"Where to go."

Ning Tianlin did not leave, but asked coldly.


"You damn slave, dare to question me!"

"After buying you, you can go wherever you go Where are you going."

This potbellied bald head, coldly snorted, "put down this burden, it's all crippled like this, die, I don't have any extra money to treat him! Treat this kind of injury. , It’s enough to buy a few more."

Bald headed while staring at Ning Tianlin’s eyes, this damn slave, if he dares to talk back to him and question him, he must be beaten. Half dead!

"Brother Ning, put me down."

"I am like this, no one will buy it."

"If you are bought by someone If you don’t, you might be able to live some good lives, at least you can live, otherwise, it’s hard to survive on the battlefield."

Eminem, who was held by Ning Tianlin, said with a bitter smile.

He knew that he was like this, and there was only one way to be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder. Although he has no legs and feet, he can still run.

"Don't let it go."

Ning Tianlin simply answered two words, and at the same time there was no fear on his face. Instead, he asked his bald head, "You Say, if I don’t let go, what can you do to me?"



The bald head is pissed off, He didn't expect the slave he bought this time, but he dared to talk back to him, which is really the opposite! Even the bald head has an illusion, this slave is sneering!

He dared to sneer at himself!


With a wave of his hand, a pale red crystal appeared in his hand and said coldly to Ning Tianlin, "Damn slave, do you know what this is? "

"Slave crystal!"

"Things that can manipulate your life and death!"


Even without waiting for Ning Tianlin's reply, he directly activated the crystals. Inside Ning Tianlin's body, a red light flashed like lightning, and even the whole body was a straightforward thought.

Unfortunately, there was a tingling pain in the body. But fortunately, it is completely within the body's tolerance.


"Let Ning this damn slave talk back!"

There was a grin on the corner of the bald man's mouth. The slave he had just activated was the slave. A function of crystals.

The slave crystal not only allows Ning Tianlin to be destroyed directly, but also allows him to experience various tortures.

He is no stranger to this thing. In his space ring, I don’t know how many slave crystals there are.


"I can hold on!"

"I can really hold on."

It was ironic, he felt that Ning Tianlin did not yell for mercy, he was definitely holding on, he was holding on hard, and it would not take long before he would beg for mercy.

Please let him go!

How many times he has used this slave crystal, but he has never missed it. No slave will beg for mercy under his punishment.


Just very quickly, bald man was taken aback.

What's the matter?

It's been two minutes, and the other party can hold on, especially on his face, without the slightest painful expression.

I couldn't help but glanced at the slave crystal in his hand. Is it broken, or is it wrong? It’s not this person?


"You can go to death."

Ning Tianlin finally tried what is slave crystal punishment, to this degree, For others, it may be extremely difficult to bear, but for those with higher battle strength than yourself, I am afraid that they will be able to wish one were dead, hovered between life and death.

Because this thing directly affects the human spirit.

But Ning Tianlin, the four attributes of his body can be freely converted. The lower the spirit strength, the less pain he feels. When the attributes are all strength, he Ning Tianlin, simply Can't make the slightest pain.

Especially his body, there is also an attribute that is the ancestor of zombie, who is not afraid of pain.


Ning Tianlin finished speaking, in the horrified gaze of the other party, a mouthful of astral qi was directly blasted out of the other party’s body, blasting the other party’s body into scum, Even the speed of the shot has no chance for the opponent to urge the slave crystal.

With one foot, the slave crystal that fell on the ground was scumbed.

Although he is not afraid of this thing, he still does not want people to know that he is an Immortal Body. It is better not to self-destruct the body or not to self-destruct the body.


As soon as Ning Tianlin killed the opponent, he heard loudly shouted, and at the same time a sharp wind came from his ear. You don't even need to turn around, in Ning Tianlin Divine Consciousness Sea, you know who the person is!

It's not someone else, but the yellow alien who grabbed himself in the sky that day.


With only one punch, the sharp astral qi aimed at the head of Ning Tianlin.

The bald head just now bought Ning Tianlin from his hands. Now that the bald head is dead, then he must give the bald head an explanation, and even more for all the people who buy slaves here.

This slave must be killed!

He must die!


It’s just that what makes him incredible is that this youngster, who is simply not his opponent in the starry sky, is caught by his subordinates, and he burst out at this moment. Incomparable imposing manner.

Not yet close, he has a kind of fear of life and death!


Also in the unbelievable gaze of Eminem held by Ning Tianlin, Ning Tianlin punched and smashed the yellow alien who had been killed. His fleshy body was full of flesh and blood, but it was also blocked by the astral qi outside.


Eminem was a little dazed.

He never dared to imagine that the companion he had chatted with all the way would have such a high battle strength!

One punch killed the middle force among those people.


"This slave is reversed!"

"This slave is reversed!"

Soon, Several voices shouted. Most of them were the escorts in that spaceship that day. The area they planned is here. Ning Tianlin is the goods that they have shipped out, and they must be responsible!

Also, the most powerhouse of these people, the captain of the spaceship, the middle age person with blue eyes, is also staring coldly at Ning Tianlin.

He also didn't expect. He thought he could sell a slave at a good price, but he turned it around now.

He also killed one of his capable men.

But this time, you are dead!

We were able to catch you in the first place, but we can also this time!

No, just kill this time!

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

It’s just that he couldn’t believe that the person who flew over to kill Ning Tianlin hadn’t reached the opponent yet By his side, the opponent's palm was stretched out, and with a grip, it was all crushed into dregs.

The huge Heaven and Earth coercion made him tremble.

"What's the matter?"


The middle age person complexion of the blue eyes greatly changed. Besides, it's even more tranced, it shouldn't be. ?

What's the matter?

How could this person's battle strength grow into this in an instant?

If he was outside the starry sky that day, he could have this kind of battle strength, not to mention being caught, there would be absolutely no problem in escaping, and the giant beast he was riding on, there was no need to die!

At that time, I could definitely escape calmly!

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