"Fourth Martial Artist."

"Fourth Martial Artist actually appeared!"

We continued to kill in Ning Tianlin After the creatures of the three continents, a real powerhouse appeared, Martial Artist for four days.

True powerhouse with battle strength exceeding 40 million!

It was Ning Tianlin who took a lot of effort to achieve the final victory. Even one of his arms was broken at the time, and his body received several palms.

All kinds of secret techniques are used to kill the opponent.

Ning Tianlin himself has also learned a lot of experience from this vividly and thoroughly battle. At the very least, fighting again will never be so embarrassed.

"There are Five Continents."

"I don't know what kind of character I will encounter."

Ning Tianlin knows that he is getting closer and closer The ultimate secret of this red planet, when all continents are over, he will also come to the end, and he will leave this planet soon.

The Cang Ming domain is very big.

Here is his real journey.

"Martial Artist on the 3rd."

"Martial Artist on the 4th."

When Ning Tianlin killed two Martial Artists again, he met the third When he was a continent expert, he knew that it might not be simple this time.

Because this time, three four-day Martial Artists came directly. Even the battle strength of one of them has reached more than 45 million!

A tough battle.

Ning Tianlin won.


Only when he was just sighed in relief, his whole body was all split up and in pieces and turned into flesh and blood.

I saw an old man with white hair standing in the position he had just established.

This old man, his hands are emptied, his eyes are scattered, it is he who started to strike certain kill Ning Tianlin one.

"I thought it was so powerful."

"merely this."

The old man’s heart was coldly snorted, but he was also angry, because despite the invasion The person was killed, but the entire continent's creatures have been destroyed, less than one-tenth of the original.

Several of my capable men who have been with me for many years are all dead at this moment.

However, he also knew that part of it was due to his own reasons. If it weren't for his own cautious nature, he wouldn't die so much if the opponent's battle strength was unknown, and he was reluctant to make a move.

Fortunately, everything is over.

He originally had a higher battle strength than this intruder, and he was a sneak attack.

Now, the dust has settled.


It's just that soon, he is frowned and his face has changed several times.

Because all the broken flesh and blood condense in an instant. In an instant, it turned into the intruder just now.

Even the aura on the opponent's body is constantly soaring, much stronger than I didn't know just now!



Involuntarily, he took a few steps back.

Because he felt that an invisible force locked his whole body firmly, and the invading youngster had a strange smile on his mouth.

“bang! ”

The other party made a move, but only gently extended the right hand slowly, and he felt that he could not move his body, an astral qi that seemed like a substance, such as The steel giant hand held his neck.

No matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape this giant hand.


And soon, creak creak's bones smashed from his neck.

After a while, all of them broke and turned into slag.

A mouthful of blood died.

"Fortunately, I am an Immortal Body. If not, I just learned the truth."

After many times of fragmentation of fleshy body, Ning Tianlin became more and more concerned about his fleshy body. It is satisfaction. If you change to someone else, he will have died long ago, but he can be reunited. Even when they were reunited, they consumed a trillion points of energy and forcibly raised their level by two thousand six hundred.

It has reached the current level of more than eight thousand eight hundred!

The battle strength has increased to more than 53 million!

It broke out with all its strength, and it was completely possible to fight the six-day powerhouse, and even cut it down.

Moreover, he still has more than 80 million points of energy on his body now, which were also provided by the continent creatures and space ring that he continued to kill just now. It is estimated that when he walks out of this planet, his energy points will still exceed one trillion!

"There are two more."

"The last two continents."

In the eyes of bright light glittering, after more than half an hour, it will be the second to last The creatures on the continent have all turned into dead souls.

It's just that when the last continent expert was born, his fleshy body was broken again.

But it was only after forcibly fighting for three days and three nights that it turned into flesh and blood.

This last super Martial Artist, the breakthrough of battle strength forcibly has exceeded 60 million! It even reached 63 million.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

Ning Tianlin did not immediately release his spirit again, Instead, he chose to meet force with force, and even when the fleshy body was crushed the next time, and even some were beaten into the void, he also used his energy to regroup a fleshy body.

Without directly improving battle strength.

Because in this battle, he truly realized what combat experience is! Even Ning Tianlin estimated that he had the same battle strength as the opponent, and he didn't necessarily win the opponent.

This time is a real sharpening stone.

It is of great help to the combat experience.

"What's going on!"

"This intruder has trained a real Immortal Body!"

"How can I fight this!"


After more than a month, the super powerhouse with a battle strength of 63 million yuan finally panicked. The person in front of him was simply unable to kill. The fleshy body is shattered and reunited, even if the fleshy body is sent into the void, he can be reborn.

How can I fight this!

Especially on his current body, although there is no fatal injury, it is still a hole in his arms and thighs. Once, the other party actually came to him with a gorgeous self-destruct.

The powerful energy backlash, forcibly exploded one of his eyeballs.

Although these things can be restored in the future, they are not working now!

Especially after more than a month of fighting, he felt that the gap between the opponent and himself was getting smaller and smaller, and even some wonderful tricks that he had not thought of were used by the opponent.

If this continues, he will definitely be forcibly consumed.

The other party is Immortal Body, but he is not!

“bang! ”

After more than a month, the whole continent has been beaten to pieces by them. Almost a few creatures were still alive when he There was a big hole in her abdomen.

When the opponent's fleshy body condenses behind his body, it is directly stabbed out.

It's another half a month.

Most of his face is gone, and his flesh and blood fly.

Two full months later, this super Martial Artist finally ended his life in grief and anger.

He never thought that one day he would be consumed by a life not as good as him!


Ning Tianlin, who had done all this, finally loosened his tight heart.


"Really happy!"

Ning Tianlin has never felt a battle before, it will be so hearty.

Although his way of winning is disgraceful, the one who can stand at this moment is the ultimate winner!

Moreover, in this battle, his combat experience will definitely be greatly improved.

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