"So bright eyes."

But it is the other person's eyes that make Ning Tianlin remember the other party.

Extremely bright.

It stands to reason that in such a cruel place in the depths, the whole body is still like this, the disabled can no longer be disabled, and should have lost their fighting spirit long ago, but this youngster seems to have no such awareness at all.

"Ning Tianlin."

"I was caught."

Ning Tianlin's answer is very simple.

"Well, my name is Mdal, you can also call me Eminem." This youngster, at this time, is still familiar, compared with other panic-faced people, it seems to be to him Saying nothing to him.

"Nam, do you know where they are going to catch us?"

"Who are these people?"

Ning Tianlin is facing This familiar Eminem Road.

"They are a group of mercenaries called Gou Kelang."

Amu replied, "Although I don’t know where they are going to catch us, but I also know their The real purpose."

"They were hired to fight with the human powerhouse and went to the battlefield ahead, and we, the slaves they grabbed when they came, sold them on the planet near the battlefield to earn some Money."

"Or let some of us treat them as pathfinders."

Eminem has been in this place for quite a while now, and he is very concerned about the surroundings. The situation has long been clear.

"The mercenary?"

At this time, Lun Ning Tianlin was surprised.

He didn't expect that he would encounter this kind of organization in this place.

This kind of organization, I have heard of when I was in Earth, is employed and active in various countries on the battlefield, receiving money from all parties to sell their lives for them, unexpectedly, out of Earth, There are also organizations that work hard to make money.

"It seems that I am really regarded as a slave."

Ning Tianli hehe sneered in his heart, if it weren’t for him to feel lonely when traveling, he would like to play with each other and be happy. How could I be restrained by this group of people. The battle strength erupts with full force, and there is no one left here.

However, he also didn't care about the slave chip implanted in his body. This thing, if you change to someone else, once implanted, it's really difficult to take it off, you can only be ordered with someone, but for him, Ning Tianlin, it's a tasteless one.

He can self-destruct even his body, and what else can be terrifying.

"Are you not worried about your current predicament? I think that although your body is injured, your mentality is quite good, and you are still interested in talking to me."

Ning Tianlin looked around. All around, the people at this moment are all looking numb, closing their eyes faintly discernable, and completely ignoring Ning Tianlin’s situation, and only this little brother who is familiar with himself is still in the mood to talk to him. talk.

Even the middle age person closest to him had already closed his eyes.

"What is good."

Eminem gave a wry smile, "What else can I do?"

"Anyway, waiting for suffering is waiting for death, why I’m not happy."

"Besides, I’m like this. I don’t know who bought it. It will definitely cost a lot of money to recover. I don’t have any special abilities. With this money, the buyer has long been I bought several people who are better than me."

"I guess, my greatest possibility is to be taken to the battlefield by these mercenaries and used as cannon fodder."

"Anyway Sooner or later, I'm going to die. It's better to talk more. If not, you won't have a chance to talk after you die."

After speaking, this Eminem smiled bitterly again.

Now, just laugh if you can.

Otherwise, it won’t take long, and there will be no chance to laugh.


Ning Tianlin gave this man a surprised look, nodded. Those who can say such things at this time generally have strong mental qualities. Afterwards, the two of them chatted plainly without a word.

A week later.

The spaceship landed on a huge planet.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Hurry up and give me a spaceship!"

At this time, the door opened and a few people came in and started chasing pigs. The same drive Ning Tianlin these people. Ning Tianlin still did not resist, just stretched out his hand and lifted Eminem who was crawling on the ground.

the past few days, I had a lot of chats with this kid, and I was quite appetite.

Ning Tianlin feels that it is better to help the kid and change his destiny.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

At this time, the various hatches have already been opened, connected to Ning Tianlin, and there are nearly 10,000 people , Was driven out from the door.

"Many people."

Ning Tianlin walked out and found that the spaceship he was in was really just the foot of an iceberg. I only saw close, far, and everywhere. This kind of spaceship is also a densely packed crowd.

Most of them are like him, they are slaves implanted with slave chips.

But besides these slave sellers, there is another kind of person, and that is the buyer!

"This planet is probably the meeting point for slaves."

"It's going to be sold here."

Ning Tianlin already knows this Planet is a planet very close to the battlefield.

Except for the slaves here, except from other places, a huge part of them are deserters from the battlefield!

After all, not everyone has the courage to fight insect race. Among 10,000 people, there are always one or two who would rather be deserters than be killed by an insect race on the battlefield. After all, battle strength is not good. Entering the battlefield is definitely ten deaths without life!

Although being a deserter, more than 90% of the time, you will be caught, but there are some permits and you can escape!

It is this very small probability that countless Martial Artists become deserters.

Once the deserter is caught, he will be sold directly here, and he will become a slave in the future, and he will never stand up. As for the arrested slave like Ning Tianlin, it can only be said that some people want to make some flesh and blood money here.



"Dragging, I break your leg!"

See Ning Tianlin was looking all around, a Martial Artist behind him directly fiercely pushed Ning Tianlin a hand, but Ning Tianlin’s battle strength is what he can push, fiercely turned his head and glanced at the opponent, directly scaring the opponent a little Stunned.

The whip, which was raised up by his hand, was also let down weakly.

He estimated that if he really dared to swing down the whip, the other party might try to self-destruct by the chip, and he would have to give him a blow or two.

This situation has never happened before.

And soon, Ning Tianlin was taken to a huge round table. At this moment, many people had gathered densely, all of them looked downcast and didn't want to look up.

Below, there are a group of buyers waving banknotes.

But these buyers, the overwhelming majority are slave wholesalers, and will escort the slaves here to sell them everywhere in the Cang Ming domain.

"You, put him down and follow me!"

Soon, in front of Ning Tianlin's eyes, a bald head with a big belly appeared.

He pointed at Ning Tianlin indifferently, and asked him to let Eminem in his hands go with him.

He fell in love with Ning Tianlin and wanted to buy him as a slave!

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