"It’s just that the amount of essence points consumed this time seems to be a bit too much."

"More than two billion essence points are enough to exchange for a lot of things. It even increased tens of thousands of battle strength."

Ning Tianlin knows that this is something that cannot be avoided.

Especially the other party sent his fleshy body into the void.

Reorganizing Fleshy body, of course, requires the consumption of essence points.

"I only hope that the Fleshy body will become stronger in the future. A reorganization does not need to cost too much."

Now he is only a five-day powerhouse, and he has not even reached the domain level, although it is still I don’t know what Martial Artist is on it, but the domain-level Martial Artist corresponds to Star Domain. Star Domain is huge, but it is nothing compared to the universe.

A real cosmic expert, maybe you can destroy Star Domain with your body.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin only hopes that when the future will eventually become a generation of experts, the fleshy body will be broken and put into nothingness, and reorganization will not consume too much at one time. After all, the realm is different, and the required essence points are also different.

"Now, look at this planet, what secrets are hidden in the end."

This is also the biggest doubt in Ning Tianlin's mind.

The battle strength system allows you to slaughter all the creatures. It is one aspect to increase your essence points. There must be a deeper purpose, and even for this, even tasks are released.

"hua! ”

Beckoned, the silhouette of the centipede of Wanzu appeared, and began to devour it.

If in this red star, his Ning Tianlin has obtained extremely crazy essence, almost more than the Milky Way combined, plentiful harvest, there is one thing, and it has also made great progress.

The original centipede's barefoot has only matured 200,000 pairs, but now, it has doubled crazy! More than 400,000 pairs! Even faintly reached half a million pairs!

The battle strength has increased crazily to nearly ten million!

If he hadn't deliberately suppressed the battle strength of Wanzu centipede just now, and didn't make much use of it, he would easily blow up the last super Martial Artist!


"Half million pairs!"

"More than half a million pairs!"

When the last When a continent creature was completely swallowed, rows of densely packed space rings were handed over to Ning Tianlin's hands, he noticed that the barefoot of the centipede had exceeded 500,000 pairs!

In other words, its battle strength has a thorough breakthrough of 10 million!

Become a Martial Artist not just in name only, but also in reality!

Especially the poison on its body is the student surpasses the master, which is higher than the ominous beast below! Ning Tianlin estimated that after they were combined, opponents with a battle strength of three to five million higher than them, if they touched them, one poisonous needle would be able to knock them down.


So far, the silhouette of Ning Tianlin sinks directly.

This time I saw the black bones when I was six more than a hundred meters below. And this was just the scalp of bones, when everything appeared, a huge flat head appeared in front of his eyes.

"Sure enough, this is the end!"

"Even the head came out!"

Ning Tianlin sighed in relief in his heart. If this continues, it will still If he wanted to explore some bones, he had no place anymore. Here is almost the end of this red planet.

"No wonder this last Martial Artist has a tyrannical battle strength."

"The Spiritual Qi exuded from the head is far from comparable to other places."

Ning Tianlin didn't move this head, but his body moved upwards and broke out of the ground. In the end, it was suspended in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"At this moment, let's start!"

Ning Tianlin waved his big hand, thousands of silhouettes, with a wave of his right hand, all moved towards the bottom, and more The bigger it becomes, the more it turns into a creature the size of a metal dog.

But these creatures have mouths that almost occupy the entire head.

No eyes.

As soon as it fell to the ground, it began to swallow frantically.

Gold Insect.

An insect that devours soil metals. It's just that it is now in the shape of a machine, and there is simply no hunger. Their goal is to swallow all the continent's soil and metals.

Except for some motionless bones, tendons, and veins, all the rest are swallowed.

Three full days later.

A huge biological bone appeared in front of Ning Tianli's eyes.


Although Ning Tianlin has been prepared long ago, Ning Tianlin is still involuntarily held breath cold air.


Too big!

This bone, traversing the void, has several millions of kilometers long! It is hundreds of thousands of kilometers wide, which is nearly a hundred times the diameter of Earth!

"If this kind of creature comes to Earth, it is estimated that it can swallow Earth in one bite."

Ning Tianlin was really shocked.

He was talking about the battle strength system. There are only creatures in the universe that you can’t think of, and nothing you can’t see, including the size and size of some creatures, which can almost match a galaxy. , Star Domain is comparable.

Only you can't imagine, there is nothing that does not exist!

"However, this bone is not pure black..."

This is also what surprised Ning Tianlin.

He originally thought that the bones were uniform black, but he never thought that this black was just the place he saw from the front. The bones fell off one by one, just like a fish turning over, and the one covered underneath was a flawless white!

Clear as jade!

The entire starry sky that shines is all!

"What kind of creature is this?"

Ning Tianlin muttered to himself.

The sound of the battle strength system also sounded at this time, "Black Jade Beast!"

"Ancient Ominous Beast, Black Jade Beast!"

"It is jade during the day and black at night. Jade is non-toxic, black and poisonous, and the two switch automatically."

"The strangeness of this ominous beast is not in his battle strength, but in his Spiritual Qi !"

"It is all over the body, white and black gather together, turning into yin and yang, reconciling each other, endlessly."

"In other words, although it is dead, it The Spiritual Qi in the whole body will not dissipate, but will last for a long time and circulate forever."

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin was shocked, endless, circling forever?

I couldn't help but glanced at the long head and feet.

If you look closely, it turns out that it is really arched, with a necklace of head and feet, and the whole body turned into a circle. But the tail of the body, in this circle, becomes the dividing line.

Similar to a Tai Chi Chart!

"Life is endless."

"Life is endless."

"If it is placed in Earth's body, I am afraid it will greatly promote Earth's Spiritual Qi escapes!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes are exuding light.

If this black jade beast is placed on Earth, it will not make Earth's spirit stronger! Especially it won't be exhausted at all, but will not hesitate!

"Moreover, this black jade beast is just a cub."

"To eliminate the toxicity, it won't cost much energy points. Put it on Earth, it won't take three years, you guys Earth will double its original evolutionary basis!"

"The most important thing, although this black jade beast is dead, its Spiritual Qi will become stronger and stronger!"

Next, the battle strength system gave Ning Tianlin another crit.

This huge black jade beast is just a cub!

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