
Ning Tianlin also noticed the terrifying pressure above, his face tightened, but he did not back down, but instead waved the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand. Fiercely's moved towards the other party greeted him.


But just for a moment, when the Dualbladed Halberd touched the palm astral qi, the Dualbladed Halberd broke apart inch by inch. Especially when it really collides with the palm of the hand, it has turned into a fragment of the sky.

The body of Ning Tianlin was also firmly grasped by this huge palm shadow.

Like Monkey Sun in the Heavenly Palace, caught in the palm of the Buddha by the Tathagata, no matter how hard he struggles, he can’t escape.

"Master Chen Ape!"

"It's Master Chen Ape!"

Countless people exclaimed, crying with joy, and Master Chen Ape made the move!

They are saved!

Master Chen Yuan, but he is infinitely close to the existence of the domain master!

Some people even say that they have already broken through and become the domain owner!

Sure enough, the slave lunatic was stopped as soon as he shot it!

"At a young age, you can have such battle strength. It is a pity to be a slave."

"It's no wonder you don't accept it."

At this time, The owner of the palm has spoken. It is a huge creature with long hairs and fangs that looks like a gorilla. The whole body is extremely large. The entire Quiqi star is in front of him, like a person and a bowling ball. The same difference.

Especially two pairs of golden eyes, like the sun in the starry sky, shining golden light.

Staring straight at Ning Tianlin, he was not angry because he killed most of the slave masters and creatures of this Kuiqi star, but seemed to appreciate it, "I see, From now on, when I'm the servant of the dust ape, what do you think!"

Although it is a discussion, countless people, including Ning Tianlin themselves, know that this voice is full of irreversible.

"Domestic servant?"

Ning Tianlin smiled, "You have a good vision, you can see me."

"But in my life, it is If you die, you won’t be a servant for anyone."

Said, looking directly at the other’s golden eyes, in the other’s unbelievable gaze, he directly chose self-destruct, huge energy , The huge palm is shook.

But it was just a shock, and even the fur was not damaged.


"It turns out to be self-destructed!"

Countless people are shocked. Does this slave really want to live? Crazy killing, do you just want to bolster your back! I chose self-destruct so neatly!

But the overwhelming majority have an expression of incomprehension.

How could he die so easily!

He has not yet taken over the punishment, he has not accepted the torture!


"Just died like this?"

Even the dust ape was taken aback, he didn't expect at all, the other party unexpectedly Will be such a straightforward self-destruct body! Don't think about it at all!

Indeed, he fell in love with the other party’s innate talent. If he were his servant, it would not take long for his subordinates to have another expert with good battle strength.

But why is it so simply self-destructed!

This shouldn't be!

He killed so many people for nothing more than survival and crazy revenge, but this kind of person has the strongest desire to survive, so he is self-destructed if he doesn't even consider it!

"There is fraud!"

This is Chen Yuan's reaction after a while.

When he grew up to his level, he also knew some secrets, and even saw a person who had no internal organs forcibly alive. Although I have never seen such a broken person, this kind of person does not necessarily die!

The universe is so big that there are only unexpected things and nothing that does not exist.


Unfortunately, the eyes shoot out divine light, covering all the minced meat of Ning Tianlin. But after a while, his brows frowned deeply, because he didn't feel the slightest Life Aura in the pieces of meat.

Although there is still energy, this is normal. After all, a True Martial Artist is dead, and the fleshy body can exist for thousands of years without corruption. These minced meat will dissipate in a short time.

Especially, he can feel that the energy of this shredded meat is indeed fading.


"What's the matter?"

"What is Lord Chen Yuan doing?"

And Chen Yuan's The abnormality caused countless people around him to be stunned. What's the matter, the troublemaker is dead. Why is Lord Chen Yuan still frowned? Shouldn't he be happy?


What made them even more surprised was that after a while, Master Chen Yuan started to strike all the pieces of meat, using great force in every palm , Every gesture is as powerful as a Tearing Space.



Ning Tianlin's minced meat was directly sent into the space where thousands of forcibly appeared!

Until the time when everything is gone, the dust ape is coldly snorted, "No matter what, you can't live like this!"

"Each space represents all nothingness, no matter what Did you pretend, but this time, you are dead!"

"It is your blessing to be a slave to Chen Yuan, you don't cherish it, you can only say that you are a pity."

After doing all this, the silhouette of Chen Yuan slowly disappeared into the void.


At this time, countless talents breathed out in the heart.

Go away.

Master Chen Yuan finally left.

Although he killed the lunatic slave, everyone felt extremely depressed when he was there, and even their legs shook involuntarily. Because of this dust ape, his reputation is not very good.

Sometimes the wind is mad, but you can eat everything!

Many times, he directly gave all the planets in his ruling territory into his mouth. Millions and millions of creatures would die for this.


"Finally it’s okay!"

"Now let’s continue!"

And soon, There are many slave masters who are starting to continue to purchase slaves. The crisis has been eliminated, and nothing will happen. It hasn't happened in many years.

It is past now and will never come again.

Just one hour.

Two hours.

After twenty-four hours have passed, a huge silhouette appears out of thin air.

I saw this silhouette, standing upright, about more than three hundred meters tall, covered in black hair as hard as iron, and exuding a unique black light, with horns upright, as if inserted into the sky The two steel knives are average.

Holding a huge three-edged steel fork in his hand, his black eyes exude cold light.


As soon as it appeared, all the creatures on the slave planet began to kill.


As soon as the fork passed, countless bodies began to shatter, blood flew across, and between dozens of breaths, no one was his opponent.


After a while, this huge bullhead opened its mouth directly, swallowing Qi of Heaven and Earth with a big mouth, and saw countless flesh and blood. The living creatures all moved towards his mouth and flew.




It turned into food directly and entered his belly.

This person is not someone else, just reuniting the body, to be on the safe side, turned into the Ning Tianlin of Ox Demon King.

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