
"What's the matter?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback for a moment, the other party was not deceiving himself. He didn't think he would have any loopholes, especially the other party said that he had missed something on a very simple matter.

"I have a secret technique." Dust Ape is coldly snorted, "As long as the opponent starts, he can immediately determine the opponent's battle strength based on his own surging vitality. And you, although many creatures have changed , But the battle strength is always around 60 million."

"On this point, I would say that everything is one person!"

Your sister!

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, well, I know where the problem is.

But this is not his negligence, but he really did not expect that the other party can judge a person's battle strength from the aspect of blood essence. You know, this secret technique for determining battle strength is extremely rare.

There may not be one in hundreds of millions of people!

At the very least, he hasn't seen anyone except King Yama.

So he didn't think about it either.

Really didn't expect, this dust ape actually mastered the secret skills in this area.

"Well, that's the case, so what?"

Ning Tianlin looked directly at the other person, and didn't care.

Since he dared to show up when he was killed for the first time, he was ready for everything, that is, he was not afraid of Dust Ape. Although his battle strength is terrifying, he can kill himself with one move.

But now, his Ning Tianlin has countless essences, especially after slaughtering this slave planet, his essence has increased sharply. Although it has not reached two trillion, it is very close.

With these essences, even though battle strength is impossible soaring too much, it's okay to rise by ten or twenty million. In particular, you can exchange countless treasures from Xing Zhan, this dust ape, impossible to stay here.

"So what?"

Dust Ape's eyes narrowed, laughed heartily, "Good!"


"The battle strength is so much worse than me, so I dare to ask me what!"

"Then I will let you see today, what is the real battle strength gap!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped the Vajra pig that Ning Tianlin had turned into scum.

"I know you are not dead, but I never believe that there is a real Immortal Body in this world, but you can reunite in shape. I don't believe it, you can keep reuniting! "

"Every time you reunite, it will definitely consume a lot of energy for you. If you can't get it a thousand times, then I will kill you ten thousand times. The energy will be consumed!"

"From today, I will consume it with you!"

Dust Monkey's eyes are cold, facing Ning Tianlin's minced meat Said, "I have placed a ban on this place, you are impossible to go out!"

"It takes thousands of years, I will kill you too!"


Speaking, he took another palm to Ning Tianlin's minced meat, and directly smashed a lot of minced meat into the void. In his experience, the fleshy body enters the void, making it more difficult to reunite.


It's just that soon, some minced meat gathered into the head of Ning Tianlin, smiled, "Then let's try!"

He simply has nothing to fear.

The other party is right. If you change to another Immortal Body, maybe you can really use this method of draining the other party's energy to forcibly grind the other party to death. But for Ning Tianlin, there is no such possibility!

He is now carrying nearly two trillion spirits, even if he has been bombarded for hundreds of millions of years, he can still live well.

Nowadays, when others want to kill him, there is only one possibility, and that is to hold him in the Space Secret Treasure and refining him in the Space Secret Treasure, so that he has no room to escape! But he just interrogated the battle strength system. There is no this thing on this dust ape!

Moreover, since he dared to show up, he has a way to leave from here, and there are more than one.


Dust Ape did not reply, but instead slapped Ning Tianlin's head directly.

Only this time, he is frowned.

Because there was a tingling pain in his palm, although it passed away in a flash, it is not known how many years have not appeared that feeling.


And soon, he complexion changed.

Because of his palm, he actually started to slowly turn black. At first it was only a small spot, but soon it became the size of a table tennis ball, and it is still expanding.


"Does it taste good?"

The silhouette of Ning Tianlin soon reunited again, staring at it without fear Chen Yuan smiled instead.

The other party is talking!

He succeeded!

Just when Chen Yuan’s palm hit his head, the unique poisonous thorns belonging to the centipede spread all over his forehead, but it was still hidden deep in the body. When the head burst, a blow And in!

If you change to normal, his Ning Tianlin is impossible to send the stinger into the opponent's body.

But because of the body's broken body again and again, the other party was careless, simply didn't expect that there was poison in his body, and it was the other party who stretched out his palm and hit him, this long-awaited stinger, Directly submerged into the opponent's skin.

Although it's just the skin, it didn't even penetrate the flesh.

But everything is enough!

The toxicity of the centipede is immediately exposed!

Furthermore, Ning Tianlin also wanted to see how strong the toxicity of Wanzu centipede is today. Especially shortly after swallowing the toxicity of the black jade beast, it obviously changed a lot.

Sure enough, what I expected!

Let the other party talk!

Although the opponent's battle strength is at least 20-30 million higher than his own!

"You villain!"

Dust Ape stared at the void with biting eyes, a smell of gnashing teeth, and then glanced at the toxin spreading in his palm, sneaked, space ring Open it, and a medicine pill shining green and exuding Spiritual Qi plunges directly into his mouth.

He is not afraid at all.


What's so scary!

If you are hit, take the antidote!

In his space ring, there is a bottle of antidote holy medicine. At his level, there is no poison that he can't solve!

He believes that without one minute, his body will return to its original state, even though his hands are getting more and more painful now.


He even shot again, blasting Ning Tianlin's body into scum again.


It's just that after he shattered Ning Tianlin's body four or five times in succession, the black circle on his palm not only did not fade, but almost already It filled the entire palm, and there was a tendency to spread to the arm.

"What's the matter?"

"I can't solve it!"

The dust ape complexion changed, how didn't expect, his antidote holy medicine, It doesn't work on this poison! And it turned out to be getting worse.

"One is not enough, then ten!"


Directly throw the remaining detoxification medicine, throw ten into your mouth .

This thing, although eating too much at one time will have side effects, this side effect is still tolerable compared to the body, as long as the unknown toxin can be solved!



I swallowed it all.

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