"It’s been a long time, I haven’t used this body."

Ning Tianlin still remembers that when he was in Earth, he often manifested this body, At that time, I was worried that others would find my true identity because I hadn't really grown up yet.

But now, to be on the safe side, he still chose this figure.

Because he is not sure at all, whether Lord Chen Yuan has left! The other party at first suspected that he was not dead, maybe hiding in a corner and watching him.

With this body, even if he really finds it, he will not doubt it on himself.

Furthermore, the Ox Demon King nowadays has no human body at all. The whole figure, up to a hundred meters high, is completely an upright bison! No one will doubt that this body will be the same person as Ning Tianlin who was just killed.


Just when he wreaked havoc for three to five minutes, that huge palm appeared again, making Ning Tianlin's heart stunned. Sure enough, this dust The ape hasn't left yet! Still watching everything here in secret.

He should be the real Guardian of this planet!

Maybe wait for three to five minutes, or observe yourself in secret, whether it is different from the human form just now.

But this time, Ning Tianlin did not self-destruct, but forcibly greeted him. But again, there is no suspense, he is not the opponent! And he didn't give him a chance to relax, he was directly bombarded to pieces.

But even so, Ning Tianlin killed many creatures in just 3 minutes.

There is less than half of the original. At this moment, it is estimated that there is only the original one third.

But this time, the fleshy body was shattered but shattered, and was not sent into the void.

Dust Ape didn't say anything, and immediately concealed the void again.

"What's going on!"

"Why is there another cow!"

At this time, the only group left was talking. All eyes appeared frightened. If it hadn't been for Master Chen Yuan's action just now, they would definitely have died here today!

Today is so strange!

People are out of control, even the cows are turning back!

This bull, who Tamar brought in, isn't it a slave under control!

“bang! ”

But shortly after they discussed, a huge ant shining with scarlet light appeared, and only one with long antennae and a body of more than fifty Mi's ant emerged from the void.

As soon as he showed up, he opened his mouth and started devouring creatures.

After a riot, after tens of thousands of lives were killed, the silhouette of the dust ape appeared. With a wave of his hand, the blood-red ant turned into flesh and blood in the sky.

At this time, Chen Yuan had already frowned.

"Isn't it!"

"What's the matter today!"

"Also let people live!"

"Another troublemaker!"

Too many people started to wailing.

What the hell is going on with Tamar today, the cow just died, and the ants came again.

Even in their unbelievable eyes, a huge parrot-shaped flying bird showed its shape and began to devour creatures. And the timing of his appearance was not long after Chen Yuan had gone.

Until he was killed by Dust Ape, Dust Ape’s brows were already extremely deep.




Just like that, as soon as the dust ape disappears, there will be various The creatures began to appear, devouring creatures, there were originally several millions, but now, there are no tens of thousands of them left.

And at this moment, they have already lost one's head out of fear, wanting to escape from this Kuiqi star, this is simply not their place to stay! They might all die here!

What frightened them in particular was that the surroundings of the Kuiqi star seemed to be surrounded by a big screen, and they simply couldn't do without this! Anyone who is about to step out of the edge will be blocked by a mysterious force!

This planet seems to be blocked!



Just like this, after more than a dozen strange creatures appeared, all the creatures here are all Was killed and swallowed. Even the last thing that appeared was a golden Vajra pig with golden skin.

But only this time, Chen Yuan did not kill it, but almost under his nose, let the Vajra pig, devour the last creatures.

So far, on this Kuiqi star, except for the Vajra pig and the dust ape that Ning Tianlin transformed into, there is no second creature.

Even at this moment, the dust ape has shrunk and turned into an ape man about the size of a human, standing in front of the Vajra pig.

"I really didn't expect, there are people like you in this world!"

"No matter how much you change, but I'm sure you will always be that One person!"

Dust Ape spoke, and the first sentence gave Ning Tianlin a heartbeat.


I found myself long ago!

I thought he was always blinded in the bones.

But Ning Tianlin also knows that this dust ape is definitely a guess, even if it is 99% of the guess, he is not very sure, after all, there is no intuitive evidence to prove that all this is his own Self-directed and self-acted.

Not even waiting for Ning Tianlin to reply, the other party continued, "I thought, all of this is Illusion Technique, but I really underestimated you, because what you use, simply is not Illusion Technique !"

"After all, I still have some understanding of Illusion Technique."

"No matter how strong the Illusion Technique is, the body will not change, but your body is It has really changed, like now, it has become such a big Vajra pig."

Ning Tianlin listened to this, but also nodded in his heart.

Indeed, his true form has changed. On Earth, the centipede swallowed enough souls to transform any of these creatures. He Ning Tianlin once counted that he can transform into more than 6,000 creatures in total!

And just now, he only used dozens of them, and he was far from reaching the end.

This dust ape, perhaps really experienced and knowledgeable, has a lot of experience, but he never expected that there is a terrifying creature like centipede in this world.

It is estimated that there is only the level of Lord of Universe, and some clues may be found.



Ning Tianlin did not speak, but waved his tail, neither agreeing nor nodded.

"I know you won't admit it. You are also very cunning, even if I used all the creatures of this Kuiqi star as bait, I didn't find your weak spot."

Dust Ape smiled, and even directly said why all the people of Kuiqi Star could not fly out, because he did all of this. It was he who personally arranged a Formation outside the Kuiqi star to prevent everyone from fleeing!

If they all escaped, who attracted Ning Tianlin out?

So, he used the life of all living creatures just to make Ning Tianlin show up, and then find out the weak spot in his body.

But unfortunately, until now, all the creatures have died, and he has not found any concrete evidence.

"However, you do countless things, but you missed out on the simplest thing, so even though I guess, I can be sure that all these species are the first. A slave that was killed by me!"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and straightened.

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