When Lin Jiayi started busy again after five minutes, Ning Tianlin left.

He didn't show up, just stood there quietly, and after watching Lin Jiayi at work for a few hours, he returned to Ning Mansion. He felt that the matter had reached this point, and he couldn't kill another girl.

Shu Yishan is his wife, but he spends very little time with him. It is that Lin Jiayi doesn't care that she has a wife, but she is about to leave Earth, how much time she can spend with her.

Since it’s gone, it’s always better to be like this.

Time can smooth everything out, and perhaps in the near future, she will be able to find an immeasurably self-satisfied other half.

Only when he disappeared, Lin Jiayi seemed to have a feeling in the heart and glanced at the place where he had been standing still.

But soon, I just shook the head, and I thought about it secretly.

How could he appear.

At this time, you should stay with your family in your own home.

It's just that half a day later, Ning Tianxin's appearance and words made her calm heart ripple again, Ning Tianlin actually mentioned her! They talked about themselves not long ago.

Even the meaning of Ning Tianxin's words, is it possible that he has visited himself?

Is the feeling you just felt true?

He really came?

Unfortunately, her heart is really upset.

Three days later, she left the Invincible Group and was extremely disappointed.

Because yesterday, when she gathered up her courage and was about to find Ning Tianlin to pursue her own happiness, Ning Tianxin told her a news that her big brother, and some people, had already left. Earth.

Leaving early in the morning the day before yesterday.

"Since you are gone, then I will chase you!"

"Where you go, where I will chase you!"

"One day , We will meet again!"

Lin Jiayi looked at the void and muttered to himself, "I believe in fate in my whole life. You saved me that day, which is the beginning of our fate. Jinchuan City and Beijing is so far away, we can meet again, even at the same school."

"From then on, we have an intersection in our lives. This is fate."

" Tianxin has already given you your information number, but you will never call it before I see you again."

"The Milky Way, although the starry sky is big, but as long as we are truly destined, I will definitely meet again. If there is that day, I will desperately run to your arms!"

"I hope I have this opportunity in this life."

Lin Jiayi looked at the stars and made up his mind.

She doesn't know where she will go from now on, or if one day she will die alone, but now that she has made up her mind, she will no longer shrink and fear.

When she was in Earth, she had already missed it once, and there will never be a second time in the future!

She wants to take steps for her happiness!

That night.

The teleportation array of the Invincible Group lights up for the first time. A beautiful silhouette also disappeared above Earth.

. . . . . .

The mansion of the lord of the galaxy.

Although it is early morning, it is still lively.

"Third Brother, did you really decide like that?"

"Are you going to go out?"

Xiang Yu held a bowl of wine in his hand and wiped his mouth , Asked Ning Tianlin.

On the edge of the table, there are rows of drink bottles with the words "Kweichow Moutai" written on them.

Although I have drunk too many drinks, Xiang Yu still feels that this "Kweichow Moutai" is the most suitable for the taste. This time from Earth, he put hundreds of boxes in the space ring.

I even decided that if I don’t drink enough in the future, I will immediately return to Earth to get it again.

When I asked this, the one on the side changed, and also put down the big bowl, and looked at his Third Brother solemnly.

Too fast.

It hasn't been three days since I returned to the Milky Way, so I want to leave again to go to the broader starry sky?

This is a bit too anxious.

"En." Ning Tianlin nodded with a smile, "It's very big outside, I want to go out and go around."

"And now my battle strength, in Yinhe, There is not much room for improvement."

This is a decision he has already made.

Leave the Milky Way and head to Cang Ming Star Domain.

There is a broader stage. It won’t be long before he will stand at the top of this stage, overlooking all beings!

Moreover, in the Milky Way, he always has a feeling of being bound and unable to slaughter all sides.

After all, when I was in Earth, I heard a lot of the word "Galaxy", and I always felt that this place was also my hometown. Therefore, he has to go for a walk, leave his hometown, and go to a strange place.

There, his battle strength might grow wilder.

Without restraint, killing will definitely spread!

In recent years, although redeeming treasure is a quick way to increase battle strength, the fastest increase in energy points is actually the essence of life.

Killing is the fastest way to collect essence.

He has already inquired clearly. In Cang Ming Star Domain, there are many battlefields. There are wars happening there all the time. There are human beings and human beings, and there are human beings and other races.

Every moment, countless lives die here.

There will be his paradise.


"Being a big brother, I can't persuade you."

Xiang Yu held up the big bowl in his hand and gave the drink to It's done.

Although he doesn't know why Ning Tianlin leaves in such a hurry, he will respect his decision. Moreover, the Third Brother himself is right. The outside world is big and there are more opportunities.

Although in the Galaxy, it can also improve battle strength to a certain extent. However, compared with the outside resources, I am afraid it is a little worse.

And it's not all.

He also feels that his progress in battle strength over the years has not been as good as before.

Maybe after the Ancestral Witch’s blood essence is completely swallowed, he will also take Yu Ji to leave for the broader Star Domain.

"Although I have never been to Cangming Star Domain, I also know that there is danger lurks on every side. There are opportunities, but there are also endless dangers. As a big brother, I can only say that the Third Brother takes care all the way. ."

"At this time, I am a brother, and I will be a brother all my life!"

"Let’s do it!"

Speaking, I filled myself with a glass again Drink it all in one go!


Ning Tianlin also swallowed all the wine in his hands.

"Maybe it won't take long, second brother, I will go out to find you." Xiang Yu said.

"Me too, maybe soon, our brother will meet again."

The Bai Qi on the side also responded.


Ning Tianlin smiled, and at the same time waved his hand, a blockbuster medicine pill and a book appeared in front of the two of them. Everything was full of turbulence. energy.

"Big brother and second brother, these are medicine pill and secret skills, maybe they can be used sometime."

He knows that these two people don’t have much inheritance. Especially medicine pill, it can really save lives at critical times. Seeing that they were about to speak, Ning Tianlin said with a smile, "big brother second brother, don’t refuse."

"This thing, I have more."

" Okay! Then we who are big brothers are disrespectful." The two stared at Ning Tianlin for a long time, and at the same time responded.

That night, I had three wine rounds.

Ning Tianlin's silhouette flashed, leaving Heaven and Earth completely.

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