"Yunkui insect!"

"It is Yunkui insect!"

Countless Huang Family soldiers exclaimed.

Why did this thing come?

This is the existence with a minimum battle strength of more than 30 million. Why did it appear here?

I heard that this kind of insect is rarely used on the battlefield. It is known for its speed and hides in the clouds all day long. It is a kind of messenger of insect race, but sometimes it takes action. It is not easy to see the local situation. If they do, they will help the disadvantaged.

Unexpectedly, I am here now!

Moreover, he will attack the youngster in front of you!

“bang! ”

Huge antennae, like a steel whip, after sweeping many silhouettes, they came directly to Ning Tianlin's side, with a big mouth, he must give him Swallow it in.

This person, it has been paying attention for a long time.

Causes local turbulence.

Damn it!


It's just that what makes everyone incredible is that when the long tentacles were just about to meet Ning Tianlin's side, only Ning Tianlin stretched out indifferently The right hand, and then directly grabbed a huge antenna.


When the two collided, the waving tentacles could no longer move forward.


At the end, in the shocking gaze of countless people, this huge Yunkui beast began to fly sideways uncontrollably, and its whole body was like a wheel. After a lap, fiercely slammed into the distance.



Anyone hit by it or an insect, without exception, exploded and died.


Countless people were shocked by Ning Tianlin.

Is this really a black armored soldier?

How can a black armored soldier do this!

He is progressing on the battlefield, and he can't fail to make it to this point. How powerful is this to be able to throw all the Yunkui insects away!


It’s just that few people noticed that when the Yunkui insect was thrown away, the middle finger and thumb of Ning Tianlin right hand bend slightly, gently The bullet, an astral qi, has passed through its head.

It directly shredded the most important nerve inside.

When it fell to the ground, this Yunkui insect was already a dead insect.


At this moment, on the ground below Ning Tianlin, a silhouette suddenly came out, completely dark, and even the face was wrapped Strictly, it makes people unable to see his appearance.

Even the astral qi on his body would rather disperse, and it would be difficult to distinguish his own breath.


This person held a blood-red long knife in his hand, and as soon as he appeared, he straightly moved towards Ning Tianlin's body and cut it down. Especially the blade light shrouded, wrapping the entire Ning Tianlin in it.

"Isn't it?"

"Sneak attack?"

Countless people were shocked.

What is the origin of this Black Armor Army?

Just now Yunkui insect appeared, and now there are even dark humans who want to kill him!

What's going on!

Why do you even offend insects and humans!

Although this person is clothed in black and hidden deeply, the human breath cannot be changed. Why are you also joining in the fun at this time, trying to kill this Black Armor Army.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

It’s just that what shocks countless people around is that With the appearance of this black clothed person, there were some Martial Artists who were also hidden in the dark. At this moment, they suddenly broke out and aimed their battle strength weapon at Ning Tianlin.

Lights and shadows dance, as if Ning Tianlin is the enemy of the entire Human Race and insect race.

Moreover, these lights and shadows are stronger than each other.

Some of these yellow armies were even directly shattered by the sky full of blade light.

"courting death!"

Ning Tianlin was angry.

Although he didn't expect what happened, the battle strength system has already told him everything when these things happened.

These people who suddenly appeared are all here to kill him and the space ring in his hands!

an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal!

The Promise Ring in his hand is the root cause!

Moreover, these people are all experts from the Red Armed Forces and Qing Family Army. They have only one purpose, which is the space ring in his hands. News has just been passed on to them.

If they don't do it now, they will hear the news with high battle strength in the future, and they won't have a chance again.

Especially now it is still a battlefield, how simple it is to die alone!

Moreover, it's still a black army, not many people care about it.

But even so, they all shrouded themselves in the black mist, and did not fully show up. They were caught in the handle, and they would have trouble in the future.


In the blade light all over the sky.

Ning Tianlin's Dualbladed Halberd moved.

A stabbing at the tip of the blade pierced the sky like a bolt of lightning.




In the blink of an eye, all weapons are transformed For the fragments, even with their master, they all fell to the ground with a look of horror. The equipment and breath they used to hide their appearance were all broken by Ning Tianlin in the blink of an eye.


"Isn't this person Huang Bincan!"

"He is a member of the Blue Armour, his battle strength exceeds four Ten million! Why did he come!"

"I lost it!"

Many people recognized the identity and background of these people at a glance. They all belong to the military. Their appearance is stored in the database, and it is easy to come out.

At this moment, countless people are exclaiming.

In this Cyan Army, experts with a battle strength of more than 40 million have come, and it is a sneak attack.

But the most important thing is that he lost!

A face-to-face is defeated.


"Cilar of the Green Armored Army!"

Someone exclaimed again.

"Ge Zhenshou!

"Ge Zhenshou with a battle strength of over 30 million! "

There are constant exclamations.


These people are crazy!

In their capacity, He actually attacked a black army, and it was a sneak attack!

What are these people doing!

The most important thing, you guys are all defeated, it’s not ashamed!

I couldn’t help but I was very curious about this Black Armor Army.

Who is he?

Why is there such a terrifying battle strength? .

This play the pig to eat the tiger eats so much, it eats all the Blue Armour with a battle strength of over 40 million!


But what made them even more shocked was that after putting these people down, Ning Tianlin waved the Dualbladed Halberd without asking, cutting off all their heads, and then waved their hands to fleshy. The body is also installed in the space ring.

After doing all this, I ignored the people around me, but stared at somewhere in the void, with a cold voice, "Come out!" "


tone barely fell, without waiting for the opponent to react, he clenched his palms into fists, the huge Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi gathered in an instant, and forcibly removed the opponent from the space It was pulled out. The giant claw condensed by astral qi directly grabbed the opponent's neck.

"My God! "

"Kamar! "

"A member of the Red Armour!" "

"He is a member of the Red Armour! "

Soon, someone immediately learned about the other party's information and shouted in exclamation.

The Scarlet Army, these are all existences with a battle strength of over 50 million!

The minimum is a five-day powerhouse!

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