

Ning Tianxin is nodded, "big brother, you don’t know, she is a man My friend was broken, and she set up a set that made her father lose her fortune, and finally dumped her. In the final analysis, it was to unite some people to deceive all of her family's assets and owe a debt."

"She is now working in a car shop and is slowly paying off her debt."

This. . . . . .

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin didn't know how to describe her feelings, she felt helpless in her dazedness.

Is it this way? . . . . .

He couldn't imagine how a wealthy woman who used to be rich in clothes and food would become such a life at this moment, what kind of situation it would be like, and how big the gap in his heart would be.

"Big brother, do you want me to help her."

Ning Tianxin blinked and asked.

"If you can help, please help." Ning Tianlin sighed, then his eyes narrowed, "Catch this man and send it to her, she can do whatever she wants Do it."

"Best, kill!"

"Okay." Ning Tianxin nodded, and then blinked again, "But big brother, you said, In what capacity shall we help?"

"Of course friends." Ning Tianlin said without thinking.

But then I saw the humorous smile in my younger sister’s eyes, and I immediately realized something, frowned, "Okay, you lied to me?"

"Hehe, it’s a lie. Yours." People are afraid of him, Ning Tianxin is not afraid of him, chuckled, "I just lied to you."

" Jiayi's elder sister is not bankrupt, she is still her Eldest Young Lady, and Nowadays, I work in the Invincible Group."

"Jiayi elder sister?" Ning Tianlin was taken aback, "Are you all good sisters?"

Ning Tianlin remember, in When he left, they met for the first time. It was probably at the party during the study. They have hardly seen each other since, but now they are both good sisters.

"Yes." Ning Tianxin chuckled, "How about, big brother didn't expect, we have a good relationship now."

"How could she In the Invincible Group?" Ning Tianlin asked.

"This is my credit." Ning Tianxin said with a smile as if asking for credit.

"Did you deliberately?" Ning Tianlin frowned, did my younger sister discover something?

As she knows her IQ, that Shu Yishan is not clear?

"What is it that I did deliberately?" Ning Tianxin snorted, "It was Jiayi's elder sister who came for the interview. I just met me that day, so I recruited her. Now, she is already A department manager of the group.

"She is here for an interview? "Ning Tianlin thinks about it, the first two or three years, it is indeed the time to graduate from university. It's just that she has an industry in her family, so how could she think of Invincible Group to come to work.

Although the treatment is good there, it is only generous. That's all. Compared with the billions of wealth in her family, she can't be considered anything.

"Although she didn't say anything, I think her purpose is. . . . . . "Ning Tianxin said here, she deliberately looked at her big brother, and thumped the heart that Ning Tianlin was looking at.

"What is it? Hurry up." "Ning Tianlin drank lightly, "Don't hesitate. "

"For your big brother. "After speaking, before Ning Tianlin could answer, Ning Tianxin quickly turned around and left.

She also said something sorry about this kind of thing.

Although Lin Jiayi never did I said that she likes the big brother, but usually inadvertently mentioning it, and the attitude of the other party, and not looking for a boyfriend at all, it can be seen that she likes the big brother very much.

The two chatted. Sometimes, the other party will take the initiative to bring it up occasionally.

Although Lin Jiayi is very good, but if you are more careful, you can still find it.

"For me. . . . . . . "Ning Tianlin lost consciousness for a moment, and even felt that he seemed to be really sorry for this woman and hurt the other person's heart.

"Still, let's take a look. "

After a long time, Ning Tianlin body flashed and disappeared in this world.


"Go and copy this document Give it to me in two minutes. "

In front of a spacious and bright desk, a beautiful young woman in professional attire faces the side stop.

"Okay. "The other party nodded, turned and left the office.

"Zhang Mingwen, come here. "The young woman said to the void, and she saw a green light screen flashing and jumping, and a signal went out. After a while, a middle-aged man walked in.

"Young Lady Lin, you are looking for me. "The middle-aged man comes in and bows.

"This plan has been redone, and the data is not up to standard. At this time tomorrow, it will be delivered to me on time. "The woman surnamed Lin said, and at the same time threw a document on the table, as if she saw that the other party had something to say, she continued, "Don't make any excuses, I will see the result at this time tomorrow." "

"Otherwise, I won't use it tomorrow. "

The tone is sharp, very much like a battle-tested strong woman.

"Yes, Young Lady Lin. "The middle age person took a deep breath, picked up the file, and turned to leave.

"Mr Hu, let's talk about the power of the car. "In less than one minute, a young man was already sitting opposite the woman surnamed Lin, and the two talked about each other.

In this way, some people came in and some went out, and Lin Jiayi, in just two Within an hour, I had to deal with fifteen staff members. Many aspects were involved. Although I can't say that the handling is the most perfect, it is absolutely organized.

"It's really busy. "

And Ning Tianlin was standing in the sunlight on the side, watching this quietly for more than two hours.

He really didn't expect, not seen in a few years , The campus girl who had been a little cringed in doing everything, has grown to such a level, she is completely the performance of a Secondary Profession strong woman.

It's just that he is hidden in the space from beginning to end. Although standing in front of Lin Jiayi, the other party is not aware of it at all.

"Huh. "

"Finally I can rest for five minutes. "

At this time, Lin Jiayi leaned on the chair behind her and let out a sigh of relief.

She has been in such a busy state for two years, and she has already adapted. With a wave, a green screen of light appeared in front of him, and there was only a scene on it, a young boy, smiling warmly there.

Who else could anyone not be Ning Tianlin.

I don’t know when, once Lin Jiayi stopped being busy, she liked to lean on the chair so quietly, looking at the silhouette in the light curtain, to relieve love.

Or, only This kind of almost abnormal busyness can make her free from lovesickness and no longer miss this person.

"You said, you are back, should I go to you? "

Lin Jiayi looked at the silhouette in the light curtain, said warmly with a smile.

"I just don’t know, if I really go, you still recognize me. "

"Can you still remember the name Lin Jiayi? "

Lin Jiayi only feels that being able to watch this silhouette so quietly is a kind of happiness.

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