
Seeing Ning Tianlin simply don’t kill them, one of them, shouted loudly on the spot, even drew out the long knife in his hand, waved it, Ning Tianlin stopped.

Although he didn’t use much battle strength, his actions have shown everything,


It's just his long sword, just now By Ning Tianlin's side, Ning Tianlin's Dualbladed Halberd had already pierced his head like lightning, and his whole body even entered his space ring.


The remaining three people are all sucked in a cold breath.

It was them, and they didn't even see how the opponent made the move. Regardless of the speed or strength, they felt a kind of shocking feeling. This is also true of the chief who has a battle strength of nearly 60 million.


All three people said one word for you, but it was only one word for you, and the rest Don't know what to say at all.

This is too crazy!

They are completely ignored!

But the three of them were not doing their hands. Instead, they watched the other side pass by, moving towards the insect in front of them. As if they were completely dispensable in the eyes of this youngster.


"Must report this matter!"

"Whether it is a spy or not, killing compatriots indiscriminately is a capital crime!"

The three of them glanced at each other, and they all had ideas in their hearts.

This is also something they didn't think about when they came. The other party didn't even bird them. Is this the Black Armor Army? This is totally their extraordinary shame and humiliation! This hatred does not hold non-gentlemen!

Soon, further away, a middle age person wearing orange armor received a picture.

The above is the picture of Ning Tianlin just killing the Scarlet Army with a move, even with sound transmission. This black army is 90% likely to be killed by a super brain melting insect. Controlled puppet.

"Super Brain Melting Worm?"

This person's mind was shocked.

This is an amazing major event!

He knows that Brain Melting Worm is a relatively different kind of insect in the insect race. It can evolve continuously. It rarely has a large upper limit and can continuously break through. Unlike some insects, it can only grow to a certain level. You can't continue to evolve if you grow it.

Now, there is a puppet controlled by a super-powerful brain melting insect? Even the Crimson Armor as a 5-day Martial Artist can kill. The body of this Brain Melt Worm may have a battle strength of more than seventy to eighty million, or even higher!

"Hold on!"

"I'll be there soon!"

The man in orange armor beamed in the eyes.

Boom and kill an insect with less battle strength than him, and his body flashes, moving towards this direction and flies. The speed is so fast that countless spaceships can't match it. Even after thinking about it, he reported it to his superior, a Blue Armoured general.

This is a major event!

Let this puppet dance in their army, but I don’t know how many images will be sent back to the insect race.

Especially I heard about the insect race this time, but the great generosity is in this war.

If he is not the opponent of this puppet, then the trouble, I am afraid it is really big.

Especially at this level, he already knows an inside story. At this moment, a major event is happening in the top battlefield! Their current battlefield can only be regarded as the periphery! But it is also closer to the outer periphery.

"The puppet of the super brain melting insect?"

A certain general of the Blue Armour squinted his face, and even his whole body was shocked. If I didn't even think about it, I moved towards the position passed to him and flew away.

He knows a secret, a secret that happened in the top battlefield.

Now all factors of anxiety must be cut off.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

The body shape flashed, and the entire space was full of violent explosions.

"Orange First Army!"

"The people of Orange First Army are here!"

Soon, countless people watching Ning Tianlin from a distance Exclaimed.

Everyone from the Orange Army is here!

This is a super existence with a battle strength of over 60 million!

Normally in the eyes of their group of people, they can’t even see it. I don’t think they’re flying over now. The goal is a Black Armor Army!

"Is this a puppet?"

The first appearance of the Orange Armed Forces is just a surprise, because in his eyes, Ning Tianlin is constantly beheading insects, some of them are battles The existence of more than two to thirty million strength.

Is this an insect race puppet?

Then why not kill people, but kill insect?

Is it right?

But when he saw that Ning Tianlin was constantly beheading the insect and then putting his body into the space ring, the complexity was greatly changed.

First, I was shocked by the sheer size of the Ning Tianlin space ring. If the space inside is so boundless, so many insects can be packed into it! On the other hand, he was thinking about a problem.

Is it the "brain-melted insect puppets" who were doing an experiment, after beheading the insects, installed them in the space ring, and then used special means to resurrect them.

You know, this is not something that has never happened before!

"It must be, my lord."

At this time, the one from the Chijia Army reported.

"If you don't believe me, find someone, just go up and ask and you'll know." This humanity of the Chi Jia Army.


"How to ask?"

"I went up and asked directly, are you a spy?"

The Orange Armour laughed, laughed angrily.

Can you ask about this kind of thing?

If they can ask, they still need to judge a fart!

"This..." The face of the Crimson Armor was flushed. He originally wanted one person to ask, and the other party beheaded without saying anything. This would not prove everything. NS!

It's not a puppet, it's also the enemy of mankind, it's time to kill!

I couldn’t help but grabbed a Chijia Jundao next to him, "Go up and ask, is he a puppet?"

This kind of thing was originally up to him. It's good to verify it, but he dare not go. The opponent's battle strength terrifying matchless will not give him any chance to speak, and will kill him.

So we can only delegate the one with lower battle strength.

Especially with fiercely staring eyes at each other, the look of killing you if you don't go.


"I'll ask."

This person brace oneself and walks forward for two or three When I was hundreds of kilometers away from Ning Tianlin, I opened my mouth and asked, "Hey, are you a puppet spy!" Far.

The countless people onlookers were stunned, idiot, did you ask such a question?

It's a spy, who will answer you!


It just shocked countless people. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a thumb-sized hole on his forehead, and blood was flowing. , The eyes are wide open, the dead can't die again.

It was Ning Tianlin who shot.

Something without education!

Hey what!

Do I have no name?

Didn't you see me killing the insects? You are responsible for scaring them away?

Do you know that scaring one away is just a lot of energy points!


The Orange Army at the side was furious.

This is a rhythm that doesn't take him seriously!

Furthermore, he smiled in his heart. This puppet is not so good. Judging from the battle strength just now, the opponent may not be able to beat himself.

Maybe, he can beat him by himself!

Especially behind, there was a general of the Blue Armored Army rushing over.

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