
Countless people are involuntarily held breath cold air.

The Red Armies!

The people in the Crimson Armored Army were actually restrained by his move and pinched their necks!

My God!

How high is this person's battle strength!

playing the pig to eat the tiger!

It is definitely playing the pig to eat the tiger!

It’s definitely not just a breakthrough, or no matter how awesome you are, it’s also impossible. Just after a breakthrough, your battle strength soared from more than 10 million to more than 50 million, or even higher!

"You...Who are you!"

The Kalmar who was held by Ning Tianlin's neck was also flushed, not angry, but was The other person is dying! Even directly remotely control his own information device, wanting to find out the true information of the other party from the military's system.

But to his disappointment, there is no other person's name in the record.

"You are not the Black Armor Army!"

"There is simply no such person in the Black Armor Army!"

"Who are you!"


Kamar stared into Ning Tianlin's eyes, wanting to know the answer, even when he thought of a possibility, his eyes were even more shocked.

Brain Melting Worm.

This person is definitely controlled by Brain Melting Worm.

Brain melt worm, it is more powerful than the parasite.

The parasites, at most, control the opponent's body, but they can't improve the opponent's battle strength, while the brain melt insects can. Although they can't come 100%, they can come partly without any problems.

This Black Armor Army is definitely controlled by Brain Melting Worm.

If not, there won’t be even information!

Even some of the Huang Jiajun and his like on the side were also complexion greatly changed what they thought of, because they did not find the slightest information about the black army in the Army System.

"You are the spy!"

"You are the spy of the insect race!"

"You are controlled by the brain melting bug!"

This Kamal continued to speak madly, and even couldn't help but sent a message to his companions, asking them to come and help himself, here are the spies of insect race!

"Brain Melting Worm?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, this name is not unfamiliar. When the galaxy genius Martial Dao met, there was a girl from the purple pupil tribe. Being controlled by this Brain Melting Worm, he almost suffered a big loss at that time.

Unexpectedly, I heard this name again.


It's just that Ning Tianlin doesn't care about him anymore, and doesn't want to listen to any more nonsense from him, dare to sneak attack yourself, then leave your life here. Although you are still hiding in the dark and haven't done anything, you have this will, damn it!


Turn the palm directly, twisting the opponent's neck, waved his hand, and sent his corpse directly into his space ring.

The existence of more than 50 million battle strength is enough centipede to take a small step.

At the same time.

In the Red Armed Forces.

Several sergeants wearing scarlet costumes received the message from Kalmar, their faces were taken aback, followed by a solemn look, then after thinking about it, they flew up and faced the generals on the side. Reported, "Report, sir, in Huang Family Army, there has been a Hei Family Army controlled by Brain Melting Worm. The opponent is extremely powerful, and Kamal is not an opponent!"

"Please sir. Definitely!"

These people are normally getting along well with Kalmar. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are friends. What Kalmar could think of just now is to let them come and save himself.

It's just that Kamar is dead before they even leave.


"Kamar is not an opponent either?"

The officer's face moved, knowing that this matter is of great importance, and must not let it go. The spies do whatever they want, especially with such a high battle strength, even Kalmar is not an opponent. It can be seen that the main body of this brain melting insect is not a general one!

"Follow me!"

After thinking about it for a while, the officer said to the people who reported it.

He wants to see it in person.

It's a big deal!

Maybe you have to keep reporting after the meeting.

After all, the main body of the Brain Melting Worm is coming, and he really is not necessarily an opponent.

"A spy?"

"Is he a spy?"

At this moment, all the Huang Jiajun around Ning Tianlin have taken a few steps involuntarily back , Some even turned around and ran directly behind. If it is really what Kamar said, the spy who is controlled by the Brain Melting Worm is still such a powerful spy.

Now that I have been discovered, I might just ignore the actual situation and kill them!

But some people don’t believe it.

This shouldn't be.

If you are a spy of insect race, how can you kill so many insects? There are no hundreds of millions, there are several millions, right? Being a spy, you don't have to be so outstanding at all. Isn't it better to be obediently and honestly in the crowd?

Especially this spy is too high-profile. It shows strength that is stronger than countless people. Even the treasures such as space ring have leaked out. Will it be a spy?

So, some thoughtful people are skeptical.

But suspicion is suspicion, not that there is no such possibility! In case he is deliberately attracting people's attention, attracting a large number of experts to come over, and catch them all in one fell swoop.

So, for a while, no one was around Ning Tianlin, and there was a short vacuum around him. Those who are still planning to seek his asylum in the distance are far away from him.

“bang! ”

It’s just that Ning Tianlin doesn’t care what other people think at all, and continues to riot, moving towards the distant insect, killing him, what he wants is essence , An extremely huge spirit! In this way, he can progress more quickly.




The figure is flying, and the insect is constantly falling Under his Dualbladed Halberd. When the few Crimson Armies, including the officers, rushed over, Ning Tianlin's accumulated energy this time had already broken through six trillion!

In other words, when there are about two trillion, all his essence will break through ten trillion!

A trillion is a trillion, that is, ten trillion essence!

This is in Ning Tianlin, he had never thought about it before.

And now, it has been accumulated so quickly.

You know, this is just a battlefield, far from all! If he can slaughter all the insects this time, his essence points will increase to the point of how crazy.

When the time comes, he might be the master of two domains, three domains, and four domains!

At that time, he was in this universe, and he had a foothold.

"Is this really a spy?"

When several members of the Crimson Armored Army and the officer arrived, they were a little dazed.

Is there such a spy?

A lot of slaughter of their own people?

Although the breeding power of insect race is amazing, it can't stand such a killing. If it goes down, countless insects are killed, and it is still an insect with a battle strength of about 20 million.

"Stop it!"

"I have something to ask you!"

After Ning Tianlin swept away a large area of ​​insects again, several people flew away. He got up, stopped in front of him, and the facial expression grave said to Ning Tianlin.

"It's in my way!"

Ning Tianlin was coldly snorted, ignoring them at all, and his body flashed and he wanted to leave from their side.

Don’t guess, you all know what these people are doing.

It must be because of Kamal.

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