesn't even know it himself.

Especially now that he hears the word "Lin Jiayi" from the younger sister's mouth, his breathing is a little short. It's just that, when the battle strength reaches his level, any expression will be adjusted within a thousandth of a second, or even a ten thousandth of a second.

My younger sister battle strength is not high, so I can't tell.

If Xiang Yu, the lord of the Milky Way, is here, he can definitely see the horror in his eyes just now.

"Lin Jiayi."

Ning Tianlin behaved like a normal person, repeating these three words, and even pretending to ask casually, "What's wrong with her?" "



"Big brother, please install again!"

Ning Tianxin laughed, Seeing Ning Tianlin's reaction, I understood everything. If her big brother is not so serious and even has some serious questions and answers, she might not doubt it yet.

But now the big brother's expression can be described in four words. I want to cover it up!

There is even one thing, she is absolutely sure that her big brother is pretending everything now, because when he answered, he simply didn't dare to look directly at him!

Obviously, he is avoiding this question!

Emotions can be faked, but the eyes are not deceiving.

If the big brother didn't care about the name, something guilty, he would never even dare to look directly into his eyes. It's like just talking about his boyfriend, but he stared into his eyes and asked.

"You have a guilty conscience."

Ning Tianxin didn't wait for the big brother to answer, but even chuckled.

"What is my guilty conscience?"

Ning Tianlin pretended to be indifferent and waved his hand and said hard.

"You have a guilty conscience!" Ning Tianxin hehe affirmed, "If not, why didn't you even dare to look at my eyes just now."

Your sister!

Ning Tianlin secretly thought, why is this place showing its feet.

Although he has killed countless people and is even called a demon, he really has no experience in dealing with this situation and he is easily cheated. If you talk about guilty conscience, it is probably only at this time.

"Okay." Ning Tianlin pretended to be annoyed and waved his hand, "Why don't you have a guilty conscience? If you have something to say, I still have something to be busy."

But Even so, he didn't mean to turn around and leave.

He really wants to know what happened to Lin Jiayi.

And seeing her big brother look like this, Ning Tianxin was even more funny in the heart and affirmed everything, but after a while, she was still frowned and said, "She has a bad life now. "

"Well?" Ning Tianlin raised his brow.

Not good?

According to her age, she should have graduated. Moreover, the family assets are quite abundant. Back then, she was the daughter of the richest man in Jinchuan City. Although the father was a bit unsuccessful, it was not easy to trust people.

"Her father gambling, was deceived to lose all of her family property, and the instigator was her boyfriend."

"Everything in her family nowadays worships her. From this boyfriend."

After Ning Tianxin finished speaking, she stared at her big brother's eyes specifically, wanting to see his expression. But at this time, my own big brother, who has never laughed much, frowned deeply.


Ning Tianlin didn't know that after hearing these three words, his heart would be extremely uncomfortable.

She has a boyfriend?

But so is it.

People who are almost twenty-five years old, it is not normal to have boyfriends.

But the uncomfortable feeling in his heart still made him feel a little frustrated.


"I scared you to death."

And Ning Tianxin, the instigator, sees his big brother's expression. Understand everything thoroughly.

I laughed wildly in my heart.

Let you pretend to be your biological younger sister!

Look at me and scare you to death!

Although I made up all of this by myself, and I know that it is not good to lie to my big brother, Ning Tianxin feels that it is really enjoyable to see the appearance of my big brother.

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