"Bloodwing is dead!"

"Fortunately, I didn't rush over. If not, I won't know how I will die later."

" p>

This is a battlefield belonging to the Huang Jiajun. It's just that the insect here has almost been cleaned up, and a group of people have a chance to breathe. But before long, this place will be occupied by insects all over the sky.

After all, the number of insect equivalent to humans is really too much.

At this moment, a middle age person, watching the news from the information device, relaxes heavily. If the news is over 3 minutes, he might turn around and head to the location of the Hei Family Army to take the person's space ring.

Of course, he will definitely not take it with fanfare, disguise, take advantage of this Black Armor Army not paying attention, quietly slaughter the opponent, and take this space ring!

After all, the space ring in this picture is definitely treasure! A treasure he had never heard of!

But now, he is only lucky.

I'm glad I didn't go!

If not, I will definitely try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off!

You must know that the minimum battle strength of Bloodwing is more than 20 million. If it is him, simply if there is no possibility of this kill, you will be shot to death if you face it.

Think about it now, too, how can this kind of treasure appear in an ordinary Black Armor Army? This person must have something strange, maybe even a big secret.

But everything is beyond his reach.

At the same time.

The same thing happened in seven or eight places in the Huangjia Army. They were in the heart relaxed after just getting the news.

Fortunately, there is no impulse, otherwise, they are now a dead body!

In the Red Armour tens of thousands of light-years away, there were two or three people, but their eyes were extremely excited.

“What if the bloodwing is dead! It’s just a battle strength of more than 20 million. If it’s me, I can kill it at will!”

“And now, it’s It’s getting more and more interesting. This person’s space ring can even fit the blood wings. How big is the space inside!"

These people who are not in one place or even don’t know each other There was excitement in his eyes.


Absolute baby!

Even the Blood Wing can be installed. This can no longer be described as a space ring. Space Divine Artifact is not an exaggeration! It is the Cang Ming domain master, who may not see it!

If you turn him in, or keep it for your own use, what kind of situation will it be like.

I can't help but my eyes are shining, thinking about how to get this space ring quietly into my hands.

And this speed must be fast!

After all, it won’t take long, this news will definitely spread to many people.

"The people in the black army are really fools!"

Even one of them said with a sneer.

This kind of thing that is against the sky, I dare to take it out in front of so many people, and with such a big fanfare, all the corpses of the insect are installed. Isn't this telling people that he has a treasure on his body.

It's really stupid and can't be stupid!

I don’t know what an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal.

At the very least, if you want to change it to him, you will definitely take it out silently, even these insects are not needed, what can you do with these things, at most it will cost some money.

Compared with revealing identity, these are not worth mentioning.

"It's mine!"

The three or four people who were not in the same place began to quietly avoid the battlefield, moving towards the location where Black Armor Army was located, and flew quickly . It just so happened that another powerhouse in charge of this area was killed, and they all passed.


must as soon as possible!

If not, wait for someone to preempt you, don’t regret your death!

Even at the same time.

The Green Armored Army with a battle strength of more than 30 million, the Blue Armored Army with a battle strength of more than 40 million, and some very few people in the Black Armor Army with a battle strength of more than 50 million, quietly avoided battlefield.

Moved towards Ning Tianlin's location flew.

The space ring like Divine Item, they also took a fancy to it, and they are bound to win it!

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

Only Ning Tianlin who is still killing the nearby insect , Simply did not think of these, but to say more clearly, the mind is not on these at all, not for anything else, just because of two words, disdain!

With his battle strength, most of them have to kneel when they come!

Moreover, he won't die with one move, and it won't be long before he will come back!

Now in his eyes, there is only killing!

The more insects slaughtered, the more essence points he earns!

For him, this place is simply heaven. He has never been halted, it is several millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of spirits!

It won’t be long before he can definitely become a domain-level powerhouse!



The figure flashed, the Dualbladed Halberd waved, the huge giant beast of the blockbuster, all fell on him Under one blow. Moreover, the battle strength of these insects exceeded ten million. After half a day, he was surrounded by all-in-one Huang Jiajun.

But Ning Tianlin doesn't care, kills as many insects, installs as many insects into the space ring, ignoring the surprise and shock of the people around him.

"What's going on!"

"Who is this person?"

"A Black Armor Army came here!"

The surrounding battlefield is also extremely bloody. Soldiers and insects are constantly falling down. The appearance of Ning Tianlin at the beginning did not cause much surprise. I thought it was supposed to be scattered here.

Or the rout soldiers who panic and don't know how to escape here.

But now, it doesn't seem to be the case at all.

This is the strength of the black armored soldiers. None of these Kui insects with a battle strength of more than ten million is his one place, and even the astral qi that burst out from him scares them all. Jumped.

Too tough.

It's almost terrifying!

They are far from able to do this.



It's just that Ning Tianlin ignored them at all, Dualbladed Halberd opened up and closed, and between the gestures, there will be endless The insect is cut under the halberd. He estimated that the number of spirit points he has now had probably already exceeded a trillion.

Even two trillion or three trillion are possible!

"space ring!"

"This person definitely has a terrifying space ring!"

And slowly, too much Huang The members of the Family Army have all noticed the abnormality of Ning Tianlin, that is, the generals who are responsible for supervising the Huang Jiajun and preventing the defeat of some battle strength reaching about 20 million. They also noticed the abnormality of Ning Tianlin.

He collected almost all the insects into the space ring.


What kind of ring is this!

Involuntarily, everyone's eyes shined, but no one acted rashly.

“dong! ”

“dong! ”

“dong! ”

At this moment, a huge insect, Falling from the sky, the huge tentacles swept away countless soldiers, even some supervising troops, and they were also directly swept into the sky.

Then he opened his huge mouth and swallowed it.

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